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Everything posted by 323ssplt

  1. You got JK Charles. I always told you not to play with the crazies like that Hope your sholder feels better real soon brother.
  2. Actually, sporting shotguns that were used in the UK are often referred to as "Best" shotguns. They are usually of very high quality and are made to last for decades with hundreds of thousands of rounds having been shot through them. So the fact that it has Best on it is entirely possible. I would surmise that there is a manufacturers name or symbol on the gun somewhere, but "Best" could very well be on it. I would liken it to today we have a Browning with "Citori" written on it, etc. If that makes sense.
  3. My familiy immigrated from South Africa. Years ago when I was applying for college, I was damn near tempted to fill in my race as African American, seeing as how I am a whole lot closer to the "definition" of such, than the fast majority of people who insist on being called that. However, I am AMERICAN. My family consists of AMERICANS!!!!! Do I and my family still care abouth the goings on in South Africa, yes, but the U.S.A. is our home!!!! PERIOD. It doesn't matter what this idiots background or cultural heritage is, and it SHOULDN't matter to anyone else (although all the "oppressed" here in america want to keep making it an issue). The problem lies in the fact that he is unqualified for the job, and he only got elected because he decided that the 1/4 black that he is, is what he wanted to be identified as, and therefore captured all the votes from the minorities. End of Rant!!!
  4. maybe you should just start an Obama section:censored:
  5. I do all of my shooting, at least pistol shooting, there. They have a great staff and a great facility. I have also taken numerous classes form them and the instructor cadre is awesome! As to the store, it does take a couple of days for them to order something, but as long as you don't need it RIGHT NOW the savings are well worth it.
  6. Ooops.looks like my "e" key is going out........my bad:drama:
  7. Every once in a blue moon they will have a good deal on something. I think they get a basement bargain price on federal hydra shock once a year and you can get a fity round box for the price of a twenty. Thy do have used guns, but have only found one or two deals in all the years i've been in there. The problem is the staff. They are generally a**holes. One o two of thm have been nice, but gnerally they ar dicks. Also, as to their prices on guns, a few years ago I wanted a Glock 27 with night sights. I think they wanted $595. Range Usa got the same gun fo me for $525. The good thing about them is that they have a HUGe selection of anything and everything you want.
  8. 323ssplt

    More LCR info

    No worries, I knew you weren't. People have their opinions. Ruger has for many years produced a very mediocre product. I agree. I am just saying that they are trying to improve and upgrade their line. They will stumble. They are an american company and need our support. Just give them a chance, and let those hard working AMRICAN workers keep producing good, solid unassuming guns.
  9. 323ssplt

    More LCR info

    Joe...... I don't work in this industry......I helped do a VERY little consult work in the police and military division that has future inroads in the civilian market. I, like you have particular skills that can be a commidity when it comes to designing weapons for a particular use or segment of the shooting community. Like I said, what I have seen from Rugerr, is that they are trying extremely hard to get away from some of the Bill Ruger ideas. Look at some of their recent products. They have stumbled along the way, but at least they didn't try to cover it up. Didn't you make a mistake or two going through "q" course or during selection? People, and companies make mistakes, it's what we do with the knowledge that we gained from those mistakes that define who we are as people or as a company.
  10. PS I was stationed at Camp Pendleton in SoCal for three years and even though it is in THE only republican county in the state it still sucks for gun owners. Women are good out there, but they are better in this part of the county, the cost of living SUCKS out there and you have to put up with WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY more tree huggers.........synopsis...great place to visit, but you couldn't pay me enough to live there again!!
  11. bkelm18, My father is a manager at a steel mill in Mississippi. He hires a ton of guys who were electricians on boomers. He loves them. Think about it or PM me.
  12. A fellow sniper buddy of mine has one, and it is a sub minute gun. Good base for a build or just as it is.
  13. 323ssplt

    More LCR info

    Joe, if and when you do find out, please PM, so this does not become a public issue. BTW have fun at the show, wish I could attend this year.
  14. 323ssplt

    More LCR info

    Actually, I would be VERY interested in finding out who that is. I make no pretense as to being an expert or anything, but I have done a VERY limited amount of consulting work for Ruger that was right along the lines that this "VP" claims Ruger is not about.
  15. 323ssplt

    More LCR info

    Hey Joe, who was this "VP" ?
  16. 323ssplt

    More LCR info

    Hey, to all, in case you haven't kept up with current events, Ruger is no longer run by any member of the Ruger family. Mike Fifer, whom I personally know and consider a good man, has done a phenomenal job with Ruger over the past few years, and like what was said, at least Ruger stands by their product and addresses a problem quickly and with total tranparency. If only alot of other companies, guns, cars etc, would follow suit, we would have much safer products. But what do I know.....
  17. For plains game in Africa, a good 300 magnum (take your pick) is ideal. However, if you are going after larger beasties, then you will need something larger. Most countries have a "minumum" caliber that they allow you to use when taking dangerous game, normally .375. Have a gander at the CZ 550 safari grade rifles in 375, or 416 Rigby. They aren't expensive $800-$900 and will cleanly take anything on the planet. Also, you can go the lever action route with a Marlin 45-70 loaded up with some super hard cast garret type loads and they as well will anchor anything you care to shoot at. One of the latter two will be my choice when I go hunt these next year...http://www.profihunt.com/en/pr_bear_kam.html
  18. My father and I were relating our hunting experiences from this seasons, and we both agreed that we had seen a large number of twins this year. Is it just us, or have any of you noticed this "phenomenon":shrug:
  19. I have the XS standard dot on one of my Glocks, and thy're OK.. I just haven't been as impressed with them as I thought I would. Also, I find I have to really concentrate to shoot good groups. I have both Heinie and Trijicon night sights on two of my other glocks and really prefer them. I would look at other types of sights before deciding.. just my
  20. 323ssplt

    500.00 limit

    Have you thought about the Sig P6. I got mine for under $300 and it is a tack driver. The only downside is you will spend a fortune buying extra mags.
  21. :lol:
  22. so, did ya'll have the shoot this past weekend? Sorry I couldn't attend....USMC said I had to be several hundred miles away:grouchy: Oh well..
  23. Yeah......in Iraq...Heheheh:p Sorry Charles
  24. I have had a love affair with the whole 3913 family for years. I can remember 20 years ago when smith put a 3913 and 3914 on the back cover of guns and ammo and other mags....I was HOOKED.....I still have yet to fulfill that fanasy...congrats dave
  25. I'm......ahhhh....speechless......that is awesome............and only 65 years late. Truth..congrats to your uncle.


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