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Everything posted by john455

  1. That's just wrong!
  2. Everything is better with BACON, I will be trying this!!!! I miss my dads homemade bacon he would smoke it in hickory and maple  for 15+ hrs and it was soo good. I need to raise a couple pigs to slaughter. AHHH and the hot pork skins right out of the rendering kettle dipped in Texas Pete hot sauce.
  3. We are having home made Chicken and Dumplins tonight YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMY
  4. My mail lady firmly believes in the postal motto she has delivered both days I got my new Front Line LKC Holster today in the mail so I'm a happy camper
  5. o I love fishing, where I live I can drive 5 minutes in 3 different directins and be at a river or the lake, I usually drop my son at preschool and head to the river for a couple hours at least twice a week, weather permitting.
  6. LOL speaking of broken hips, I walked/slipped/slid/ to the store today, I fell 5 times and krilled my ankle on the way back, I really don't see why anyone would want to try to drive on that mess I could hardly walk on, it's slicker than a moles butt out there!! Worse fall was the last, I landed hard on my Rossi .357 mag on my left hip........ HUGE BRUISE
  7. sorry to go off topic but that triple barrel that popped up after the video played is just awesome I didn't even know they made a triple barrel 12g
  8. snowing here in Newport, big chicken feather flakes
  9. 392,000 lbs bid is at $85 someone is gonna make some good money just in scrap price
  10. Are your guns loaded?????? I can't believe you admitted to having MILK AND BREAD during a SNOWPOCALYPSE are you crazy man ?????? YOUR ASKING TO BE OVER RUN WITH LOOTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. This thread took a SCARRRRRRRRRY turn
  12. Amen Brother!!!!!!! when school is out I have My 4yr old my 2,3, and 6 yr old grand daughters and my 4yr old grand son so 5 crazy cooped up kids V/S Me= not good foe me
  13. BHA it's NJ enough said, I honestly don't know why anyone who has a choice would live in NJ or NY I've been to both and couldn't wait to leave!!!!!!!!!
  14. john455

    Henry 30-30

    a  Henry lever action 30-30 is one of my short list rifles they are just a beautiful weapon.
  15. john455


    We are pretty much debt free, the only bill we have besides the normal lights and cable/internet is $375 house payment for 6 more years, and now all of our kids are grown and doing well except our 4 yr old we adopted, so for the first time since we have been married we have money for stuff we want instead of just what we need. We have done a bunch of house remodeling in the past year so we are pretty much done there, so it's time for a few "I just want that" purchases, believe me we are both very tight with our money so nothing to extravagate but a few things that we both just want not need lol
  17. HEY NOW those dounuts might just be worth it!!!!!!!!
  18. Just a reminder to the Genny users please make sure your connection to the main powerline id disconnected so the electricity can't back feed, as a former Line clearance tree trimmer, and the father of a Supervisor at Wolf Tree I thank you.  We had a lot of problem with this working an Ice Storm in Arkansas back in 2001 I had a couple of my guys put in the hospital due to a genny back feed. so lets keep the guys tring to get your power back on safe :2cents:  :)
  19. ice and cold ......yup bout it
  20. And you can produce your own Natural gas to lmbo
  21. My daughter works at the jail in Newport and she told me the Cocke county sheriffs all went to Glock 31 not sure about the City police yet but she is checking.
  22. LOL back then it was a great place to grow up way out in the boonies no trouble to get into lol just a lot open fields, woods, and ponds to fish in.
  23. john455


    O I gave her a lot more than that :stunned:  and I am planning a nice big jewelry purchase for her Birthday in April :up:  :up:
  24. Nice Juicy worm Darrel
  25. well I have enough canned food put up that we could live on it for 3weeks to a month after that we would have to scrounge


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