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Everything posted by 323ssplt

  1. I have several AR's but the two I really like are my Ruger SR556 and I just got an SR556 in 6.8 SPC. Heading to the range tomorrow to shoot the SPC. Pics to follow. I just really like the piston sytem and even though it is a little heavy up front, it really helps keep the rifle on target.
  2. For me the worst gun was a Kahr K40. I bought it used for a damned good price, so that should have been a clue. The trigger pull was horrible, even for a Kahr and it would barley make it through a full mag before it would jam in one of several ways. Eventually traded it off for a Savge 110 Tactical that is my favorite long gun. So in the end it worked out. But I have never bought another Kahr.
  3. I promise I will actually make one of these shoots one day, and I'll bring a few of the company's toys to boot.
  4. I agree with MikeW, if you are going to keep the HS stock, use their bottom metal. They work OK. I have two 700's with HS stocks and bottom metal that I am not in love with but work fine. I guess I am just a snob, because I really do like Badger, but if I had all the money in the world I would restock my guns in McMillans and use Badger bottom metal and rails and rings.
  5. +2 for Lacrosse boots. I've had a pair of their muck boots for around 7 years now, and they still look brand new. The only thing I would change is to get a little more thinsulate than the pair I have, which is something like 150 grams. But they are great!
  6. I disagree. There is a reason man domesticated dogs thousands of years ago. In a survival situation, you and the dog will form a symbiotic relationship. The dog either provides protection, and you provide the food or vice versa.
  7. I have five dogs, and they as well are all rescues. 1 great dane, 1 pit bull, 1 pit bull mix, 1 beagle and 1 manchester terrier. They are my kids. If I had to "bug out" they would come with me, period. I always keep at least a weeks worth of supplies for them and several months worth of medicines for them. If I and my wife had to bug out, it would be via truck, jeep or horse, which would allow carrying large amounts of supplies, including the aforementioned dog supplies. With the dogs I have all the bases covered. The pit and dane are AWESOME guard dogs, yet loving family members. The beagle and the terrier are excellent hunters, great for supplimenting food, and the pit mix, well.....she's just my number one and I would kill to keep her alive.
  8. I checked into getting a type 1 FFl a few years ago. Mostly you have to have a store front as said above. However, if you can qualify yourself as a "gunsmith" and again as said above can operate a business from home, you can use that to get an FFL.
  9. Magic, I intentionally didn't list which company, because I didn't want people to associate any of my responses or opinions on here with the company I will be working for. But trust me, it's a major one. Daelith: Don't worry, I will let all the local TGO members know when I need help ringing out new products or am putting on a shoot. To everyone else...THANKS, I knew all of you could sympathize with my "predicament"
  10. Congrats!! Everyone always drools over Wilsons, Nighthawks etc, and there is nothing wrong with them, but for me, nothing can beat a Les Baer for a top of the line custom 1911
  11. Well, I've been contemplating whether or not to spill the beans, but I decided what the hell. As of Monday, I will be working for one of the largest firearms companies in the country in Military, Law Enforcement and Export sales. Not only is it a big pay raise for me over what I am making now, but I actually get PAID to play with guns . I sure as hell am looking forward to moving into this new job!!! Let the hating begin.....
  12. 323ssplt

    SD 40

    I guess I've had my head buried in the sand for awhile, but I didn't even know they came out with an "upgraded" Sigma. It looks good, though....Congrats
  13. Off the top of my head, probaly the oddest/coolest/whatever thing I have is an ashtray from Saddam's palace at Babylon. I do collecct odd things but that'a all can think of right now.
  14. I guess I'm boring I've only killed deer with one of three 30/06's or one of two 45-70's
  15. Here's an even better article...... BTW the Marine Corps is going to a BETTER Round...FYI Army won’t field deadlier Corps round - Army News, news from Iraq, - Army Times
  16. Yeah, I'm sure that was me that Gunny was talking about. I had never met him before this AT and he is a trip. 1stSgt Bowen I know from Africa last year. He want to get together and do some shooting some time. Sorry to hear about the Boot LT...they were fun to deal with
  17. Yeah, I was lookin' for ya, but everytime I came by they said you were out. I told 1stSgt Bowen and Gunny Wilken to give you hell. I hope they did....LOL
  18. All I have ammo wise is 12, 16, 20 and 410, BUT I do happen to have two older presses that are set up for 28, does that count?
  19. OK....stealing from JeffsSig's idea, what RIFLE ammo do you own.. Me... 17 HMR 22 CB 22 Lr 9mm 308 Win 7.62x51 NATO 30/06 30/30 338 Lapua 50 BMG 7.65 Argentine 303 Brit 8mm Mauser 8x56R Hungarian 577 Snyder 7.62x54R 7.62x39 5.45x39 223 5.56x45 260 Remington 270 WSM 45/70 35 Whelen 577/450 Martini Henry OK we can include shotguns as well 410 16 20 12
  20. 22lr 22 CB 25 ACP 32 ACP 32 H&R Magnum 38 Spl 357 Magnum 357 Sig 380 9mm 40 S&W 45 ACP 44 Spl 44 Magnum I think that's all the handguns....I have way more in rifles, but that's another thread
  21. Got it, Thanks
  22. 323ssplt

    Ruger LCR KaBoom

    It looks like a squib load to me. I've personally watched squib loads completely blow the barrel off of both an S&W 64 and a 642. Found both barrels down range in the bullet traps. Scary things.
  23. Stickj is about to become someone's bitch.....lol
  24. Damned she is STILL HOT especially shaking that azz with a hula hoop........I'd give her a shot at the title.........
  25. I not only love that movie, but find her HOT, minus the accent ofcourse.


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