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proarc last won the day on December 18 2021

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1 Follower

About proarc

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    Aircraft mechnic


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  1. This is a custom built oak reloading bench I had built by a cabinet shop. It is made out of oak and is very heavy. Has quality cabinet type latches and slides for the compartments. The top hangs over the cabinets where LED lights illuminate the reloading area. There is a massive storage area underneath the bench. The bench surface is made out of Formica counter top material. There are two large bolts that are patterned for a RCBS rock crusher press. This is really one of the nicest reloading benches I have seen and the workmanship is first rate. 1,500 Email is the best way to contact me as I can’t check this page often enough Located in Crossville. proarcaviation@gmail.com
  2. No it’s sold and the ad is closed
  3. Price drop to 200.
  4. Fujimo, thanks for the assist. I try to catch all the messages but sometimes one slips by
  5. 18” no screw in chokes
  6. No love for the cowboy guns?
  7. Great thermal at a great price
  8. Looking for someone who could use a nice bow
  9. Price drop to 225$
  10. Bump for anyone that needs some 308 mags
  11. Price drop to 1800. Email with any question


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