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Everything posted by Choatecav

  1. Ruger...…..hands down. Got one and it is not only well made and highly accurate, it is a take down/cleaning dream..
  2. Choatecav


    If you are a member of the NRA, there is a great article on the G3 in the latest issue of the American Rifleman. I know Taurus gets a bad rap, but I have always been pleased with the ones I have owned.
  3. Congrats to you! Got mine back in June. It was in beautiful condition and yes, has a heavy trigger, but I got it more for the history aspect. Can't remember when I have been more excited as I was as my number got closer and closer. Mine was placed into service in Early '44 but I don't know if it saw action or not. Just part of the mystique.
  4. Just bought a Winchester Model 75 target .22 rifle at a gun show. Was manufactured in 1949 and looks in wonderful condition. When I got home I wanted to run a magazine of rounds through it so I loaded the mag with 5 rounds and inserted it into rifle. Upon using the bolt to chamber the first round, the rifle fired!! I kept it in a safe direction and cycled the bolt through the remaining rounds and all went as it should with no discharge. Thinking it to be a fluke, I repeated the process and again it fired upon chamber the first round but no problem with remaining rounds. I did it a third time and same results. I removed the bolt and it looks good and clean. Any ideas on what might cause this???
  5. Agree with TNShooter83. I love the Ruger SP101. I have two of them and it is my carry gun when I am home on my farm.


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