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Everything posted by HOGNUT

  1. Bring the kids for their first exposure to competition shooting events. The shooting community in this area are more than willing to help any and all new comers.
  2. You told me to do it while we were eating lunch.
  3. Scores are posted. Due to technical difficulty with the registration person, Jun is not ESP division champion. Thank you Joe for letting me know quickly the errors of our ways. https://www.practiscore.com/results.php?uuid=2792B7BE-03B9-47FE-8A18-6956F4E0E805
  4. I will have a chrono there this weekend to test some rounds for Nationals next week. Welcome to TGO!
  5. Sorry for the delay there Rick.     Stages have been posted to the website.   CoF:  http://www.mctsclub.com/~mctscl5/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/MCTS-IDPA-090614.pdf
  6. Music City Cup IV - Presented by Blade Tech is almost here. Cost Information: Match Fee: $75.00 if registration is postmarked before 09/01/2014(changing this to 09/04/14 for a full month prior). Junior entries are $35.00 with no late fee associated regardless of date. Late Registration Cost: $90.00 From 09/05/14(previously 09/02/2014) through 9/25/2014. Day of match registration will be $125.00.
  7. Thank you DJ for helping the guests!
  8. Yes since the thunderstorms are scheduled for the PM(afternoon). John will make the call officially on the day of the event. We have only cancelled matches due to lightening(we shoot in rain, sleet, hail, snow and sunshine).
  9. Thank you everyone that came early to tear down last weekend's USPSA cancellation due to lightening and getting this match setup so quickly. Today's scores: https://www.practiscore.com/results.php?uuid=BCDFD41E-7DFD-414D-A5C0-D9724BCFEC78
  10. Stages posted to the website and FB pages.   http://www.mctsclub.com/~mctscl5/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Outlaw-Steel-08-24-20142.pdf
  11. No one in this group is considered a pro......LOL. Just come to a match and you will see that to be accurate.
  12. I will give this a try at this weekend's match.
  13.   Course of fire:  http://www.mctsclub.com/~mctscl5/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/MCTS-August-USPSA4.pdf
  14. just left best buy to fix some computer issues. The stages will be present today.
  15. Glad to hear!! Don't put a whooping on me too bad.
  16. Sunday in the past hasn't been very productive but hoping that changes soon. As of now, yes until numbers dictate otherwise.
  17. JCOOP has a 40S&W without the rail for trade for a M&P Pro 9mm with Stainless steel slide.
  18. With the rail or without?
  19. We will be hosting a 6 stage (including a classifier) this weekend in Dickson, TN. Stages are completed and will be posted soon. Round count is just shy of 150.
  20. Scores posted: https://www.practiscore.com/results.php?uuid=F9AECCDD-3DDA-4A57-835D-6DD8BB1E6EAB
  21. Music City Cup IV - Presented by Blade Tech October 4th http://www.mctsclub.com/music-city-cup-iv/ 11 Stages plus equipment/chrono check.
  22. Randy shot great yesterday. Never seen anyone draw from IWB faster. Good luck on the class today.


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