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  1. Looked at the voting record and of course my state Senator Heidi Campbell voted against it. One of if not the most useless person up on Capitol Hill.
  2. The MSM tries to use various euphemisms (teens, youths, etc) to hide it but everyone knows.
  3. Did they ever reopen the rifle and pistol ranges? I see they have a brand new spiffy website but it still says the ranges are closed. I used to shoot there and liked everything except the drive there and back. Nice ranges and cheap. I’ve since moved on to Strategic Edge.
  4. About 6 months ago I worked up some loads to simulate FGMM performance in my Ruger Precision Rifle. In my rifle for 168gr SMKs I had better luck actually with IMR 3031. I think when I disassembled some rounds I found around 41gr of powder in them so I went a bit to either side. My best load was 41.3gr of IMR 3031 which was less than 0.75 MOA at 100 yards. I haven't had a chance to try and verify that performance or work up some loads for 175gr unfortunately.
  5. If she’s willing to cave at the local/state level, how’s she going to hold up at the national level where the pressure is 10x greater, or more? No thanks. I have some issues with Andy Ogles myself but I voted yesterday in the primary for him. If Courtney Johnston happens to win the primary then I guess I won’t vote in that race.
  6. The Nashville propaganda artists seethe about anything that even looks pro-gun.
  7. For private property rights, TWRA enters the chat…
  8. Everyone thought that would be the job that Vrabel would land in. Wonder where he ends up now.
  9. What about depriming before the stainless tumble? That would help clean out the primer pockets although you might want to hit it with your brush anyways if you want it spotless.
  10. I don’t remember seeing the signs at the Bass Pro exit before. Maybe I just had the same vision issues that mikegideon and BigK have had.
  11. The $76 for 5000 primers hits hard considering today's market. You'll pay that much for a 1000 and that's a decent deal.
  12. Thanks for the review. I've been using a Labradar myself but it can be a little finicky to get it working (direction and elevation of the beam, getting the bullet offset set up correctly, getting the muzzle in the right position to pick up the report without hitting it with muzzle blast, etc). If something ever happens to it I will seriously consider getting one of these.
  13. Just FYI to everyone here, I went into Opry Mills mall the other day and spotted gunbuster signs at the exit from Bass Pro into the mall itself. I have no idea how long they've been up since I go there once in a great while, but I don't remember them being there the last time I was there. Personally I don't think I would go to Opry Mills without a weapon of some sort, but you make your own decisions. Just providing some info.
  14. Might sound a little odd but I would love to get an M3 grease gun. I just like the way they chug along in full auto. I’d also want proper open bolt and SBR versions of some of the sub guns I have. Long barrel versions of the Thompson and PPSH just don’t look right.


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