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Posts posted by rmiddle

  1. It's funny that this was the first thread that I saw this morning. I am in Baltimore getting loaded up to head to Mt Juliet.


    I escape from the Baltimore Suburbs 1 month ago today.  Hope to never see that state again.




  2. If there was somewhere else to go, I'd go in a heartbeat. As it is, there ain't. Despite all the BS current goings on, this is still the best country the earth has to offer. So, until someone builds a new place rooted in true liberty, heres where I stay.

    If there's a new way
    I'll be the first in line
    But it better work this time
    Peace sells, but who's buyin'


    I moved from Maryland to Tennessee to get to free America.  You think you have it bad in TN you should try living in states like Maryland, and New York.




  3. I grew up in ga and it was 100% illegal there.  Being 5 min from tn, we did it anyway of course... who's going to arrest a kid celebrating the 4th?  No one, at least not back then :)


    you can still get the real stuff caster, but it takes some sort of license because too many people blew off a hand, too many kids given stuff that was too potent for them.   Next time you go to a real fireworks store, look for the classes on them... at some point, you can't buy them without.  


    the days of buying a cherry bomb or m-80 etc were 40 years ago and more... 


    I have a box of M88 didn't require any classes to get.  Biggest problem is they got put in the wrong box and I couldn't find them before the 4th.  So someone is going here a nice bang some time this summer.




  4. I'm searching for the best alternative to communication if by chamce some day cell towers are shut down. It could either be a ham radio or cities band it won't matter at that point just want the best for the dollar that'll hold up under survival conditions.

    Look at getting some GPRS radio's they aren't as cheap as 2 m ham radio's but you can use them without requiring a license for short distances around 2 to 3 miles.  If you want to increase the power to get closer to 20 miles you will need to "Buy" a license.  There aren't the commercial restrictions you get with ham radio's.




  5. Yeah the bid war is kinda what we're expecting/hoping for. They're just not building houses in this price range in MJ..everything is 250k+



    Exterior panting

    Interior painting

    refinish deck

    (dunno the term for this) recoat foundation - the builder did some concrete coating over the foundation and it looks kinda haggard

    I mounted a tv on a wall, need to take that down and refix the wall.

    Landscaping (tree trimming, shurbs, etc.)

    I have a big hill out back so I may put in a french drain just to help move water. I don't have flooding or moisture issues, but i'd rather remove all doubt.


    As someone who just bought a house here is what I have to say on the issue.


    1) Are you looking to get the high end, middle, or low end of your market.  High the house needs to look really good.  Middle it needs to look well maintained.  Low it just needs to look like it isn't going to be a money pit.


    2) Anything that prevents the house from being move in ready will likely be an issue.  If you have done any question DIY projects have someone inspect it as it will likely come out in inspection and then you don't have the time to go price hunting to fix it.


    3) Yard work is more important then many people think.  It doesn't have to look perfect it needs to look good enough that no one thinks about it.  Because it is a win / lose kinda of thing.  Guys are thinking about grass that needs cutting and the women start thinking about how much they hate XYZ in the yard.  You want your yard to be background noise.


    4) Unless there is something growing on the walls new paint might actually be more a turn off as you are wondering what they are hiding and brings doubt to the question on how well maintained it was.


    5) Again you might be better to offer closing help or a little cash for new carpets then replace them.  More and more people are moving to hardware floors now a days and there is a 50/50 change they could tear the carpet right out after they move in.


    6) If you Yard drains well you likely wont need to do anything with water management.


    7) Your Realtor can really make a difference.  The house we bought we almost didn't look at because there was only 1 really old picture of it and it took a while for this house to sell.  Even after the work we are putting into it I still think we got a decent deal for the place.  I suggest you take some nice digital photo's of you place and give them to your realtor on a USB drive they can keep.  If you are not sure what to shot take a look at realtor.com and see what is common in your area.  A set of good pictures can really make a difference on how well your house will sell and most picture you see are taken by the realtors cell phone well they are out there signing the paper and suck.

  6. I worked at a Walmart many years ago as a dept manager in electrics.  I got to know the Automotive Manager real well for various reasons.  There "Mechanics" are given a few week training course (Can't remember the number of weeks) by an ASE certified instructor on how to change tires and oil and that is about it.  They are generally paid a few dollars an hour more then a standard Walmart employee and at least at the Walmart I worked at in Maryland they had a fairly high turnover.   From what I remember they settled most clams as they were more expensive to fight then to just pay.




  7. That will take legislation,  to change the definition in the USC. Things like the change to CFR in this thread, or the "one handed use" would not, as they are the "interpretative rules" for the actual words used in the USC, and adding stuff like "single shot, rotating cylinder, slide action" is quite the stretch since none of those terms of course appear there.


    Then again, though, get enough commies in the right high places in agreement, I guess anything's possible. Once it's in the CFR, unless the actual congress or the courts overturn it, those rules do stand.  After all, as far as this conversation goes, "fixed" ain't in the USC definition, let alone "permanently affixed".


    - OS


    That might just be enough of a reason to force the Republican leadership into actually doing something since it could cost a larger number of 'there" voters to go to jail and loss the right to vote.




  8. As some of you have probably noticed, I got a Glock 19 a couple weeks back.  I'm new to the Glock pistols and have only put a magazine at most through a sub compact one a while back, so my experience is limited.


    Couple of questions that come to mind about the 19 in regards to shooting it and feeding it.

    1) What have you found that yours likes.  I tried two brands, WWB and Perfecta.  Was not pleased with the accuracy in the slightest. In the sense of you would have a hard time hitting a torso at 25 yards.  To make sure it wasn't my shooting (could well be still) I loaded some in my other pistols including my beat up, trade in CZ 75 and the ammo shot very well.

    2) It seems like my first shot is always left of where I'm aiming.  I understand that this could be an issue with my trigger control since I'm not used to this style trigger.  What do I need to work on for the Glock?

    3)What am I missing that could be improved upon?


    Any comments are appreciated, this is a new system for me and I would very much like to improve upon my shooting of it.


    I have feed my Glock 19 some of the crappiest ammo you can ever imagine and I still get pretty tight groupings.  I would say it is by far the most accurate handgun I have ever owned.  I would double check and make sure there isn't any problems with the gun itself but outside of that it sounds like it might just be a trigger issue for you and you might need more practice.




  9. So what can’t they just ask him to leave or refuse him entrance? I think the attorney’s had to have a case with some merit to get an injunction. Is this goof balls argument that the zoo is a public place and they can’t post it?

    Yes that is what he is claiming and someone earlier in the thread made a good case this is a Government Entity so by state law they can't post.  Kinda like Parks in TN.




  10. My wife and I went on a trip to Savannah Georgia this week. We were looking at a World War Two monument there when a little girl and her mother walked up. The little girl looked up and read curiously...."World War Eleven." :ugh: What really bothered me is that her mother heard this and never corrected here. I don't suspect she knew any better either. This country is in trouble folks.


    Kids are being taught how to put a condom on a banana and that Harry and Steve are just as much of a family as Harry and Mary and other important social issues.  But something as important as history there isn't room for that.




  11. They were too busy taking over health care. They would have gotten around to it. If the repubs hadn't taken the house in '10, there would have been new laws in early '13.

    Don't think it can't happen. It happened in '93 and '94. Not saying it will, but it can.

    Not saying it can't happen just saying that there are a few democrats that don't want to touch gun control because they know they could loss there seat.  If we look all the "advances" in gun control they have either been in states were Democrats way outnumber other party's aka Maryland, New Jersey, California, CT, or there were done by getting something on the ballet and then running millions in miss leading ads claiming the law would do something that is already against the law and hiding what the law truly does.




  12. So recently my Facebook feed has become covered with ads for subscription boxes. Most are for clothes, candy or makeup, but after googling some for the wife, I found this one. Different levels, and it ships with gear, tactical clothing, edc items, etc. Anyone tried it yet, or considered it? I think I'm gonna order tge $100 pro this next cycle coming up and give it a shot.

    Sent from the backwoods


    No Link?




  13. Not good! The smells like what happened in Australia. Ammo has to have a "sporting purpose" so HP's are banned and now guns have to have locks which, if someone reported you have unlocked guns, they could come search your home and maybe cite a violation or confiscate. The actual punishment remains to be seen, but since the Aussies went through this, that is my guess. Now, will the Feds trying to capitalize on this to ban HP's, etc., or will just the liberal left-wing states be the only ones?


    The Dem when they controlled all 3 branches didn't touch gun control and even when emotions were high and they though they could get away with something it failed at the federal level.  I expect a slow crawl towards freedom in free america with those living behind enemy lines doing everything they can with the SCOTUS pulling them back every once in a while for going too far.

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  14. Removing the plans from the internet(not that they could) is about 3 steps too late. The genie is already out of the bottle. My 12yr old niece can accurately model ANYTHING I hand her in solidworks in minutes with just a dial caliper and some printed sizing tools. 20 min. later the 3d printer is warming up to spit out a model of it to her liking. Last february she had never seen solidworks and had just received the 3d printer a week prior for her birthday. She came over this weekend for a family pool party and was more excited about me printing a few models that won't fit on her printbed than she was about the pool. When I called to order a CNC router last week I was told it won't ship for nearly a month. I assumed it was due to the new model I ordered not being quite ready, the owner corrected me. . . it's that they can only ship around 80 kits a DAY! By my math there are just shy of 2000 CNC router orders ahead of mine for a relatively high end(for a consumer model) US manufactured CNC router. That's phenomenal IMHO and I'm super happy to see it.



    TLDR-"Files" of printable AR lowers should be the least of their worries.


    Can't discount the Maker spaces as well.  I am invold in one in Severn MD and looked and found 2 in my new area.  One in Cleveland and one in Chattanooga.  I can't picture a maker space not have at least 1 3D printer in it.  Now things like CNC cost a little more but many do have them.  So it isn't just someone in there workshop that can build something like this.

  15. Of course a lot of it depends on how this stuff plays out. Some people will wake up one day and try to figure out when Lala land disappeared. And it hinges on several other things also, as a large scale event such as economic collapse will change the entire landscape.

    Sent from the backwoods


    Of curse I never claimed I could predict the future.  A whole lot of things have to happen or not happen before it turns into a shooting war.  After a few bloody battle the America people could wake up and vote in people who actually do care about the Constitution and they restore order.  There are hundreds of ways it can play out.  Hell a few members of the region of peace could get nukes into Chicago, Denver, and Phili witch would change the entire political landscape overnight.




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  16. We have been headed down this road for years. Erosion of our rights started much earlier than most people even realize. I mean the NFA started in 1934 and is a massive infringement on our 2nd Amendment. At this point the real question is when does it start. How do you decide when it's time to start shooting, since it's already to late for voting. Gun owners on a whole still crucify each other over something as mundane as open carry, so who is willing going to be a lamb to slaughter by openly starting a revolution.

    Sent from the backwoods


    It wont go from peaceful to shooting overnight.  Instead we are going to see more and more showdowns like we have seen at Bundy Ranch and the miners in Oregon.  So far the showdowns haven't gone bloody but as more of them happen the changes of them getting bloody go up at some point it becomes an all out shooting war.  The real question is what will the statehouse do.  The fact is a handful of guy with ar15 will be wiped out.  However how many states have local governments that have been pushing to get the 10th amendment reinstated.  Some states like Texas have a really large National Guard and could give the US Government a run for it money.




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    We are way to far out for those numbers to mean much of anything at this point.  8 Years ago I though it was going to be Clinton not the big O that was getting the node this far out.  Like many elections this is going to come down to Florida and Ohio.  If the Rep candidate can't take those two states they can't get the Whitehouse.  Hopefully with Decent Rep Governers in both states that will help.  Then again with VA and NC being pretty purple of late who knows how it will end up being.  Hopefully we can get a real constitutive POTUS and not another Bush and maybe if we can actually shrink the size and scope of government some then Northen VA will stop overriding the rest of the state of VA and will return to it solidly Red roots.





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  18. definitely a "win win"... how many times have I seen guys at the range... without their wives?  Countless.  Most of my friend's wives don't have any interest in shooting with their husband/boyfriend.  It just doesn't get better than a day at the range with someone you actually like!  I don't think she'll conceal carry with it, but it will be the gun that "pulls" her to the range. 



    I wouldn't rule out CC any gun by a women have you seen the size of some of the purses some women carry.  I bet you could get an AR15 in some women's purses and no one would notice :).

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