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Everything posted by xsubsailor

  1. Yep, they just need to keep their finger off the "go bang" thingy until they've decided to shoot. 
  2. This is the best price I've ever seen on the DFT. $139.99   http://www.midwayusa.com/product/149023/caldwell-lead-sled-dft-rifle-shooting-rest
  3. Thanks
  4. Are you talking about the red, grey and red boxes?
  5. How do you leave feedback for someone you purchased from?
  6. I just got this via e-mail from the AMA;   AMA and the FAA Registration Process   Today the FAA announced plans for a model aircraft registration process to begin next week.  AMA was a member of the task force that helped develop recommendations for this registration rule and argued throughout the process that registration makes sense at some level but only for those operating outside the guidance of a community-based organization or flying for commercial purposes.    Unfortunately, the new FAA registration rule does not include our advice. The rule is counter to Congress's intent in the Special Rule for Model Aircraft and makes the registration process an unnecessary burden for all of our members who have been operating safely for decades.   While we are disappointed with the new registration rule and still maintain that AMA members should be exempt from registration, the rule is being implemented over AMA objections. Therefore, we want to provide you with important information about the registration rule and how AMA members can comply with the new federal requirements:    All aircraft that are flown using a ground control system, such as a transmitter, are required to participate. This includes fixed-wing aircraft, not just multirotors or drones. Any pilot flying models weighing between .55 pounds (or 250 grams) and 55 lbs is required to register. You will not be required to register every aircraft individually. You only need to register yourself and can affix one registration number to all your aircraft.  You must mark all aircraft with your registration number. The number can be inside the aircraft, such as a battery hatch - but should not require tools to access. The FAA plans to launch the online registration website on Monday, December 21. There is a $5 fee to register, which is waived if you register within the first 30 days. You only need to register once every 3 years. We are still working out the logistics for this process. Some details are still being discussed, including: We are seriously discussing with the FAA a system where your AMA number could be used as your federal registration number as well. At this point, this is only a proposal and details are not yet finalized.  At this time, AMA members will not automatically be registered when the registration website launches next week.  However, we are in conversations with the FAA about the best way to streamline the registration process for AMA members going forward.    This is an ongoing process and we will continue to provide updates on the registration rule. Stay tuned to modelaircraft.org/gov, social media and your email for the latest news on the registration process.   Thank you, AMA Government Relations and Advocacy Team
  7. All unmanned aircraft between 1/2 lb and 55 lbs, even the control line planes.
  8. Remote-controlled aircraft that weigh at least 9 ounces flown by hundreds of thousands of hobbyists across the country will have to be registered starting Dec. 21, the Federal Aviation Administration announced Monday.   Penalties for failing to register could reach $27,500 in civil fines and $250,000 and three years in prison for criminal penalties. But Michael Whitaker, deputy administrator of FAA, said initial efforts will be to get everyone signed up rather than to punish owners, unless it is an egregious incident.     http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2015/12/14/drone-registry-faa/77275676/
  9. What started with one woman paying for the meal of the person behind her at a Florida McDonald’s drive-thru created a chain reaction of 250 people paying it forward.   http://kstp.com/article/stories/s3990965.shtml
  10. This is the one I use :D [url=http://postimage.org/][/url] [url=http://postimage.org/app.php]take a screenshot[/url]
  11. My daughter was dating a guy that I wasn't too impressed with and one similar to this is what he saw every time he walked in the door. It stayed there until he decided to move on to someone else. BTW, she later thanked me.
  12. I'd be willing to bet that we'll hear something on Monday (Dec 14, anniversary of Sandy Hook) even if it's just a plan.
  13.  I wasn't going to go to the gun show this week end but might have to just to hear the chatter going on about this. 
  14. This should be good, even Senators and Congressmen can't get access to the list.   :D   Connecticut Governor to Ban Gun Sales to People on Government Watch Lists       http://www.nbcconnecticut.com/news/local/Governor-Expected-to-Make-Major-Public-Safety-Announcement-361438091.html
  15. This could very well be just a way to mess with peoples heads and keep them on edge. I guess you could call it non-violent terrorism. 
  16.  If someone came in and bought 60 cell phones at 4 AM.   http://www.kspr.com/news/local/large-quantity-of-cellphones-bought-raises-red-flags/21051620_36871174
  17. With all the doom and gloom going on now days I decided to post something on a lighter note. If this doesn't bring a smile to your face, you might be a lost cause. [url=http://postimage.org/][/url] [url=http://postimage.org/]free upload[/url]
  18. Message to Obama from NRA on the same subject   https://youtu.be/4zn9E-bx0VY
  19. The lever action you mentioned would be the Rossi Rio Grande 410. It normally sells for around $500.   I have a weakness for 410s but as others have mentioned, the 20ga would be more practical. 
  20. Info on the wife, with picture   http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3346618/ISIS-loyalist-woman-San-Bernardino-massacre-linked-Pakistan-s-notorious-radical-cleric-mosque-known-center-fundamentalists.html
  21. [url=http://postimage.org/][/url] [url=http://postimage.org/app.php]screen capture[/url]
  22. I was in Wally World this morning and their ammo shelves were bare except for a few boxes of hunting type ammo. Tuesday they had just about everything except .22.
  23. [url=http://postimage.org/][/url] [url=http://postimage.org/]photo hosting[/url]
  24. Clock Boy’ Ahmed Homesick in Qatar, Wants to Come Back to Texas   Within days of demanding a total of $15 million from the City of Irving and the Irving Independent School District, “Clock Boy” Ahmed Mohamed announced in a long distance phone interview from Qatar, he is homesick and wants to come home to Texas now. In October, Ahmed accepted a fully-funded education scholarship from the Qatar Foundation, an organization with reputed ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, over an invitation to MIT, which is among the most prestigious institutions of higher learning in the world. The family announced they would relocate to Qatar to accommodate his education, which they did. More at link       http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/12/01/clock-boy-ahmed-homesick-qatar-wants-come-back-texas/
  25.    Proceed with caution, you're about to be exposed to something that's more addictive than the AR bug  :lol:


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