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Everything posted by xsubsailor

  1. At my age, I get nervous when I do that
  2. The good folks of Hawaii had this pop up on their phones this morning. Someone pushed the wrong button http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/01/13/hawaii-emergency-officials-say-ballistic-missile-threat-alert-was-mistake.html
  3. I was here in Jan. '85 when we had the 12" of "a few flurries with no accumulation". That was the year that the kids who rode school buses didn't get home until after midnight.
  4. All right !!! Another member from our end of the state. Welcome aboard from Drummonds
  5. Wishing you well, Doug.
  6. I might have to drop in and have a look. I didn't even know about the pawn shop.
  7. Well....... it is very cold down on the gulf coast right now. I guess they flew north for the winter
  8. Something is very wrong here Alaska enjoys unseasonably high temperatures of 44F http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5230435/T-shirts-Alaska-winter-With-record-tying-temps-yes.html
  9. I don't know if it was the cold or what but I had a bird commit suicide using my truck today. Driving 55 and the bird came from my right, turned and hit me head on...... I won.
  10. I'm about as far away as I can be and still be in Tennessee but welcome to the group.
  11. Ugly as sin but I might have to take a closer look I do like some of the features of it. Take down, threaded barrel, trigger parts interchangeable with 10/22 but god, it's ugly https://ruger.com/products/pcCarbine/models.html
  12. I just found this site but it's much too late at night for me to try to make sense of it. http://www.techradar.com/news/the-best-free-photo-editor
  13. Those, my friend, are some beautiful knives.
  14. I've been following this thread. I've got a lot of old photos that I would like to try to clean up and not sure what program to use. I'm running windows 8.1 on my computer.
  15. We didn't have to go to Western Auto, our neighborhood grocery store sold them.
  16. Yep... I asked if they would throw in a free background check if I paid in cash and he said no . I couldn't even afford the sales tax.
  17. I found what I want for Christmas in the Beretta room at Basspro. Third from the left
  18. I ran across this forum while looking for something. There seems to be a lot of good information, especially in the trapper tips section. https://trapperman.com
  19. Even the brass is high. Midway's price for Starline brass in .327 is $.24-27 each depending on quantity ordered and only $.15-21 for 357.
  20. If anyone is still interested in these, Academy has them on sale now for $99.99
  21. If you're after a range/cleaning rod, I can't recommend this one enough. All of mine are traditional style rifles but this will serve you well. http://possibleshop.com/g-c-cleaning-rod.html
  22. I don't see a problem here. I, like you, use a 9mm conversion barrel in my G23 and have no problems. I believe that the small amount of wiggle room you mentioned in the .40 is referring to the high side.
  23. I googled springfield xdm 4.5 holster and a number of them popped up. I went through several holsters before I settled on the Don Hume JIT Slide. Anything I carry rides in one of them.


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