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Everything posted by xsubsailor

  1. Nice gesture, but a very dumb idea.   https://youtu.be/7kj8VuotEf8
  2. This is what is called keeping your cool   :cool:   http://www.wimp.com/bear-seat/
  3.  This is the first I've heard of it.
  4. They're just not going to be satisfied until they've taken all the fun out of Halloween.   http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2015/10/30/spoiler-alert-government-warns-jackolanterns-cause-global-warming-n2072808
  5.  I had one digging around in my back yard during the day about a week ago. He/she must have been just passing through because I haven't seen it since.
  6.  If it's a gluten problem, I think they've come out with a gluten free Bisquick.
  7. New to you boat and motor..........................went up river. Good thinking.   :up:
  8. Welcome to the group and the South from a northern neighbor.
  9. A TGO ball cap and T-shirt..........hint, hint, hint.   :cool:
  10. Welcome to the forum. It's nice to see someone else join from this end of the state.
  11.  Looking for recommendations on a rotary vise to replace my old worn out Thompson. I can't really justify the cost of a top of the line Renzetti and have been looking at the Peak.   Does anyone have any experience with these vices?  I'd like to stay below $200.   BTW, I just tie panfish flies (Bluegill and Crappie) so a 12 is just about as small as I go (or can see  :D )
  12. Or how to dispatch them quietly  :cool:   http://www.battelle.org/our-work/national-security/tactical-systems/battelle-dronedefender
  13.  I just plugged "fixing a safety on a mossberg 590" into google and a couple of youtube videos came up. 
  14. Our local Wally World has been getting the 325 rnd. boxes of Federal Auto Match in on a regular basis lately. Once or twice a week but not a whole lot at one time.
  15.  I had a co-worker that purchased a used Bersa 380 from a gun store.  For some reason, he wound up giving it to his sister which either lost it or had it stolen. It turned up at a crime scene somewhere in Alabama almost a year later and guess who the Feds came to see. (The last person who bought it legally)  Registration or not, they seem to be able to backtrack it.
  16.  I saw one while hunting Anderson Tully (Lauderdale county) about 10 years ago. He spotted me and eased off in one direction and I eased off in the other.   :D     1 couger, 1 shot (muzzleloader) = I could see bad things happening.
  17.    I got my  "Ol Foggy"  license in 2010 and as you said, not too much use. I think it's gone up to something like $30 now.
  18. You can try going over to http://castboolits.gunloads.com and reading all the stickies (many hours of reading). 
  19.  If you can find one, a Sig P230/232 sounds like something she would like. Decocks to half cock so the first round isn't a heavy trigger pull.
  20. Thanks
  21. How do you delete a post?
  22.  That's amazing, I didn't detect even a hint of a Boston accent while reading your post.  :D   BTW, welcome to the forum   :wave:
  23.  I suffered through the first half but I think I'm going to go out and mow.
  24.  Terriers are not known to be good swimmers so I would recommend a life jacket or at least make a trial run to make sure he can swim and doesn't panic when he goes overboard to get that squirrel on the bank. 
  25.  I was born and raised in Oklahoma so I think I'm going to keep my mouth shut.  :whistle:


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