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Everything posted by 323ssplt

  1. Ok guys, I LOVE all of th setups I've seen. I'm finally in a position to set up my current single stage and am buying a dillon. My qustion, if the OP doesn't mind me hijacking his thread, is where in the house do most of you have you benches set up. I want to set mine up i my spare bedroom, but the garage offers moe room. Downside to the garage is it isn't heated and I don't want to freeze my butt off when reloading.
  2. The 357 Sig is one helluva round. My father, my mother and my wife all carry Sig 239's in that caliber. Also my Dad uses a Glock 33 in said round. Additionally, in the winter I carry a glock 31 in 357 Sig. Nuff said as to what I think about that round. The super was designed in the 20's to defeat the body armor and car bodies available at the time. It worked great then and works great now. However, it doesn't really offer that much over a +P loaded 9mm. What it does offer is panache. It can be a very accurate round, and is just fun. As to defensive rounds, I believe both cor- bon and winchester still offer good defensive loadings for it.
  3. Just to ad my I have found, used or confiscated gads (read literally thousands. One time I had two five ton trucks full) of AK's while over seas. I have found them ranging in condition from factory new to, ummmm is that still considered a gun or a rust pile. The ONE common factor is that they ALL worked. I literally had to kick a bolt open on one because it was rusted shut, yet, when I pulled the trigger, it emptied a 30 round mag like clockwork. AK's were designed for durability. I've never heard of one being "worn out"
  4. Damned!! Tyra's ........Gay.
  5. Soooooo...I don't think the OP got his answer...are they gay????
  6. When I was writing about the cats last night I was giggling like a little school girl. My wife asked me what was so funny. So.....I read her the entire thread. She was in tears by the end.
  7. How about the fact that people, such as myself, do segregate themselves from others because we want to. Case in point. I live in memphis. I choose to live in a majority white neighborhood because I don't want to listen to rap music all night, hear gunshots all the time, or live next to a house that's painted hot pink with lime green trim. I also value my posessions and don't want them stolen. Call me a racist, a realist or whatever....but hey, it's my life, it's STILL a free country and I can do what I damned well please. Tell the "minorities" to start acting like civilized human beings, have a little pride in themselves and their surroundings and I and a whole lot of other people wouldn't have a problem interacting with them.
  8. Mrs. Mike357....your furry son/daughter has been called upon to go behind enemy lines on a VERY dangerous mission........ (2 weeks later) Dear Mrs. Mike 357....We regret to inform you that fuzzball and putty cat have made the ultimate sacrifice for their domicile. They were sent in on what caould only be described as a suicide mission and they accepted it with only some reluctance and few facial scrathes to those that inserted them. They encountered overwhelming numbers and superior techniques....their house and their owners owe them a great debt....
  9. Mike, you wrote about a cat or perhaps cats. Why don't you make those usually worthless animals earn their right to continued life by putting them up in the attic/eaves and let them do their natural thing, that is if they haven't become too pampered?...You could bill it as the fight of the century..."Chip and Dale versus puss "...... PS damned its hard to try to write *****cat without the cat with whatever filter Tungsten has on here
  10. I too am amazed by my 45-70 accuracy. Right around an inch, maybe just a hair over.......not bad for a rifle I bought used with scope for $225.
  11. Punisher, I know it's because I just read damned Gecko45 thing, but damned......did you tell them they should strap on multiple SAPI plates to counteract the 338 Lapua rounds that the may receive......hehe:p:) JK bro.....I hate stupid, rude people.
  12. So wait. You're ADMITTING you've seen the Backstreet boys:stunned:......
  13. I and my father both own NEF Handi-rifles chambered in 45-70. I also bought him an NEF single shot shotgun so I could get my 870 wingmaster back from him that he was using as a snake gun around his house. All in all, we've both been very pleased with all three guns' performance.
  14. I'm not going to be so polite. Givens is an overblown, out of touch blowheart. He treats his students like they were recruits at Parris Island. With VERY few exceptions, most people don't respond well or want to be treated like that. Chip Holland and his cadre of instructors at Range USA are EXTREMLY knowledgeable and VERY patient. Plus they teach real world stuff, not...Tacticool, mall ninja, "what I did and would tell you to do in Vietnam" ideals........end rant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. I had been sent this before, but never read it. Damned, that was exhausting. Like others, at first I thought it was for real, but somewhere between the "assasin that Vietnam will never forget" and the tactical breaching class where the Seal instructor was "doing it wrong and had to be told the proper manner with all that C4 around" I realized this was NOTHING but w tremendous farce. BTW, is this the origin of the term "mall ninja"???
  16. +1000 for the hotties... The blonde and the redhead..
  17. I've carried a Glock 19 everyday for about 4 years now. I love it. I keep trying different guns, and keep coming back to it. But as bkelm18 said, give both a try, if you can, befoe you buy. Either one will serve you VERY well.
  18. Range USA!!!! The facilities are awesome,they have great deals on firearms and, most importantly, their staff is MUCH friendlier than Rangemaster.
  19. Funny thing. My wife decided to re-arrange ou bedroom not too long ago. I normally keep my shotgun in the corner, but she "informed" me that I needed to lean it up against her chest of draws so that it can once again be reached while still in bed......I knew I married this woman for a reason, oh yeah, her name is Kimber as well, that might have had something to do with it as well.
  20. Nyclad is perfectly legal for anyone to own. http://www.federalpremium.com/products/handgun.aspx
  21. Joe... in these tough economic times, there is no need for you to be so magnanimous and offer money to people for such horrible guns.......so, I will help you out by giving you........ummmmm.....$400 , no wait, make it $500 for the lot of those horrible, ugly most unwanted revolvers. Hey, I'm sure you need the money to pay your employees salary, or something..... In all honesty, absolutley freekin' awesome score man!!!!
  22. Day startd OK, till my wife called around lunch time to tell me she ran over our roomates motorcycle. She busted up the whole side, broke the broke lever...really did a number. Then i had to wok late.....but ......the wifey made up for it all by having a rose, some chocolates and a couple of cards waiting for me as I came in the house, after she met me in the driveway with a beer....... Good job Punisher......but the shirt...............yeah.......to each his own
  23. 323ssplt

    I felt bad...

    Years ago, I bought a Mosin Sniper rifle (with ORIGINAL PU scope) that had been captured and reworked by Sako.....it's fun to shoot, you'll like yours. Just don't shoot it the same day you shoot some of your more modern guns, then you'll be slightly disappointed......sigh Anyway, good score and good luck.
  24. Great Score. I've been thinking about adding a trapdoor to my single shot collection from that period which right now includes a Martini-Henry and a Snyder. As to ammo, make sure to look at the box, most are downloaded for these old war horses, however, some like the Hornady LeveRevolution stuff can ONLY be shot in a modern weapon. Generally it says so right on the box.
  25. My wife and I were watching. I got so frustrated with trying to understand him I had to change the channel. Why do these talented people end up doing this to themselves. It must be because they just aren't happy with all the millions they've made, and boo hoo nobody undertsand them....Idgits!


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