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Posts posted by rmiddle

  1. There would be more of a fight in Tennessee I believe, at least I hope so. I personally don't live in Nashville so Nashville doesn't have any authority here even though i'm close to it, I can't see a situation in Nashville like I can Memphis if the New Madrid fault lets go again. Also we saw the few in New Orleans have their rights trampled on but there were alot more who didn't or lived outside the city. The ones who did got all the media attention.


    I wasn't suggesting that it would every happen in rual TN.  The only possible places would be inside the city of Memphis or Nashville the area's outside the city would be a totally different store.




  2. My Daughter Shay is a High Caliber pistol lover like her dad lol. A LE friend of hers has a SR45 for sale and said he would take $275 if she wants it. He has had it about a year and says he put around 300 rounds thru it. I've never owned a Ruger myself but by what I've read they seem to be good pistols. Just wondering if anyone has a SR45 and what your thoughts on the weapon are. This will be a home defence weapon for her. Her carry weapon is a Shield and she loves it.


    Buy it.  if she doesn't like it I will buy it for that much.  I love my SR45.  They have a very close in feel to a Glock.  




  3. I don't see that happening here in Tennessee anyway, New Orleans is a big liberal city that had a corrupt liberal mayor who is currently residing in jail. Notice no gun confications happened in Mississippi, there's a reason for that.


    I am not so sure.  Memphis and to a certain extent Nashville are pretty good size Liberal city's with Anti Mayors and a police force that is getting more aggressive dealing with drugs.




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  4. If you rent one be prepared because when it's spotted everyone will be stopping and filling it up for you. I have rented several, each time at least 1/3 of the trash was put in by neighboring houses or buisness. Put a good lock on the doors


    Amen.  I have seen this over and over again.  Good advise getting a good lock on it.




  5. You're definitely right. What makes this more pathetic is the fact People Like Us are the most informed voters out there. These politicians spamming us is useless. We lose our privacy for nothing, and they don't even gain anything either. Lose-lose.


    Have you noticed the number of people asking you for money?  There are voter lists and there are donor lists.  People who take the time to CC are more likely to contribute to people who at least say they are pro 2a.

  6. So, you're saying I'm unable to figure out if a person is experienced enough to cut my hair without a license from the government?  That I can't ask my friends and family for a good place to get my hair cut?  That word wouldn't get out if a business hired barbers that cut off ears?  Just how much training does a barber need to have to be certain they can safely not cut my ear off?


    I can tell you in TN, 1500 HOURS!  Do you really think somebody needs 1500 hours of training to cut my hair?  Should I not be able to choose a self taught barber with less formal training but an apprenticeship from a highly qualified barber?   Well the state of TN says you can't, they must go to an approved barber training school and don't even get me started on all the stupid requirements to run such a school.


    Now, why is it we need all these regulations, who is really helped by all of these regulations?  Because to me it sure doesn't look like the citizens of TN.


    As far as FAA requirements, we can discuss at length how that system makes us safer some other day, my vote it does very little to nothing.


    And we're in complete agreement that our legislators and judges continue to ignore the obvious.


    Maryland allows people to apprentice for 2 years instead of having the 1500 hours http://www.dllr.state.md.us/license/cos/coslicreq.shtml.  Sounds like Tennessee is more strict them the people Republic of Maryland strange.  Remember hair stylist do more then cut hair they also use industrial chemical on people hair.  Doing something wrong can seriously hurt someone.  I agree just having a piece of paper doesn't make them good at cutting but in theory they should at least have the knowledge to not do something stupid and hurt someone.




    • Like 1
  7. Is a locked car like a safe?

    Would one need a search warrant to search my car?


    Unless a police office has "probable cause" he can't search your vehicle unless you give him permission.  However in this case the company is making a policy that if you want to work for them you will grant them permission to search your vehicle.  If they ask to search you vehicle you can refuse and they can't search your vehicle however they CAN fire you right on the spot for violating your terms of employment.  I have never worked for an  employer that had such a policy but it sounds like they exist.  The only real fix is to prohibiting at-will searches and requiring employers to meet certain legal requirements before they could search.  It wouldn't stop an employer from getting rid of you because they suspect you were keeping a gun in your car but nothing will really every stop that.




  8. No actually, I let the Sheriff and the Judge know that I would file charges against the Judge for "Official Oppression" that same day, had a friendly Legislator make the same call, (as it takes a legislator to file the charge), the "instrument" was rescinded post haste.

    I watched the Duputy read the new order to the "neighbors" which stated that I was able to carry on my father's property, as it was not posted against my doing so, and that he (Father) was restricted from bearing arms only within 200 feet of the mutual property line.  As I was not party to the law suit, there were no distance restrictions placed on me.

    This situation is coming to head via HB0419/SB0369 which will preclude another family from having to bear shuch BS against their 85 year Former 'Tennessee Teacher of the Year' Mother from convicted meth manufacturers.  It is up in House Health subcommittee tomorrow, I will be testifying.


    There seems like there is an interesting story there but I don't know very much about TN law and how it was apparently abused here.  Since the TN bill you reference seems to deal with taxes not sure how the relates to Meth dealers.  Is there another Thread that covers that?




  9. How does this help with bulk buying? Where do you buy bulk ammo and they ask how many differeny caliber firearms you have? This makes no sense.


    I'm still adding calibers, and have dies and reloading paraphanlia for guns I don't even own yet. The more the better in my opinion.


    Buying 1000 rounds of 3 calibers is much less then buying 1000 rounds of 10 calibers.  And buying 5000 rounds of 1 caliber is generally cheaper then buying 1000 rounds in 5 calibers.




  10. I am the furthest thing from a lawyer, but consider this:

    They popped the whole legislature for Ghost voting, (remember, buddies covering buddies when one was out so they could draw their per diem, had them on tape for that one too) Madam Speaker was accosted by the "Press" and that fraud was forgotten in one news cycle.

    When you hold the podium, you make the "Rules".


    I well remember when the judge in my Father's case against the meth thugs that tried to "adversely possess"=steal his property, issued an order that my Father could not carry a firearm on his 26 acres until the case about who owned the property was complete, oh, and by the way, he so ordered that I could not either.  I challenged him as to the Constitutionality of that Order, and he explained to me that it was "his" court and he could do anything he wanted.  It did not work out well for him, by that is the mind set they all have.


    That sounds like an interesting story?  What happened to the Judge?




  11. I'm debating moving to only .22LR, 9mm, & 5.56mm/.223 to aid bulk purchases.  If I do this, I might not necessarily get rid of any firearms that don't fit into that category, but my future gun buys (barring an unexpected windfall) and major ammo purchases would be in the aforementioned calibers.


    Anybody consolidate their firearms by caliber like this?  The reason I have in mind is to save on bulk ammo costs, but if there are other benefits, or people don't think it will be worth it, I'd love to have the conversation. 


    I don't see any shotgun rounds in the list?  No love for shotguns?  I have keep myself to .22lr, 9mm, .45, 12g, and 5.56mm/.223 myself to keep the type of ammo I need to a min not to say I do have a few odd ball sizes but if I can't fire my 30/30 because I can't find a box of the stuff oh well.  




  12. An update to this to close it out.  She came down this weekend, and we got hot on this.  Saturday was spent driving around the Murfreesoro area to find a gun, visiting a few guns and pawn shops.  After checking prices at a few places,  I asked her if she wanted to save money by getting it via PSA, but she wanted to get a gun that day, and throw in some range time, which we did today. 


    We ended up buying from Outpost Armory.  They were very cool, letting her work the action and dry fire any model in the store.  As to the individual models, she tried out at least a half dozen, and she hated the action on every brand, except Glock.  And yeah, I didn't know how smooth the action is by comparison, a big deal for a woman without manly hand strength.  The high cost of going to the indoor range here in Murfreesboro made her say just buy it now.  Since it's a Glock 19, and has a great reputation, I was comfortable enough that she would like it, and gave her my blessing to purchase.


    I was very proud that she insisted that she also get a pack of snap caps with her new gun.  She spent an entire hour straight on Saturday night on loading, unloading, clearing, and dry fire with them.  She only stopped because her hands were getting sore, and she wanted to make sure that she didn't screw them up for the range today.  Her shooting needs work, but she is determined to get there.


    Glad she was able to find a gun.  Since I carry a Glock 19 I have to say she made a good purchase :).




  13. Solar is great for LED lighting but not too good at conversion to AC by power hungry inverters.


    I agree but he was asking about a "solar generator"  Those are basically a solar panel, solar charger, battery's, and an inverter most also include a traditional battery charger.  I was addressing the specif question asked.  Most of these come in pretty packages with very limited battery power and are way over priced.  You are correct it is better to power the lights using LED directly off the bettery and only using the inverter when you need something that requires an inverter.




  14. my father just finished reading my copy of "one second after". he emailed me this morning to ask about solar generators. this is the specific product:


    i know next to NOTHING about solar power. anyone with a good understanding of solar want to chime in on this or other product packages?

    also, is there a reputable resource for complete novices that you would recommend for my father and i to learn the basics and understand what he needs/wants? this is a good opportunity for he and i to learn at the same time.

    any information is greatly appreciated.


    Steven Harris has written a large number of books and video on power.  He has a really neat project installing battery and an inverter in the back of his trucks and making a portal power station you can take anywhere.  PS a solar generators is really a battery backup system with a solar charger added to recharge the battery.






  15. As a general rule I supported LE for a long time after I quit LE. But over time I quit supporting them as much as I once did and started viewing them differently. Now I only help individual officers, never departments, and only those I have come to know. But even then I do not trust those I know because they will turn if it benefits them. I do not trust the average officer to do what is right any more. Spent enough time in LE to know that most, not all, officers are no longer about protecting their communities but controlling or imparting their will upon others. It seems like the younger they are the worse it is. If I met an officer I mind what I say and what I do often ignoring them if I can because they are always looking.


    There are some great officers out there that do what is right all the time but all it takes is a chance encounter with one of the bad ones to ruin your life. Even if the officer is 100% in the wrong, and you get cleared of everything, it will cost you 10's of thousands of dollars to do so while the officer is rarely held accountable. I hated to see people who were probably innocent plead guilty to a lesser charge or reduced sentence because they could not afford the cost of being exonerated.


    I will tell you a story about my last interaction with LE. I had someone do something to my wife and I that was against the law. What they did was put our name, our address, my phone number and pictures of my wife from Facebook. They posted it on Craigslist telling people to come to my house at a specified time and rape my wife. Figuring this was a plan by my brother, who tried to kill us before, I contacted local LE for help. I gave them all the information as well as asked for a patrol to be present at the time specified in the ad in case some crazy decided to show up. They made all kinds of excuses why they could not help. I begged for help and they said they would not until after it happened. I told the sheriff that if anyone came in my house and tried to harm my wife I would kill them. Then the sheriff acted like I was a criminal for making that statement. Well after it was obvious they were not going to help I contacted my attorney who then called the sheriff. The attorney told the sheriff this was a credible threat because my brother had tried to kill us in the past but the sheriff still refused to have a patrol in the area. My attorney then told the sheriff he would sue him if anything happened at the time specified.


    Well a few days after my attorney threatened to sue the department two officers showed up at my house out of the blue. They asked for me and my wife told them I was sleeping. The officers did not leave and had my wife wake me up from a nap and come to the door so they could talk to me. The reason? They were there because they wanted to know what kind of guns I had in the house. This was nothing more than a fishing trip by the officers, at the direction from the sheriff, to try to find a reason to throw me in jail after my attorney threatened to sue the department. This happened about 4 months ago and that is why I will not trust officers to do what is right, especially my local ones.


    Government is too big and just keeps adding in more and more laws.  Things have gotten so bad that everyone breaks some kind of law it is just a mater of what laws and when.  Combined that with people no longer knowing there neighbors and for the most part no longer talk though problems instead they just call the cop's.  That is the real problem people are depending more and more on the cop's being the ones to determine what is legal and illegal.  


    That gives a police officer who many times will have very little legal training a huge amount of power  and responsibility however cop's aren't superman and they make mistakes.  Cop's use to admit when they made a mistake but now if they do people see $$$$ signs and sue everyone because of this cop's know when they make a mistake it can very easily cost them there jobs so they try and cover there behinds.  You can see this when people are charged with very subjective charges like failure to obey or resting arrest.  The problem is those subjective charges can cost someone big dollars to fight and even more dollars if in the end they lose.  Making maters worse most people will lose in the end because Jury's are going to trust the cop's word over just about anyone else's and your life will never be the same because someone else made a mistake.  


    I am not sure the best way to fix this.  One way is for people to stop depending on cops to settle everyday disputes.  Also find a way for cops to admit they made a mistake that doesn't leave everyone open for a law suit but at the same time not requiring someone who is caught up in the mistake having to pay.




  16. Congrats on your move. I am half way there. As soon as the house sells here in Maryland I will be on my way!!!!


    Glad for you.  I have been working on getting out of the state of MD since SB171 passed.  It has just taken me this long to get everything in place.  Looking forward to heading down there in May to look at housing.




  17. This is in regards to Chattanooga:


    For a more rural experience I'd honestly suggest checking out north Georgia. A friend lives in Lookout Valley near Rising Fawn, another friend lives up on Sand Mountain, and another friend lives on Lookout Mountain. All are in rural areas, and two live on small farms. TN has the huge advantage of no income tax, but therefore it's more heavily populated in general. It'll be difficult to find enough land for a personal shooting range at your price point with a reasonable commute to downtown. Not saying impossible, just difficult.


    For Tennessee, maybe look up on Signal Mountain/Walden Ridge. Maybe even Montlake, which is above Soddy Daisy. You'll face the difficulty of getting up and down the mountain for commuting, but some parts are very rural. There's a popular public range at Prentice Cooper, and by "popular" I mean "often crowded".


    A friend lives in the Sequatchie Valley, which even more rural. It's in the Central Time Zone, and you have to either go up and over the mountain or go south through the Nickajack Pass to get to downtown. Commuting can be a bear, but she survives. If you can find some land that backs up to Walden Ridge or the Cumberland Plateau you'll have the best backstop nature can build.


    Next would be the Harrison area in northern Hamilton County on the opposite side of the river from Soddy Daisy. Lots of farm/ranch land as long as you stay away from the river, and the existing Chattanooga Rifle Club is nice.


    Finally would be way out east in the Apison area. Very rural with farms and ranches everywhere, but a fairly long commute. The Cleveland Hunting Rifle and Pistol Club is out there and is a good one. If you're sensitive about such things, the primary religion in the area is 7th Day Adventist (to the point where neighboring Collegedale is the only zip code in the USA where weekend mail is delivered on Sunday instead of Saturday, but that's only for the SA-University).


    Incidentally, are you working downtown or elsewhere?


    Thanks for the breakdown will need to check out those area's.  I known the office is inside Chattanooga city limits because they use EPD for Internet service but based on maps from Google I doubt it is anywhere near downtown.  Based on the map it is about half way between the Airport and the Tennessee River on route 153.  I would put it in the North west part of the city.  Since it sound like you know the Chattanooga area pretty well what is the job market like in the area.  Stats only go so far it doesn't tell you if there is a large percentage who just stopped looking because there really isn't any jobs in the area or there are jobs in the area and most people who are looking are going to find them.




  18. I keep an empty chamber mainly because I am still relatively new to firearms and despite practicing hard I can still find my figure on the trigger.  When I find it I stop and force myself to fix the issue but it takes time to train muscle memory like that.  I am getting better and am making mistakes less frequently but until my mistakes are pretty much zero I am not ready to carry one in the camber.




  19. What laptop do y'all recommend? I'm looking for something to surf the web, a few word documents, my wife's cricket, and to watch tv(I'll use the hdmi plug to mirror to TV from websites). I have no patience, so faster is better, but would like to stay under $500 if possible. From the reviews I've read HP seems to score fairly high every year, whereas others jump up and down. Apple is out of my price range. I think a 15-17" screen will be fine? What brand and model should I get?


    I have used a lot of brands for both work and personal.  HP gives you some of the best bang for your buck and local places tend to have a fairly large selection of types and modules to choose from.  Toshiba isn't bad either have had very good luck with them but most shops will only have 1 or 2 models available.  Asus worked well but started having Fan problems after about 2 years.  Acer was pure junk had problems right away.  Dell a bit costly but tend to be built well.  


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