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Everything posted by HOGNUT

  1. Registration for the match and membership to GSSF can be done on the range.  You get an extra entry in joining up on a free gun giveaway.
  2. Thank you for all that came out.  Weather scared a lot of people away from the range today and turned out to be great shooting weather.  Rained up until 7:45-8:00 AM and held off the rest of the day.  I am working on scores and will have it posted to the website as soon as it is finished.   Don't forget May 18th and 19th for the GSSF match.
  3.   Stage 1 - Run n Gun          26 rounds Stage 2 - Outlaw Steel       20 rounds Stage 3 - GSSF Glock M   27 rounds (3 strings total) Stage 4 - IDPA                   16 rounds Stage 5 - Run n Gun          26 rounds Stage 6 - Speed Steel        20 rounds Stage 7 - IDPA                   15 rounds   Total  150   Blame John for this....LOL   *NOTE:  Depending on the turnout, I may need to adjust the COF to make things run smoothly.  All of the stages designed by John are 1st rate.  Great day of shooting tomorrow, don't miss it!
  4.   We shoot in all weather conditions except active lightening.  We only pause for that.
  5.   Ryan, leave the man alone.  It takes real guts to take a stand to save 2nd base.  We are all fond of the tatas.
  6. I would like to thank everyone for coming. The range was not muddy as expected and the weather turned out great. I have the scores done but currently at work. It will be uploaded to the website as soon as possible:   Breakdown 1st thru 3rd in each division: Enhanced   Kevin Pratt 0.47 Aaron Howald 1.83 Norma Legados 14.76   Stock   Ryan Levy 15.36 A.O. Smith 30.84 RJ Pratt 43.39   Open Shotgun   Carl Szczepanski 20.09 DJ Petrou 52.15   Semi-Auto Shotgun   Kevin Pratt 3.33 Ryan Levy 57.61 Todd Fox 70.12     We would like to invite each of you back to the Intro to Competition Shooting on May 4th.  We will have IDPA, Run n Gun, Outlaw Steel, GSSF, etc COFs setup for the event.  Hope to see you there!
  7. You only get 40 seconds total on that stage so if you are quickly firing rounds and missing, yeah you will go through a lot of rounds just on that stage.  Taking your time at the targets and picking your shots is the key.  The only way to get better is to do it without fear.    The original stage design ensured that each person could not un-necessarily waste(miss a lot) ammo within the PAR Time. 
  8. The new COF is on the website.  Here it is:  http://www.mctsclub.com/Steel%20Match%2004282013.pdf
  9. Not familiar with that clause. What page is it on?
  10.   Will never get over that fear until you keep shooting it.
  11. Each of you are selling your skills short.
  12. You have so many seconds setup on the timer for PAR time.  You have to shoot down as many targets within that time frame as possible.  Every target down your final score will go down 1 second.  There are chances that a shooter can be in the negative for overall time.
  13. You are basing assumptions only on the initial stage design. Round 2 will be coming out on Wednesday with more targets and possible different PAR times. The first outline is to gauge the complexity involved on paper. There will be a lot of people that will be able to make the PAR time of all skill level when the final version is formulated. Adding PAR time is an extra piece(level) of stress for the COF. The times currently listed were the fastest times on each stage from this past weekend by different individuals.
  14. It is a possibility but still undetermined. The 2nd draft will be coming out on Wednesday with more targets added and different PAR times. I used this past weekend's match to gauge the PAR times initially displayed. The current COF is to get people familiar with the match type.
  15. Upcoming MATCH: PAR TIME Steel Match 5 stages minimum - Sunday, April 28th, 2013 Round count: 100 pistol rounds minimum Click Here for CoF Description        
  16. Scores posted:  http://www.mctsclub.com/Match%20Results/2013/April%2020,%202013%20Shotgun-Pistol.pdf
  17.   That is what we are here for!  This is a new thing in this area and it is progressing like I want it to be.  There is still room for improvement.  This experiment so far has been good for the club but better for the newer shooters wanting to learn the sport.  When I first started, this type of help was what you picked up on the range watching other people shoot.  No club had a dedicated team for others to get better. 
  18.     Bring them out so they can see their little girl kick some butt!
  19. Then shoot the match to warm up and then the classifier........problem solved.
  20. There are some die hard shotgunners that like to work on their reloading. Most will probably shoot pistols this weekend. Last shotgun type match, there was no reloading needed because it was a 2gun match. I anticipate more shotguns to be present this go around. At least shooting pistol at the match instead of shotgun, an individual will be "warm-up" for the classifier.
  21. I have 11 spots taken thus far: C. Ott J. Young J. Creasy J. Wright W. Kloeppel K. Kloeppel J. Jones D. Petrou C. Sturdivant P. Sturdivant R. Kyle   Rick will be running the squad for the IDPA classifier while I am putting new canopies up and helping shotgun / pistol squads.  Once the match is over, anyone from the shotgun / pistol match can do the classifier with another entry for each division.
  22.   The final stage design does not happen until the day of the match when things are being setup.  It seems to flow better actually seeing the design on the bay instead of the powerpoint app.      *NOTE:  For all those shotgunners, you may want to bring a few slugs with you also just for goodness sake.   We will see you at the shotgun / pistol match and the classifier at the end.
  23. The COF for this weekend:  http://www.mctsclub.com/Shotgun_Pistol_04202013.pdf   78 pistol or birdshot rounds minimum   IDPA Classifier will be ran during the match by Rick Kyle.  For those shooting the shotgun/pistol match and wish to get their classification updated before the Southern Regional Championship, I will run the classifier for all those after the match.   Hope to see you there!


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