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Everything posted by 323ssplt

  1. Blackhawk down, Quigley Down Under, Lone Wolf McQuade, Shooter, Tombstone, Red Dawn, Saving Private Ryan, Enemy at The Gates and many, many others that I can't think of off the top of my head.....basically, if it involves weapons, and they are shown in a half decent light by the creators of the movie, then I "like" it
  2. Don't effin scare us like that.......however. my first thought was........."how much of that cool inventory can I buy on the cheap".........and hell, I have never even been to Joe's shop, this is all on the good word of all those here on TGO
  3. I hate to rain on everyone's parade but I already Married the HOT sister, who likes guns, yells at me that she needs a new deer riflle, and bitches that I don't get her to the range enough. Congrrats on the great gun and the GREATER wife
  4. very nice, all i could manage during opening weekend was a four point and a seven point ....can't even ad up to that monster.....................you're brother is one very lucky dog....I really want him to see ASTRA'a avitar right now...that's about how I feel............
  5. I'm thankful for........... My beautiful, intelligent, loving, understanding wife. Without her, I would be lost. My friends...I have few, but those that I do have are better than gold. My family, because they didn't sell me when I was a young idiotic kid. My dogs, because until Kimber (my wife) and I can conceive a two legged version, they are our kids. My Country, My Corps, My truck My guns.... And most importantly, at least this year, is that Kimber and I are actually celebrating the hollidays together in THIS country that we both love soooooo much. Last year we didn't have that option.
  6. Please, Please PLEASE forward that to Bush right now........this is an awesome plan!!! It would definately take some of the wind out of the sails of the messiah, his lord high holiness, the "O". (all bow down to he who will be god )...........
  7. I have no words....I'm sorry just doesn't seem right or enough..........be there for your wife and we will be there for you.
  8. she can suck on me like in "A League of Extrordinary Gentlemen"
  9. Whatcha mean...that hamburger didn't just come that way.. IDIOTS!!!
  10. This actually pisses me off..........Have people become such F'n sheeple that the media has to "protect" the masses from the "horrors" of how we get our meat......I'm about ready to just give up:leaving:
  11. Hey don't worry, as soon as the Messiah takes office he's going to spread the wealth...don't you remember:screwy:
  12. One more thing....as to the disease issue..really....have you seen what these young men and women in our military do when on Libbo.........Hell, most of them I don't want to touch with a ten foot pole. My wife is a combat medic in the Army, and the stories I've heard from her.....make you want to lose your lunch
  13. I have to side with Junglist on this. I've been in the marines a little less than a decade now, and I know I've served with a couple of gay guys. They did their job as well or better than many of the straight guys. The gays that join the military are the quiet ones anyway, they don't want to be marching in gay pride parades, they just want to live their life, and serve their country at the same time. ANd when I got shot, the Navy physical therapoist that helped me was GAYYYYYYY, but he did an amzing job with me, helped save my leg, helped get me walking again, and helped me get back on a full duty status (otherwise I was going to be medically discharged).....I say.keep Don't ask don't tell just the way it is and let's move on to more important issues.like how bad Obama is going to screw up the military..
  14. 323ssplt

    The worst deal

    Here in Memphis, we have a local gunshop that is known for it's high prices and not too overly friendly staff. The last tiem I was in there, they had a Sig P6 import, in not too good condition for $479. I laughed my way out the door as I had just bought one online, delivered and OTD for $300.
  15. Baby Wipes
  16. OUCH!! Been there, done that. Had a mossberg 835. Did that very same thing; now I have a Browning Gold
  17. 323ssplt

    Taurus Mil Pro .45

    A buddy of mine bought one a couple of months ago and it fired fine. For the money, the aren't a bad deal. I have heard of a couple of problems. One, I have twice had people tell me that their new Tauri had way too tall front sights. One of these people I know was not jerking the trigger and blaming it on the gun. Also, years ago at Range USA I saw a lady that had shot her Millinium (don't think it was the Pro) 45 to pieces, craked the frame so bad pieces were falling off.
  18. 323ssplt

    Taurus Judge

    Actually, I as well have been considering a Judge, but for a little different reason than any stated above. I think it would make an awesome camp gun or even a great gun to keep in your Bug out Bag. You have the ability to shoot snakes, small game, and birds at close range and still have the option of loading up the $5 Colts for serious defensive work or to take larger game.
  19. Congrats Halfpint on your impending graduation........If only I had been smart enough to "stay in school"...anyway:leaving:
  20. I just don't understand why this would be so hard.hell all we have to do is pick a date that EVERYONE can make......BTW I will be out of town the first three weeks of December... But I would love to meet those of you I don't already know......Joel....no witty comments.
  21. I've been over a new Smith model 22 in 45 ACP. I dunno what it is, but I think with a quick front sight change it would be an ideal carry revolver, and general fun gun.
  22. I finally got my wife to wrap her tiny little munchkin hands around the EMP that was in the case at Range Usa tonight. She loved the way it flt. She has finally found a gun that fits her hands. I guess I'll have to order her one in 40 (so I can then custom order a 357 sig barrel for it because she is IN LOVE with that cartridge) and maybe I can get it under the tee by Christmas..
  23. It just now hit me........my uncle, who served in WWII and fought in Europe and was wonded several times, passed away just days before the election. I guess he saw that everything he had foght for was for naught, and he gave up the ghost to be with the real lord, not Lord Vaiderbama.
  24. Maybe, it can be done to double actions as well.however, i quote myself "i dunno"


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