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About jbrownch

  • Birthday 12/22/1945

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    Photography, biking
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  • Carry Weapon #1
    H&K P30 9mm

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  1. Ammo Quest rated the Federal 124gr HST 9mm as one of the best defense rounds for that caliber. Haven't checked their test for .40 and .45, but would assume the results would be the same. Great penetration, even the 6-layer denim test and outstanding expansion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lGqdMdbir0
  2. Aegis belt by Ares Gear
  3. I know the Dawson's are 40, have them on a couple of pistols, and everything I've seen agrees with you that the Smith is 60   Here's one of the best, and cheapest places I've found to order replacement rods. Been buying from this company for many, many years.   http://www.adorama.com/l/Binoculars-and-Scopes/Rifle-Scopes-and-Shooting-Gear/Sights-and-Accessories/TruGlo~Replacement-Sights?sel=Sight-Type_Replacement-Fiber-Optic   There's also a great video on youtube by the owner of Dawson Precision on how to install the replacement.
  4. If you like kydex, I recommend JM Custom Kydex. I have his OWB2 for my P30 and love it. Superb workmanship. You have to wait a little while for it, but the wait is worth it. Congrats on the VP9.   http://www.jmcustomkydex.com/PLST.html
  5.   +1 for Ares Gear. I've had one of their Aegis belts for over a year now, and love it.
  6. If you haven't found a good gunsmith in your area yet, you may want to use this guy (James Williamson). I have two HK's, P30 and P30SK, and he is the ONLY person I will let work on them. In fact my P30SK slide is on it's way to him now to install some Meprolight Tru Dot sights. He's a certified HK Master Armorer. His work is not only of the highest caliber, but he get the gun back to you extremely fast, and doesn't require you to pay until you get the gun back a make sure everything is OK. The last sight install he did for me cost $49, of course that doesn't include shipping. Just my $0.02 worth.   http://www.teufelshundtactical.com/
  7. Never lived in North Carolina have you. They not only tax you on what you buy at the grocery store, but also have a state income tax.
  8. Lot's of horror stories on the net from people using FrogLube, particularly on the HKPro forums site.   Me, personally, I can't see scrimping on cleaning components to save money. You put your hard earned money into a nice firearm, and then use 10W30 to lube it. Kinda like putting regular gas in your Ferrari.   I have a couple of HK's and the only thing that's ever touched them is Weapon Shield. Just my $0.02 worth.
  9. Check out Carters Shooting Supply and Range on Hwy 58 in Harrison. If you're in Cleveland, it's not that much of a drive for ya. I took my class there last year and really enjoyed it. Nice people...   http://store.cartershootingsupply.com/
  10. I had problems with the Lee Classic Turret Press when reloading 9mm. It was fine for re-sizing and expanding, but was horrible when it came to bullet seating.   The turret has a bit of movement (up and down) which is impossible to get rid of. Therefore, I found it impossible to get consistent O.A.L. measurements. I was trying to seat Hornady 124gr FMJ to an overall cartridge length of 1.50". I'd get a couple at that length, and then I might get one at 1.41 and the next at 1.63, or whatever.   Several phone calls to Lee Precision confirmed that this was a problem that they knew about, and had no fix for. Since the 9mm is a cartridge that can develop dangerously high pressures if the projectile is loaded to deeply, I decided the Lee was not the press for me. Got a RCBS Rock Chucker Supreme and RCBS dies. With this press I can take the seating die out, replace it and be within 0.001" of my desired O.A.L.   The Lee Classic is a good press for some calibers, but IMO the 9mm is not one of them (probably could include .380, .40, .45, etc also), it's just too inconsistent.   Just my $0.02 worth.
  11. JM Custom Kydex... you have to wait a little while but it's worth it.     http://www.jmcustomkydex.com/PLST.html
  12. You might want to take a look at Powder Valley. Good prices and good people to deal with. You still have to pay hazmat fees, but their shipping charges are reasonable, and you avoid having to pay local sales tax.   http://www.powdervalleyinc.com/
  13. +1 for Dawson Precision. I have their FO's on my HK P30 and love them. I had Dawson install mine and POA/POI is dead on.
  14.   ... and on the P30S model, ambi safety levers.  Also as someone else mentioned the 3 different sizes of grip panels and backstraps allow you to really tailor the gun to your grip. I'm also a lefty, and have had my P30S V3 for almost a year and LOVE it.
  15. Limiting ammo sales sounds like it might be "Good Times" for those who sell reloading components.


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