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Everything posted by tnfan

  1. I have had an LCP since early fall of last year. My experience is the same as stated in the American Rifleman article. I have found it is very particular as to the brand of ammo. Before one starts carrying this weapon on a regular basis be sure you know the ammo is compatible. Or else you might find yourself in a compromising situation with a FTF or FTE. This is IMHO not a range weapon. It is not for me a very comfortable weapon to fire. About 50 rounds of firing and I am ready to put it down. As also stated above, I find it is only reasonably accurate up to 12 to 15 feet. Sights are too small so it becomes more of a point and shoot weapon. I pretty much practice shooting one handed without sighting. For those times when I need deep concealment, the LCP works for me. However, this is not my everyday carry weapon. I usually carry a sig P232 or P229 depending on the situation. I have pants with deeper pockets and find that the P232 with a Mika pocket holster works just great for me.
  2. tnfan

    Holster ??

    I used the search feature and found the following link which should answer your question. I have a couple of Don Hume holsters and with use they will loosen up. Initially I spent a log of time holstering and unholstering my unloaded weapon to loosen up the holster. Hope this helps. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/firearm-accessories/19354-tip-those-breaking-mass-produced-leather-holster.html
  3. tnfan

    Pocket Holsters

    +1 on the Mika. First class guy to work with and he makes a really nice pocket holster. Had him make one for my Sig P232 about a year ago and it works great. Will be ordering another one shortly for my 642.
  4. tnfan

    SIG P229 SAS

    Sig Anti Snag. All rough edges rounded off.
  5. tnfan

    SIG P229 SAS

    I have the newer 229 SAS Gen 2 in 40 cal. Love it. SRT is really nice. Have had several of my friends shoot with it and they had nothing but praise for it. Have had no issues with it at all. Keep in mind this is not a light weight weapon. I carry it with a MTAC holster and it is extremely comforatable. If you want to see it, drop me a PM and maybe we can hook up as I also live in the Franklin area.
  6. tnfan

    Whats next....

    Ruger LCP. On order and should be in shortly!
  7. No wonder we can't find any .380 ammo.
  8. Sig P232.
  9. Ordered 1000 rds 40 cal on Friday, 1/30 frm ATG. Will be delivered tomorrow. Ordered 500 rds .380 from Midway early December and just received the shipment last week. Go figure.
  10. I will believe it when it happens. This guy is a snake in the grass. I have no doubts that he and Naifeh are hooked up.
  11. Guess my Sig P232 is now obsolete. Good excuse to get the new baby Sig!
  12. Went to Bass Pro at lunch today and ended up buying a Remington 870 Synthetic 12 gauge with 26" barrel. Now I need to find an 18" barrel. Did a quick search on the internet but seems most vendors are out of stock. Hopefully one will turn up soon!
  13. tnfan

    Sig 232?

    Purchased CPO P232 early November. Very happy with it. Several hundred rounds through it with no problems. Have fired with both Hornady and Corbon JHP and no issues. Very accurate and easily concealed.
  14. Thanks for the clarification.
  15. tnfan

    Sig P220's?

    I purchased a P229 SAS Gen II 40 cal in November. Fell in love with it. Easy to shoot and handles the 40 call ammo with minimum recoil. Not a lightweight/compact gun. I am now looking for P239 SAS Gen II 40 cal for carry. Also have P232 that I use for my CCW. You might want to check out sigforum.com.
  16. Seriously considering a Sig P239 40 cal to go along with my Sig P229 40 cal.
  17. Great post Ggun. I do not feel they emphasized the above enough in my HCP class. Got a feeling that a lot of HCP holders do not fully understand the personal and civil ramifications and responsibility of carrying. Probably most do on this board but we are only a small representation of those with HCP's. BTW, I am a newly licensed and plan on taking additional defensive and tactical training.
  18. I sent mine back. Told them they got it to me too quickly and I felt guilty. Asked that they wait until next year to return it.
  19. I agree with your actions. As said above, this is exactly what neighborhood watches do every day. We had a very similar situation in our neighborhood a few weeks ago. Couple of guys possibly casing the area. Neighbor questioned them and the visitors promptly left. Warning was issued to the residents to be on the watch.
  20. Wife just called and said it was in todays mail. Tomorrow is my birthday so I guess I can look at this as an early birthday present! Sure glad I didn't have to wait 3 months!
  21. Still waiting also! Completed class 11/15 and finger print on 11/20. Called last week on Wednesday and they said I had been approved and it would be sent out in 7 to 14 days. Hopefully before Christmas!
  22. Very informative and helpful. Thanks for the link.
  23. Nice looking holster! I have been working with mine. The draw has become a lot smoother. Just needed to be used a little to loosen it up.
  24. Got to admit it is fun practicing the draw. Hope to take a tactical course next year to learn how to draw and fire. Defintiely want to have the holster broken in first.
  25. I agree it is fun trying out a new holster. Now if that darn permit application will just get processed I can enjoy wearing the holster on a daily basis. Now I am just limited to wearing it around the house to break it in. Again, thanks for all the input. Very helpful!


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