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Everything posted by MrsMonkeyMan2500

  1. I've already contacted 2 rescues, I have a lot of friends in the dog training/rescue world. Please, please do not post her on Craigslist. I'll come get her if I have to. I am confident I can find her a home if I have a few days to do it. A safe, loving home.
  2. PLEASE DO NOT PUT HER ON CRAIGSLIST. Please. Let me contact some people and see if I can find a rescue for her. What city do you live in?
  3. Interesting read. Here's the bottom line for me, if he likes it, I buy it. Guns, bourbon, food. It doesn't matter. He's the bread winner and he works that tail off. So by God, $80 a bottle? So be it! Fishy and all! :)
  4. It's well worth the trip. It's a very well stocked store but the prices are the best part. In town in Cookeville my old favorite store has Jefferson Ocean at $99 and change. I picked it up at Bob's for $77'ish. So when I buy 3 bottles in already in the clear. But it's still an hour or so drive for me, but I'd rather support a TGO'er than a local someone I don't know. :)
  5. Just lookin out! Never know what creepers or peepers might see that!! :)
  6. You haven't ever met my Monkey. Don't get me wrong, he's gotten a lot recently but again, squirrel hoarder. I just want that much Whistlepig because he really liked it. The prices at Buds compared to here will shock you. So I drive to Knoxville, say hi to Mike and spend my money there.
  7. I forgot the Muppets! It's so funny! And inappropriate in that cleverly written way. Good call!
  8. Damn addicting game. The challenges either make you feel brilliant or down right stupid. My cousin and I usually keep it between :30 - :45. Talk about stress.
  9. Ok, well if we're lucky it'll be there and if not we'll grab other stuff!! You know I like to load up!
  10. That's a great gift!! But, I can see your full name and address on your copies of your magazines. Might want to edit that. :)
  11. Oy vey, is that Whistlepig 10 yr not a regular?
  12.  Oh no, Do you not have any of the 10? If you have 12 set me back a bottle and I will take 3 of the 10. I'll fill the rest of the cart up once we get there. Business as usual. Although this time I will have help loading it which is either going to be good or bad. LOL
  13.   Boy, if we play this right, we might be able to make millions on a new TV show.
  14.   I cannot agree with this ENOUGH. Fringe was AMAZING. John Noble is also good in Sleepy Hollow and Elementary.   We tried Breaking Bad but after 4 episodes, we both agreed it just wasn't working for us. The same thing happened with OITNB. The Walking Dead is for sure up there for me, although I haven't started season 6 yet. We use Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime and the CBS ap because we need NCIS and The Good Wife. Limitless has really grown on me too, smart funny and well written.    Oh, and you can get The Blacklist through the NBC ap if you have a friend with a cable account who will make you an email address to verify you're a cable member. But I wouldn't do that.......  :squint: One thing I would suggest for Netflix is to get into the BBC version of Sherlock. Longer Episodes and less of them but they are EXCELLENT.
  15.   Just leave the finger puppets out of it and everything is cool. Tell your wife to relax and it's perfectly normal. I mean hell, I am sure she plays Trivia Crack or something while she does.     Sadly, I can testify to the fact that this happens regularly.       When batteries are low, laptops work too. Unless you use the Poop Stool. Then it's just too weird of a position.
  16. Monkey has become a Big fan of their "Ocean". But we're actually restocking this weekend on the Whistlepig. It was a huge hit here, which was shocking to me. We'll get the 10 again but we're gonna try the 12 yr too.
  17. I'm still traumatized so my hands were shaking bad. Ok that's a lie, it's really that this 6s iPhone of mine sucks. It auto corrects everything!!
  18. I'd call it an opinionated thread versus a rant. Didn't realize it would be such a big deal to put my opinion/feelings out there. I just feel like it's incredible that in 2015 when there are people having to fight for their rights, women aren't treated in the same manner when it comes to what/how they carry, when they carry and what they're shown when they go to buy. A legally armed citizen, is a good citizen to have. Regardless of sex, color or anything else people might judge. That's all I was getting at. Now, if you wanna drop $3k on a Louis Vuitton and carry a .380 by all means, do it. Whatever a person is comfortable doing, they should do. But I've learned over the last few months that anything not directly on your person isn't practical because it affects your response time. So I've learned ways to adapt how I carry to suit me. :)
  19. Gotcha. Well, like I said, my life/safety is worth more than a purse or looking good. I can't help it if other women don't see it that way. I've learned that I fall into a different category of women. And I'm ok with that.
  20. I checked out new guns last night, there was a Sig that I actually found pleasing the eye. For once. But I refuse to pay for that when I can get 2 glocks. Just not practical in my mind.
  21. ? I'm not sure what I'm supposed to say to that? Most woman do put fashion before function? I used to purse carry a bit, but then I got smart. I ordered an Alien Gear belt, I even wear in with my yoga pants. That way I can always carry like a "normal" person. Purse be damned, my life is more important than a Coach/MK/whatever the heck wives carry purse. Personally I use a Fossil Messenger bag, it's more of a hipster murse. Because hell, why not? But I carry it on my left side now so I have the ability to draw from my right.
  22. Maybe Jesus is punishing you for not using a 10mm. Just a thought.
  23. I might give that a look the next time I go shopping. All brown water is strictly for the Monkey. I don't drink much, but when I do, I drink vino. I just get a kick out of seeing his face when he gets new bottles.
  24. Another word to add versus reward would be "needs meds" because that way they'll see out a vet or the owner versus debating on keeping the new cute fuzz ball they found.
  25. No need, I know women, I've got no doubts. There's a level of multi-tasking/thinking that most women are really good at. Men think they're pervs, ha, sit in on a conversation between women. I've had to leave conversations before. Women are ten times grosser than men if not more.


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