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Everything posted by HOGNUT

  1. I did just that this weekend not because it was required or requested, I was having fun with the "Don't +2 Me Bro!" comments.
  2. MCTS will host a 5 stage falling steel match this Sunday June 29th. Registration begins at 8AM. New shooters meeting begins at 8:30, Rounds down range at 9AM. There will be a surprise on Stage 2 and Stage 5(moving from the back of a golf cart). Round count should be approx 125. Pistol caliber carbines, shotguns and pistol divisions.
  3. Match Results: https://www.practiscore.com/results.php?uuid=85D19F19-E307-40D9-B752-565DD57C2616
  4. Enjoyed myself also. Thank you for the attendance, the help breaking down and advise. Days like today is what it is about. Sitting back, shooting the breeze and targets, relaxing time all around.
  5. I was not paying attention today. I left the iPad on all day so it is charging up now. Scores will be posted shortly.
  6. I will be there at the range. We will only shoot one session. Hopefully, my magazines will run this time.
  7. ORSA has an USPSA event this weekend.
  8. There is not competition sport that I am aware of that allows appendix carry/drawing. TAC2 in E TN may have a tactical class that may suit that need.
  9. Saturday will be a go, Sunday if there is enough interest.
  10. TN Competitive Shooters on FaceBook is where people are posting match information in TN regularly.
  11. john, Let's take a bet on a equipment and chrono check.........guess who will be running it........... you better add more powder because I remember you last chrono numbers. Barely made it.
  12. Chances are good, John.
  13. Rainier Ballistics Invitational (IDPA Tier 3 sanctioned event) is July 19th, 2014.  Great way to earn points for the Nationals or World Shoot. Match application: http://ecbiz147.inmotionhosting.com/~mctscl5/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/MCTS_Rainier_Ballistics_I_2014_Registration.pdf  10 Stages - 169 rounds minimum.  Fresh and hot food served free with entry.  Yes, there is always a prize table at MCTS sanctioned events.  Match Fee: $ 75.00 if registration is postmarked before 06/19/2014. Junior entries are $35.00 with no late fee associated regardless of date. Cost: $90.00 From 06/20/2014 through 07/04/2014. Day of match registration will be $125.00.
  14. If it is ready on Saturday we may be shooting one of the stages via suspended bridge. Stages posted are a guideline so it may(probably will) be changed up a bit on Saturday setup.
  15. Andy, It is also my favorite match except the Steel Challenge with the kids. I look forward to it every year. I will be on the range this Saturday working on the stages.
  16. MCTS will be hosting our annual Red, White & Blue falling steel match this Sunday May 25th. Shooters meeting will be at 8:45 AM and 9:00 AM rounds downrange. USPSA Pistol Divisions Shotgun Divisions Pistol Caliber Divisions Hope to see you there!
  17. Sunday morning Andrea will be there. She has an awards banquet on Friday night and will be traveling from GA Saturday. I will contact Andrea tonight.
  18. We shoot almost every Saturday and Sunday of the month. No excuse to miss a match. There are a lot of clubs that shoot on the weeekend. There is some sort of match every Saturday or Sunday.
  19. Andrea will be there to help her if she wants it. There should be zero unnecessary pressure. Everyone learns from someone else in order to pick up pointers in order to grow. Kids will fight the notion no matter what it is if they feel that they have to do something purely out of principle. We would love to have her there.
  20. I am not worried about ammo for your daughter to shoot. Save that money and buy her a 9mm pistol (in case she does not win one at random prize drawing) or holster so she can starting shooting with you for family quality time.
  21. I have plenty for her, no matter how much she needs. It is completely my pleasure in helping her. She can try multiple kinds of weapons. We want her to have a fun, relaxed time at the event. There is no pressure involved except what she puts on herself. Andrea(1st lady Master at GSSF or 1st Junior Lady Master, I can't remember) will be there so if she would like, I can put her with Andrea and she would be happy to help your daughter.
  22. It does not matter the time. I will make time for you and your daughter. I will also provide some ammo for the practice bay so she can sight in the weapon of her choice.
  23. Sorry forgot to add.......THERE IS NO CHARGE NOR RENTAL FEE INVOLVED.


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