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About rmiddle

  • Birthday 07/17/1971

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  • Location
    Cleveland, TN
  • Gender
  • Occupation
    System Admin


  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
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  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Bertta Nano
  • Carry Weapon #2
    Glock 19

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  1. There isn't a Grid to go down. There are several Grids in the US. 2 very small ones in Hawii and Alaska. One that covers most of the East Coast. One that covers most of the West Coast. The state of Texas has it own state grid that existed before the Fed's came and nationalized most of the grid. So in order to take down the entire power grid in the US they would have to take down 5 grids. Now taking down the east or west coast Grids likely isn't as hard as people think. How many times have big chunks of the east coast gone down and been without power in the last few decades?
  2. Do you think that would be enough firepower?
  3. Rugar 10/22 2 pack 25 round mag and a few boxes of 22lr ammo.
  4. It isn't unheard of to see Starbucks inside big office building's. Employee's inside airports require background checks since they work behind the security access points. Anyone who walks into the Langley likely gets a CIA background check since just knowing who is inside the building is considered a security item. I could also see them using things like order numbers because of the fact everyone in the build would be joe or bob on their coffee and in the end would need to something like that to keep track of who's coffee goes to whom.
  5. I do work in IT. Been a network admin for more than 15 years.
  6. I doubt it. And if you wanted to transfer to the trust later I am pretty certain it would cost you another tax stamp.
  7. Except DL are a privilege not a right. Big difference. Nowhere in the constitution does it give you the right to drive a car but the second amendment is pretty clear.
  8. Personally I like the new theme.
  9. Ironic. Since the last 3 letter are misspelled. Thanks Robert
  10. i am in.
  11. We kept it simple. A turkey breast, Stuffing, and Cranberries for dessert Pumpkin pie with Ice Cream.
  12. If you are looking at running a larger generator than NG or Diesel are a much better choices. They last longer and are much easier to store but he isn't looking for a whole house generator. As for the original question you can get a cheap load generator for under a 1000 bucks. They eat a ton of full because they only have 1 mode full power. They are really only good for short term usage and everyone within a mile will know you are using one. They also produce really dirty power. On the other hand you can get a generator with a built inverter Honda makes really good ones although there are others. They are quit and they use less fuel as they only run at a level to provide the needed power so even if you get something that can produce 5k but you are only using 2k you generator will only being using the fuel to generate that 2k unlike the cheap ones that use 5k worth.
  13. I guess I should pull my shotgun put and put it next to my bed.
  14. I am a member of the Web of Trust although my browsing pattern is pretty limited although all the sites I go to now are green.
  15. On my Laptop, the touch screen work fine under Linux. As for getting it to do the 2 in 1 convertibility that can be a bit tricky. A quick google search shows it is doable but current seems to require customisation like this. http://askubuntu.com/questions/405628/touchscreen-input-doesnt-rotate-lenovo-yoga-13-yoga-2-pro or http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/08/rotate-screen-ubuntu-16-04-indicator-applet or https://gist.github.com/emiller/6488449 Looks more like an advanced topic and not for a Linux Novice.


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