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Everything posted by 323ssplt

  1. I am by no means any kind of expert especially when it comes to handguns and working on them. However, I remember reading that for the old Colt single actions, if they were shooting to one side like yours is, they would "turn the barrel" slightly to better align the sights. I dunno.
  2. I've been waiting to hear this for years.
  3. In all seriousness, is there anything left of that part of texas?
  4. I have one HUGE bone to pick with all the A**holes who bitch about how much we are spending in our "two unneccessery wars"...are you f**king stupid....the VAST majority of that money spend goes right back into the AMERICAN economy. They (th sheeple) talk about how we spend a billion a month etc.well, the government has to pay extra for the troops to be there (seperations pay, combat pay, imminent danger pay etc) we have to pay the KBR truck drivers (who happen to be American) and we have to pay Blackwater for their services (oh yeah they're American too). Hell, with all these AMERICANS making money, do you think any of this money makes its way back into the US economy... HELL YES... When I came home in May I bought a $20,000 truck, a $150,000 house and several thousand dollars in guns and supplies. Oh yeah, they were all American made (OK my AK wasn't made here, but I contrubuted to a small business with the purchase). All the rest of my snipers came home and did the same....so don't go bo hooing over how much it costs us to fight in Iraq and the 'stan, because in the shot and the long run it benefits US!!!!!!!!!! <end rant>
  5. Mark 4 with mildots. Will really help in sniper comps as well as regular. However, sometimes the ranges are not that long in these comps and you need a scope you can dial down pretty far to find some of the targets. The last sniper comp I shot, targets were 350 and in, with the shortest one being about 65 yards and moving. And yes, you can only shoot rifles chambered in 308 and 223 in F/T.
  6. Astra, you must not be married if you have all the time on your hands to do all this:D LOL, anyway I read as much as I can and come up with new ways to take over the world
  7. And the only reason I asked about he photo op is because it happens to us all the time. People come over, ask to see our guns and take pics with them and next you know, there they are on the intraweb posing as a sniper. Congrats on him passing Benning, it's not an easy school, no sniper school is. The original reason for my asking was I was going to congratulate your son for BEING a sniper if he were one, which he is so..CONGRATS to him
  8. Please!!!! don't take my remarks as offensive....I had NO intention of them being so. Ijust quickly saw the photo and started writing. I didn't even see the caption. And I wasn't trying to say anything about not sticking around. I'm sorry if you took my question and remarks out of tone. I assure you I was not in any way trying to offend you or your son.
  9. I'm actually alittle surprised a congressman would be sp bold as to make these statements. However, he couldn't be more right. At least someone is saying them and someone is reporting on them
  10. As to staying on topic for this thread.......My 870 Wingmaster in 20 that my father bought for me in 5th grade for making straight A's. I'v hunted with it for 20+ years and, except for wear on the action bars, it still looks like the day I got it. Of the 30+ guns I own, I will never, NEVER NEVER get rid of that gun.
  11. Sorry to hear about tour number three. I never got hit by stop loss 'cause I keep re-upping, however a couple buddies have experinced the big green weenie. I see your boy has an M24. Is he a sniper, or was that just a good photo op?
  12. Now, as to scope magnification, our "work" guns have variable 3-12x Schmidts, which work for their intended purpose. However, I like more magnification on my personal guns, up to about 20 power. For me, anything really over 20 power is just a little too much . I dunno, maybe I'm just weird , I mean come on, have you seen my avitar. BTW....HAPPY VETERANS DAY
  13. Guys, I will have to gently disagree with you about the 308/7.62 at 1000 yards. It is by no means an ideal thousand yard cartridge, but to dismiss it offhandedly is, I believe, premature. For anyone wanting to get into the game of long range shooting, it is perhaps the best cartridge to begin with. There is a tremendous amount of data out there to help out a new person, and several of the FACTORY loads will produce acceptable (1 MOA or less) accuracy out to the grand. Also, there are readily available guns that need little work in order to make them thousand yard guns. Just my
  14. 323ssplt


    Vista...I think
  15. On November 10, 1775, a Corps of Marines was created by a resolution of the Continental Congress. Since that date, many thousand men have borne the name Marine. In memory of them, it is fitting that we who are Marines should commemorate the Birthday of our Corps by calling to mind the glories of its long and illustrious history.The record of our Corps is one which will bear comparison with that of the most famous military organizations in the world's history. During 90 of the 146 years of it's existence the Marine Corps has been in action against the nations foes. From the battle of Trenton to the Argonne. Marines have won foremost honors in war, and in the long eras of tranquility at home. Generation after generation of Marines have grown gray in war in both hemispheres and in every corner of the seven seas that our country and its citizens might enjoy peace and security.In every battle and skirmish since the birth of our Corps Marines have acquitted themselves with the greatest distinction, winning new honors on each occasion until the term Marine has come to signify all that is highest in military efficiency and soldierly virtue.This high name of distinction and soldierly repute we who are Marines today have received from those who preceded us in the Corps. With it we also received from them the eternal spirit which has animated our Corps from generation to generation and has been the distinguishing mark of the Marines in every age. So long as that spirit continues to flourish Marines will be found equal to every emergency in the future as they have been in the past, and the men of our nation will regard us as worthy successors to the long line of illustrious men who have served as "Soldiers of the Sea" since the founding of the Corps. http://devildogfamily.blogspot.com/2008/11/happy-233-birthday-marines.html
  16. 233 years, and still going strong...HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MARINES.
  17. Just remeber, that half of all the people out there are below average.and that certainly applies to intelligence. Hence these two fine ladies, and all the people that voted for Obama...
  18. Sweet.........I need to save a few $$$$$ after what my wife just spent on the Marine Corps Ball:drama:
  19. 323ssplt


    UUMMMMMMMMMMM Yeah... So I know how to turn my computer on, and can occassionally get to this website without my wife's help.
  20. For the money, the Leupold Mark 4 is one of the best scopes on the market. I agree with gcrookston that the tactical turrets and 30mm tube are superior to the 1 inch tube and regular target turrets. Hell, the Army issues Leupold 10x Mark 4s on their M24 sniper rifles. We (Marine snipers) use Scmidt and Bender on our bolt guns, Mark 11's and Sasr's/M 107's. However, all of the designated marksman rifles I have seen are all using Leupold glass. I'm in the process of building up a 338 Lapua and will be mounting a Mark 4 on it!
  21. I just bought one of these a couple of weeks ago. I've put about 50 rounds through it and love it:love: I can't believe how good the trigger is. I swear it's match grade. Definatly better than either my AR or my Garand's trigger. Don't know about the threaded barrel, although mine does have one. Never really knew much about AK's before, other than getter shot at by them, but I'm quickly turning to the dark side:shhh:
  22. Technically, nothing. He is a civilian. The President just returns the salutes as a sign of respect. We ofcourse salute the President because he is our Commander in Chief. In short, we have to, he doesn't. Yet, it would be the biggest personal slap in the face that he could bestow upon those of us in the military.
  23. One of these days he's going to step off of Marine One and not return a Marines' salute. He might just get the half black kicked out of his ass.
  24. 323ssplt


    Astra i'm sure you've already seen this in the Firearms for sale posts.. but in case you missed it http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/vbclassified.php?do=ad&id=15
  25. This Whole "speach" reminds me of Chamberlin talking about ceding the Rhineland to Hitler..."I promise, it will make the world a better and safer place":puke:


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