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Everything posted by rmiddle
That is BS. I am familiar with the issue and it was covered in great length on the MDShooters.com since it happen in MD. The issue was an overzealous cop and a wife that was an idiot. The husband decided it was better to leave the gun at home. The Cop pulled him over. When he pulled out his license the Cop saw his FL carry permit asked if there were any guns in the car. He said no. The cop asked the wife she said she had no idea where her husband keep his gun as she wanted to have nothing to do with it. The Cop took that to mean there was a gun in the car and pulled the car apart looking for the gun the guy left at home. He was able to search the car because he and his wife gave different statements and the gun would have been proof of lying to the Cop. Thanks Robert
The law only allows Handguns to be transported to those very few places where as there is no regulation on the destination for a shotgun or rifle. There is case law that a hotel room is considered a temporary home. Thanks Robert
As someone who use to live in MD. We use to refer to ourselves as the best of the worse when it comes to gun control. MD ban's mag over 10 rounds but they only ban the buying, selling, or trading. You can go out of state and buy as many as you want you just have to hand transport them back into the state. MD banned AR15, AK47, M1A bought after Oct 2013 but allow AR10's for instance. Maryland laws are illogical and stupid but nothing like NJ, NY, or CA's Thanks Robert
As a former Maryland Resident I moved to TN just 4 Months. Maryland law is clear. Must carry the gun in the trunk unload and be over 21 years of age and must be on your way to 1 of few places. Your home (Hotel in the case), to a range, Gun shop, or to you business you are at least part owner of. You don't have to tell a police officer you have a gun in your car but it goes without saying don't lie if asked. There is a list of guns that aren't allowed in the state but it is pretty small and mostly rifles and things like uzi's. Think what you would see in a 1980 Ateam episode. If you are thinking of taking a rifle with you I would check first. AR15, AK47 and M1a are if purchased after oct 2013 banned I wouldn't risk taking those. The state bans the purchase of Mag larger then 10 rounds but has no law against owning just can't buy, sell, or trade inside the state. Baltimore City, PG county, and Montgomery counties are very liberal and the police are more likely to be aggressive against gun owners. Baltimore City and PG County are very crime ridden areas avoid at all cost and don't take your gun into these area's as the cop's will arrest you for having a gun. Unless you are going out of your way to hit places you are likely going to go tough TN -> VA -> MD. Make sure you use the beltway and not go into DC. I doubt the map will take you that way be avoid DC at all cost. You will spend more than 6 hours on the road in VA you will most likely stay in a hotel in VA on the way. Have you confirmed your hotel yet? I might be able to help you avoid some of the worse area of Baltimore City. Many of the hotel around BWI are pretty nice, not to pricey and is close to Baltimore. Fells point is a really nice area but that is kind like staying in Opryland in Nashville a nice area but way overpriced. If you have a specific part of the city you are looking to stay I might has some area's that are close but not hell holes. If you have any other questions feel free to PM me. Thanks Robert
The Postman is a really good move if you cut out most of the first hour of the movie. Way to much back story. I actually found the idea of a postman not that far fetched. Over time small groups of people would have survived "the event" but because of limited resource it is unlikely we would be building a new "New York" city instead it would be small villages brought together to protect themselves from small groups of thieves. The idea that a large Warlord would be in charge of the area and would go from town to town is also valid. I can also see the towns being scared and wouldn't follow anyone attempting to create an army or even attempting to create an area government of any kind but a postman just wanting to open lines of communication would be viewed favorably by everyone. The Warlord wouldn't like the idea because he wouldn't want "his" people to start thinking of themselves as anything other then his slaves. I found his escape somewhat believe able and anyone from the town that survived might tell a tall tail of his escape. I can also see young idealistic kids decided that moving mail around sounded like an adventure and something worth there time. Remember there was no official lines of communications between the towns. The only thing I found far fetched in the entire movie was the battle between the postman and the Warlord at the end. I can't see the Warlord recognizing his claim for the right to do a one on one fight for control of the clan. I found most of the move very believable myself. Thanks Robert
I think #1 covers that pretty much. Thanks Robert
My understanding is that unless you have a good source of cheap sugar you are correct it will never compare to buying gas. Now if you have a source for cheap sugar or starches like you are able to get waste from a bread plant it will never be cheaper that using gas from a pump. There are few reason people get into this. 1) A hobby some people like to build things. 2) As a backup in case of SHTF. 3) Someone gets access to a source of stuff that can't be used as food but contains high sugar content. Thanks Robert
I don't disagree on much of what you are saying and in a few years we might find out you are right but if this is the final crash it will take at least a year or two and I doubt we are going to see a full blown mad max environment instead we are more likely to see the Great Depression 2 but with a much higher body count. Reason the body count will be higher is because 1) Most people have a very shallow pantry 2) A huge percentage of people are dependent on the Government, 3) People no longer have hard skills like growing food, repairing stuff, etc. Thanks Robert
I am in the same boat. Got out after the first hit. I am staying out for a while there is little change of big growth and lots of room for the markets to go back down. Thanks Robert
This was explained in Fear the Walking Dead. For the first time they explained it very well. Everyone has the virus in their system once you die you turn. When you get bitten you get either a toxin or an infection that will turn septic and over time kills you activating the virus and turning you into a walker. Thanks Robert
The Flying ones were #3 or 4. #2 were land based ones. Thanks Robert
All 3 people in my household will be getting it our Doctor's office hadn't gotten Flu shots in yet the last time we were there. Will likely get it at our next visit. Thanks Robert
Poll seems to be gone now. They now have one about driving in the county to see the leave change. Thanks Robert
In the Chattanooga area they seem to drive like a bat out of hell. Thanks Robert Update: After 3 months I really like driving in this area. People do drive a bit fast for my taste but there is very little heavy traffic. I had to drive to Atlanta and got a taste of traffic like I had in Maryland and I have to say I don't miss it.
I pulled my money out and don't plan to put anything in before next year at the earliest. There just isn't much change for real growth and a lot of room to lose. It just isn't worth being in the market right now. Thanks Robert
I have watched the first three episodes and I wonder how long that one guy is going to not want any guns around his family? In some ways I like it more. When Rick woke up the world he know was gone. There was no question if the people could be helped. In TWD there is no question walkers are no longer people. This isn't true in Fear. Hell as of "The Dog" they aren't even sure how it spreads. The world hasn't completely fallen apart yet. It is going that way quickly. Things Rick and the other don't have to think about anymore they still have to worry about. Example in TWD how many people have been killed and how many of them are worried a Cop is going to see it happen and arrest them? In fear that is a very real possibility and being locked up for even a few days could be a death sentence. Thanks Robert
I guess I haven't been playing close attention to what they are carrying it looked like they were carry M4 the last time I looked. As for full auto uzi I have actually seen one of those. My favorite gun shop in Maryland was selling a NFA one it is possible there are a few of those floating around in NFA friendly states. Thanks Robert
I though the machine guns came from army units that were wiped out. Thanks Robert
Did you actual transfer the weapon on property, Agree and transfer the money on property then exchanged off, or did you two just talk about it and meet else where to exchange the weapon and agree (confirm) on a price? The first option you can easily be fired. The seconds is grey and depends on how things are worded. The third option is none of the company's damn business. Thanks Robert
I did I moved from the People republic of Maryland to TN to be on the right side of the battle field. Thanks Robert
Old old old joke. Thanks Robert
We have 3.5 Bathrooms in this house and there are 3 of us. I pretty much have my own can it is nice :)
I am sorry but taking a cop to court is pretty close to impossible. Even when they do stuff criminally it is really hard to get the court to give a judgment against them. As a general rule they assume the cop is telling the truth and will trust there judgement. Taking a Cop to court can be done but it will generally cost you allot. Thanks Robert
Nope. Driving a car on public roads is a privilege not a right. The state can take that privilege away without it being a civil rights issue. Thanks Robert
I am a Glock person myself it just feels better in my hands and I get better accuracy from the get go with a Glock but I have shot many S&W handguns. They have a decent enough feel but many of my friends who have owned them have had some kind of issue and had to have S&W do some kind of repair on them. S&W makes some of the best revolvers in the worlds but there semi auto handguns seem to feel pretty cheap to me. Thanks Robert