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Everything posted by 323ssplt

  1. 323ssplt

    What to Buy

    Range USA is a shooting range/gun shop in a Memphis suburb called Bartlett. 901-213-4774. I've drooled, I mean over this 6" Python for a couple of weeks over there. It looks damned good, but the action.....oohhhhh the action........makes you want to:tough: after you dry fire it. Please buy it out from under me. If I were to buy it, I might shoot it once or twice a year, otherwise it would sit in the safe in the secure knowledge that it was mine. However, If I were to buy a more "sensible" gun, like the Ruger, at least it would get used a few times a year during deer season, since I now have an awesome place in Mississippi that I can actually handgun hunt. Hell, I shot three deer this year under 75 yards, and passed on another half dozen well within that range.
  2. 323ssplt

    What to Buy

    As to the Ruger, I have two regrets. Not only did I sell my S&W 629 a few years ago, I also passed up on a STUPID good deal on a Ruger Hunter just a few months ago. My wife and I share the same birthday, although she is five years older, but that is an idea. Our anniversary is the same day as my marine corps anniversary(so I'd never be able to forget it) sooooooooooo maybe she'll get a 1911 for our anniversary.. SEMPER FI......uuuuhhh I mean I loved you honey...yeah...that's the ticket....
  3. 323ssplt

    What to Buy

    Well, I generally get a good return because of the military. I was overseas for half of last year and my wife was on active duty until October. Also, I get to write off all of my mileage because I am a reservist now. I live in Memphis, drill in New Orleans and travel all over the south to other units teaching shooting and combat to various units. Last year I got to write off almost 60 cents a mile. Also, any gear I or my wife buys gets written off too. So my totla military write offs were something like $15k. As to guns, I have all the carry guns I need, and then some. Hell, I have a 45 gun capacity safe that is stuffed full and overflowing, so now I'm looking for more "play" guns. My wife also has all the guns she needs, but like I said has taken a fancy to the S&W 1911. I'm trying to do this on the down low (without her knowing how much I spend) but, she would forgive me if it was for her. I appreciate all of the responses, but hell, I'm still torn. Went to the gun range/dealer today, and they can't get an S&W 1911 in now to save thier lives. That leaves Gunbroker. The only reason I can "justify" to myself not buying Kimber (yes my wife's name is Kimber) a 1911 is she said she wants to buy a new couch for the new house. What's a guy to do. My personal top two are the cetme and the ruger hunter. But Range USA does have a NICE python in their case for $950.
  4. They really are worth the money. I've tried just about every holster out there, and those are the two I've settled on. Just a hint, keep an eye on Ebay, if you watch enough you'll be able to find a holster for your gun and generally won't pay retail. I think I've bought two or three Kramers and two Milt Sparks and haven't had to pay what the makers are asking for them.
  5. Many others have come up with great places to check, but I'll ad my two cents. When I got home from Iraq last year I shopped around ALOT. I was able to find the largest, most accomidating safe at Dick's. I bought their 45 gun safe for a little under $1100. Everyone else, like Bass Pro and Sportsmans Wherehouse wanted several hundred more for a comperable model.
  6. I do occassionally forget that I am wearing either of my carry guns. I carry either a Glock 19 in a Kramer IWB holster or a Glock 31 in a Milt Sparks Versa Max II. I've found that either holster is sooooooo comfortable that I hardly notice they are there. Much more so than my Glock 27 in it's Don Hume holster.
  7. The only dumb question is that which is not asked.....unless it comes from Punisher84, then they're ALL dumb questions..,. Just kidding bro. Anyway, I, like the rest of them have never sent in a warranty card and have never had any problem with warranty service, although that is limited to exactly one gun that I had to send back.
  8. 323ssplt

    What to Buy

    Ok, this could go in any of several forums, so I chose the first one. Anyway, I just got a HUGE tax refund and some other money today and so, like any other good, red blooded american gun owner am looking to spend some of it on firearms. Also, I close on my first house on Tuesday, so I HAVE to buy myself a housewarming present.......right? Anyway, I'm looking at spending about a grand on something or somethings..... Top considerations are... 1.)A Ruger Super Blackhawk Hunter in 44 magnum (always regretted getting rid of my only other handgun hunting capable weapon) 2.) Cetme with wood stocks and stainless steel receiver. 3.) A whole bunch of used Smith handguns i.e. 5943, 4046 etc... 4.) A s***load of ammo, i.e. 308 gold medal, 338 lapua etc. 5.) An S&W 1911 for my wife (she's fallen in love with the damned thing, yet I can't GIVE her my Springfield 1911 loaded) 6.) a colt python 6" What the hell am I to do????? I need help:D
  9. Holy Cow.... Wow....all I can say is WOW...... Not just the dumba$$ that used the wrong stuff, but I got a headache from reading the word "epic" so many effin times.....they all sound like a bunch of stoners...
  10. If you rob a gas station you’re only going to get $20, but I get to see a large K-9 dog use your arm as a chew toy. For all I care you can keep the $20 That's the best line right there...
  11. Call Range USA 901-213-4774. They are a class 3 dealer, and can probably direct you in the right direction
  12. I hate you. No really...I do! As a way to negate this hate, hook me up with your sister.. JK Great score:up:
  13. Mass. outlaws hi cap mags. So if he bought the guns in NH as the article stated then he would have recieved regular capacity magazines. It does sound like they are setting his bail based on the sheer volume of ammunition that he had. That's why I'm moving even further into the deep south!!!
  14. I'd give her a shot at the title......
  15. There are a ton of variables when it comes to rifle shooting. First is you. Are you consistently getting the same cheek weld and eye relieve each shot? Are you applying the same pressure on the trigger (and pistol grip) each time. Also, how many rounds did you fire before shooting this group? Did you clean the barrel between a certain number of rounds? Did you clean the barrel the same way each time, or different? All of these things can cause erroneous shots. That rifle itsself should be capable of sub MOA, but then again not every one will produce that type of accuracy. Sorry for no definative answeres, but too many questions have to be answered first. And at 100 yards, a light breeze should have virtually no affect on those rounds. However, the wind could be affecting you.
  16. The answer is...Has your level of fear risen to the point that deadly force is justified.........me, if I can't get away, and a couple of well placed kicks don't work, I'd drop him like a bad habit.
  17. Normally, I am a Bud Light man myself, but my wife (yeah go ahead and laugh) bought some before she went on her AT. I forgot to get some beer on the way home and was forced to try this stuff. And I was pleasantly surprised. And I swear it hits you harder than other beer.
  18. Actually, this is why it took so long for it to come out. I worked on this a little for Ruger a year ago. The idea at the time was to compete for the replacement for the M249 SAW. One thing they were doing was a quick change barrel and of course select fire with open bolt capability. When I talked to Mike Fifer about the SR556 about six months ago, he told me they were waiting to release it until ALL the bugs had been worked out. He didn't want a third recall in a row. It's an awesome weapon, and waiting for mine to come.
  19. Hell, since the patches and insignia don't match, I'll be uber generous and take it off your "duped" hands for........$500:p Seriously, awesome pistol. My wife has decided she wants a 1911, but, ofcourse like any female, she doesn't want MY 1911(Springfield Loaded rebuilt a couple of time) so I am looking for a Wilson for her. Nothing better than a 5'2" well endowed blond haired blue eyed Army Medic carrying a 1911:drool:
  20. OK, here's my take on all of this. Glocks are famous and well respected because they offer one hell of a pistol for the price.....reliable, the most corrosion resistant finish on the market, decent ergonomics, combat accurate, and a high magazine capacity. However, ALL weapons are machines!!! When not properly cared for, or fed the right fuel (read ammo and lubrication) they will fail, sometimes with catostrophic results. Just about all the gun manufacturors have offered something that is innovative and unique. Smith was the first "wondernine: with the model 59. They did update the P38 design (and as an aside, the first commercially successful DA/SA was the Walther PP not the P38). Ruger created an updated "indestructable" single action, etc........ Guns are like cars.....they all do the same thing, but each maker offers a different look and a "different" way of doing the same thing. It boils down to "each his own" Lastly...to the OP(and everyone for that matter)...don't hate! If you don't like Glocks (or whatever), then don't buy one. Carry an M&P, or whatever, and be happy. As long as the F'n thing goes bang and puts the little pointy thing where it needs to go then "live long and prosper"............whooooo..rant over..... PS If you haven't tried Michelob Ultra *Lime Cactus* you NEED to.
  21. I like that place. I bought my first C&R gun from them years ago. Last time I was in there, the lady behind the counter told me she and her husband had owned it for years. However when he passed a couple of years ago, she let the FFL expire, so sadly, no more guns from them. They actually had some good guns for good prices. I think my 1918 SMLE No1 Mark III was like $125 from them.
  22. As to what Punisher is saying, if you want to look at a house down there, have a gander at the original deed from the developer. They state that they are not selling the land with the guarantee that anything can be built on it, because they used about 20 feet of fill dirt to raise up and level the area. The area on Mud Island just south of Auction Street is a good example. The land owner was bringing in fill to raise and level and ended up having several million cubic feet of dirt slide into the harbor there. Very messy and very expensive to clean up.
  23. I wish I could, but I signed a confientiality clause with them. I would like to do work for and with them in the future, and I don't think they would look favorably on me letting the cat out of the bag early. Also, it might be something totally different than what I worked on. Hell, the LCR surprised the hell out of me when Mike Fifer and the crew showed it off for the first time.
  24. Mike, I'm right there with you. Most of the time, if I'm in a restaurant I'm having a drink, so I won't be carrying anyway. However, I want to be able to carry ANY of my weapons that I care to loaded!


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