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Everything posted by MrsMonkeyMan2500

  1. I feel like with Cooper, he's so dang happy despite his horrible start to life. I load his food with Omega 3's, he gets fish oil, I still have him on bio-lac mixed canned food and dry eukanuba. He holds it down very well, he has since we got him. I started him slow but he eats 4-5 times a day. We'll get him there.
  2. How do? Proof? Flavor?
  3. Just found some Founders Dirty Bastard and grabs a couple 6 packs for the weekend. Also some sort of breakfast stout by them as well. Grabbed Monkey a Peg Leg Porker Bourbon to try and then lalso Rowan's Creek. It's puppies and beer weekend!
  4. I can tell the difference in my donors. And a lot of you guys have made amazing contributions that I am beyond grateful for. I truly believe I have found my purpose in life when it comes to work. I will be looking into forming my very own rescue and filing for a 501c3. In the mean time, I am beyond proud, excited and blessed to say in almost 24 hours I have raised 40% of my goal! To everyone here who has donated I want to show my thanks! Monkey and I will have a TGO cookout this spring to say thank you. Remember, he used to be a chef! If you're interested in donating: https://www.youcaring.com/coop-liz-ressler-and-red-516225 Even the smallest bits help. Also, I will be posting new photos tonight. Coop has gained a lot of weigh already. Still looks awful but there's been a change for the good. Also I'll post our 5th foster we got last night! FYI - I also get him Bourbon and Beer too. Although that budget is going to shrink a wee bit for puppies! LOL
  5. Pick a face and I will give him that name. Your donation was kind. So pic away! What about the big fuzz ball? I'm kinda tired of calling him Donald. LOL Thank you again for your kindness! It's much appreciated. Monkey told me last night I might have to sent up a 501c3 if I keep bringing home dogs. P.S. If I name Donald, Probie. Then I am going to need a Gunney too right?
  6. Wow, in just 9 hours I've reached 1/4 of my goal. I've got to say a big thank you to those of you who's helped!
  7. Got another TGO donation! Thank you guys! I really can't thank you enough. Especially since I just got home with my 5th foster dog!
  8. I almost had a heart attack driving. I knew it was a TGO member. Thank you so unbelievably much! If travel is the issue I will gladly hold one until you're shedule is clear. Thank you so, so much for your generosity. It's appreciated more than you know!
  9. Hey Guys,   I have had a message offering assistance with the pups. I went ahead and created a YouCaring page for the pups.    https://www.youcaring.com/coop-liz-ressler-and-red-516225   If you want to make any sized donation to help with their vetting and care, it would be greatly appreciated. Anything raised over what they need medically and food wise will go to me helping rescue and pull more pups from the shelter and I will donate the rest to the rescue that helped with Daisy.    Thanks again!   Lacey
  10. God I love that man. What is ridiculous is I had two new pistols to test last weekend. My new 20 and my new 21sf. I HATED my 21sf. I then went to the 20. WOW. What a difference. My grouping was awful with the 21 but with the 20 I was back to normal. It was probably all in my head, but targets don't lie.
  11. I can't say we have based on a show but our love of 10mm  developed after a night of watching The Walking Dead and discussing getting into the caliber. We now own 4 10mm guns.    Personally I don't know why in the heck, but I have become a huge Glock Fan. Especially my 20 and 29. I have a 17 coming in today to my LGS from Bud's online. $531 with NiB-X slide. I really don't shoot 9mm but it was too purdy.
  12.   I know someone else with good Karma points too. :)  Samar almost came this morning. The crackhead that sold me Liz and Red texted me asking if I wanted another female only this time she tried to get more money out of me. It didn't go well for her and I ended the conversaton informing her I am going to contact the White County Sheriffs Department and the Sparta Police Department to report her. She shut up after that. I am picking up another Foster today. Her name is Glamora which is ridiculous so I think I shall call her Samar. She will only be here 1 week. Ressler is a ridiculous puppy with TONS of energy. He's gonna be a big boy too. I am thinking he's GP and Bernard mix. He's 16 lbs at 8 weeks. He beats up Liz and Red so it's kinda appropriate that I gave the names to who I did! LOL      Michael Weatherly is leaving at the end of the season. Fingers crossed it is to go live with Ziva and not in a body bag. I almost hope she comes for him and there's a wedding. He had a DUI a while ago and after that he decided to leave the show but he still has a development deal with CBS so we will be seeing him in something else. This is not how I saw it going either. I really thought Gibbs would be gone at the end of this season with his knees so bad that he can barely walk but I guess with his shooting they've figured out a way to cover it good.     Just Random FYI at this point. Ressler will be available within the next 2-4 weeks. Once he is neutered he will be adoptable. So if any one is looking for a mini horse puppy with a heart on his nose, let me know!
  13.     I was at the vet and she asked big boys name and I looked at her and said Donald Ressler. I looked at my bill later and he was "Donald Wrestler". Not everyone gets it but I was at a loss for names and I missed last weeks episode. Plus we already have a Gibbs and quite honestly I hate Bishop and Abby is getting too old to act the way she does. I could have gone Blindspot names but The Blacklist just suited these terrorists!
  14. Meet the pups! Here is Reddington, Red for short. Here is Lizzie, which is his litter mate (She's a beautiful brindle): Here is Donald Ressler (See the theme yet?): Here they are food drunk and sleepy and cute: If this doesn't make you smile, then I am certain that you do not have a soul: And here is where you will be upset, so luckily you can go back up and look at cute puppies.. This is Harold Cooper, he was my last "rescue" today. Here he is sleeping in my arm while we are at the vet waiting to be seen: Sweet and innocent, snuggly and wonderful.. And then here is a view of him as a whole: The minute I saw him, I knew he had to come with me or his chances of survival were slim to none. I say that because of the condition he was in, the fact that he needed serious medical care and to be fed at least 4-6 times a day. They only feed one big meal in the morning at the shelter so they can clean it up before they go home. I am not knocking it, but clearly this boy needed more. He is here and perfectly wonderful. He is quiet, his tail is always on the go and he gives kisses freely and softly. How in the world he has the energy for that, I do not know. But I am determined to make him fat and happy. Keep in mind he is 3-4 months and the same size as 8 week old Donald Ressler. So that's it. There you have it. The Blacklist puppies of the Monkey house. I'm 97% sure they will all be available for adoption sooner or later depending on health. Red and Liz are 4.5 weeks and are 2/3 Pit and 1/3 Boxer but that's coming from an idiot who took 4 week old puppies from their mother. Donald Ressler is 8 weeks old and I have no idea what he is. He came from a gentleman who doesn't believe in spaying or neutering his pets because he can just dump puppies at the rescue if he can't sell them; I think he's Great Pyrenees and something else mixed. The guy said he was part Pit Bull but I highly doubt that. He has no tail at all because the "gentleman" also self docks the dogs tails. Harold Cooper is roughly 3-4 months old and a Lab/Pit Mix but he really looks like a Visla to me. He's at least 15 lbs underweight and he also has eye drops right now so clearly he's with us for quite a while. If you have interest, please know there is an application to be filled out and Adoption Fees. The Fees basically cover the full vetting of the animal including spay or neuter. It also helps us save other animals. But again, it is only recovering the vet fees which are discounted for the rescue.
  15. We don't talk to the gents, they're always taking to the young ladies that serve donuts.
  16. Make it a Saturday or Sunday and Monkey and I will meet you. They don't make bread anymore, and I'm not sure about a giant twist. Ralph passed away and left it to his kids. His daughter and son in law bought out the brother and they own it. When my friend and I have out "city time" we always do the same routine. We go to lunch and then Ralph's. We always sit on the same two stools, order too many, share them and admire the ol farts who bring in their own styrofoam cups. Milkshakes aren't an option either. Coffee, milk or pop. That's it. I wish they made bread, I bet it would be amazing!!
  17. I seriously love your posts sometimes. And while I'm not knocking your choices, I think perhaps if maybe you drank PBR and Jack you could have avoided these issues and still be a boozer til this day. I myself can't drink much because of health issues but when I do, boy do I do it up with some wine! I'm an obnoxious drinker. I laugh too much and dance at random. Hence why we are hermits. And I still haven't tried that wine yet Mike! I haven't drank anything since November. I will this Saturday, I swear.
  18. The Handy, his VanWinkle 12 and a few other bottles. He also has stashed some away downstairs in random spots. I swear to god he is part squirrel! So help me Jesus, when my new Glock gets here there better be room. I've been telling him for a while now to get it out.
  19. Which one? Have you tried the Chef's Collaboration? Monkey is stuck on Whistlepig 10 currently. He refuses to open anything 12yr or older. There's even bourbon in the damn gun safe.
  20. My favorite is the red velvet with cream cheese frosting. Maple frosted with nuts is killer too. The have a PB&J! But who doesn't love their honey twist or fritters?!? Hell, I'm going tomorrow now that I listed all that!!
  21. I just snapped an "accident shot" it is priceless. But right now I have a 4 week old pup sleeping in my arm so I can't get to the dang laptop! Soon! I promise!
  22. Yep! The one and only!
  23. I'd be down for one that said Banana. I'd get Monkey one that said ... Well ... Monkey.
  24. People in this area are HORRIBLE. Some j@ck@ss brought back a dog to the shelter today while I was there pulling my new foster and oops another one. He brought it back because "it got out too much". Really? Get a better fence, train your dog. I was livid. It's a good thing I don't work there. I pulled a 3 month old Pit Bull mix who was in the back in "intake". He's literally a walking skeleton. He put us at 5 fosters. All unplanned, all picked up in the last two days but I couldn't not do anything. So I took Daisy's adoption fee and put it towards the 4 pups we have here. My 5th foster comes Thursday after her spay. She's heading to CT. Once these 4 are old enough and healthy enough, I'll share. They're so cute and fuzzy right now I'd have a heard of people banging down my door!
  25. If you ever come to Cookeville, let me know. Our local shop got voted #1 in Tennessee. I'd gladly buy you a donut or two!


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