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Everything posted by K191145
According to the "NEWS", TBI reported that Finch had lung cancer and called 911 threatening suicide. They also said when Cheatham deputies arrived Finch shot at them and they returned fire. If I were to "speculate" right now I would say it sounds like a suicide by cop incident.
http://www.newschannel5.com/story/17307392/70-year-old-shot-killed-in-kingston-springs He used to work on mowers and small engines, hadn't delt with him in years. Him and his brother has lived in Kingston Springs all their lives and are as country as a person gets. Strange, I always got along fine with him when I needed a mower repaired, he seemed like he could probably get rowdy but not a criminal, I mean he never was a scary guy like that. No speculations as to what happened,I guess we will find out more in the days to come.
Don't think this is how the "stand your ground law" works
K191145 replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Can anyone tell me now why I shouldn't doubt those so-called voice experts? Could the media be exaggerating or distorting their analysis or could they feel pressure or threatened to side with Martin? One is a link to MSNBC and we know how one sided and biased they are, and we know they would resort to distortion, (BIG FAT LIES), to futher their political agenda. I would be quicker to trust PRAVDA or ALJEZRA than MSNBC or NBC. NBC is the most untrustworthy of the big MARXIST MEDIA agencys but CBS and ABC are not far behind. -
Don't think this is how the "stand your ground law" works
K191145 replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
The only thing I have decided to believe in this case is that Zimmerman went beyond his boundries as a private citizen to follow then confront Martin which led to the "incident". What happened during the incident is pure speculation. I admit I let my emotions get the better of me at first but lesson learned not to believe anything the media reports, they are no more trustworthy than the tabloids. The media just keeps throwing fuel on the fire to the point where i'm concerned there's going to be a significant increase in black on white violence, especially when you have racist idiots like Sharpton advocating civil disobedience which I believe he really wants riots. You would think the black population would be happier and more content with America with a black President but race relations have taken a huge turn for the worse, not just this case but everytime a white person critisizes Obozo he/she is automatically a cracker racist. Now with the speculative crap the media reports, and actual racists like Sharpton, Spike Lee, and the Black Panthers encouraging violence I feel that soon, if your white, you need to be extra vigilant and more suspicious of young black males wondering if they have a vindictive, beat a cracker attitude. -
Zimmeran's brother gives his side of the story
K191145 replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I looked it up, Zimmerman is a JEWISH/GERMAN surname. So now the media can refer to him as a WHITE JEW hispanic. There's one thing Jessie and the Panthers hate more than whitey, that's Jews. -
Don't think this is how the "stand your ground law" works
K191145 replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Well if they wont arrest the black panther idiot for conspiracy to comitt kidnapping, then they can arrest his sorry ass for being a felon in possession of a handgun. http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/regions/americas/united-states/120327/black-panther-party-leader-arrested -
Don't think this is how the "stand your ground law" works
K191145 replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
We all know the true intention of the bounty, it says capture but means death and the black (KKK) panthers will get away with making threats like that because Holder is a whitey hating racist just like the black (NAZI) panthers. -
Don't think this is how the "stand your ground law" works
K191145 replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I have a feeling they will charge him with something, with the state and feds involved if they don't the radicals will probably riot. If they do charge him and he's found not guilty, i'm going to avoid certain parts of Nashville and if I lived close to Memphis i'll avoid the whole city. I pretty much avoid Memphis anyway. -
Don't think this is how the "stand your ground law" works
K191145 replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Would a charge of criminally negligant homicide fit? -
Don't think this is how the "stand your ground law" works
K191145 replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
http://abcnews.go.com/US/TheLaw/fist-fight-left-miami-tourist-dead-caught-video/story?id=11445914 I don't think i'm going to allow anyone to just woop my ass, there's always a potential he could kill you. -
Don't think this is how the "stand your ground law" works
K191145 replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
No we can't lock everyone up for being a dumbass but we have to have "some" responsibility when we are a dumbass and cause a bad situation to happen. Like I said i'm not wanting to hang Zimmerman for murder with what we know but their needs to be a debate, in our own HPC holders community, ( No emotionally fragile liberals allowed), on just how far we can go. I know we have had plenty of debates already. -
Don't think this is how the "stand your ground law" works
K191145 replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I live above the old elementry school which the property is now owned by my neighbor, it is sometimes targeted for vandalism and grafitti. Since I have a decent view of it my neighbor asked me if I ever saw a vehicle or heard some voices on the property to call him. I have called him 3 times and that's as far as I will ever go, I will not investigate or confront anyone down there because it's not my property and not my business to confront anyone not on my property, I AM NOT A CITY, COUNTY, STATE, OR FEDERAL POLICE OFFICER so I don't have any authority to confront anyone that's not on my property. I agree that we don't know hardly any real facts in this situation but it does seem that Zimmerman went beyond his business, when the 911 operator told him not to follow him he should have stopped right there and let the real, official police officers handle the rest. Maybe Zimmerman was being assualted whe he shot him and i'm not screaming to hang him but if there's anything known about this, Zimmerman started the situation. To any and all PRIVATE SECURITY guards weather you are hired by some PRIVATE company or self appointed, You have very LIMITED AUTHORITY in or on the property you were hired to guard, beyond that you have no more authority than my cat. If you are self appointed security you have no authority whatsoever. -
Don't think this is how the "stand your ground law" works
K191145 replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
+1 We all know at least one FACT , I personally don't believe the media manufactured a false 911 recording so it is a FACT that Zimmerman started the confrontation when he was told not to and had no business and no authority to confront the kid. (Q&A session.) Here in Tennessee if someone forces their way into my house uninvited am I justified in using deadly force if I think my life is in danger? Yes. If someone is breaking into my tool shed on my property can I just shoot them? No. Can I yell at them to get the hell off my property, i'm calling the police with my handgun on my side? Yes. If they run away can I follow them out of my property and shoot them? No. If they turn around and point a gun at me or run at me with a knife or club can I shoot them? Yes. If someone comes up to me on the street and makes a threat, and is capable of killing me either with a weapon or not, and I believe my life is in danger can I shoot them? Legally yes. If I see someone on the street who looks like a gang banger and is up to no good, can I walk up to them and confront them, and if they hit me, can I shoot them? No, because I am not a cop and had no business starting a confrontation even if I defended my self against them. If I did that and shot someone would it be totally my fault, even if the person I started the confrontation with had some criminal record? Yes, because I am not a police officer. Should I be criminally liable for the death of the person I shot and killed? Yes, because I had no business starting a confrontation with anyone who wasn't comitting any crime and wasn't on my property. -
Don't think this is how the "stand your ground law" works
K191145 replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
+1 The kid is dead because Zimmerman started the confrontation, he was told not to follow him by the 911 operator, he did anyway, a confrontation happened and a kid is dead now because of it. Trayvon wasn't on Zimmermans property or breaking into his house or trying to carjack him, he was walking in the neighborhood. Zimmerman is not a police officer or even a private security agent, he was a SELF APPOINTED neighborhood watch captain. Captain? Zimmerman is responsable for Travon's death. -
Don't think this is how the "stand your ground law" works
K191145 replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Under federal law and public opinion Zimmerman can't possibly be charged with a "hate crime". See, Zimmerman is mostly hispanic, only pure white european desendents can be charged with a hate crime.http://latino.foxnews.com/latino/news/2012/03/21/trayvon-martin-case-does-race-play-role-even-though-zimmermans-not-white/ -
Don't think this is how the "stand your ground law" works
K191145 replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
There's something very wrong in this whole mess, this maybe one of the few times i'm glad the feds are getting involved. It's really starting to smell like some kind of coverup. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/outrage-builds-over-trayvon-martin-shooting-release-police-200335584.html -
Don't think this is how the "stand your ground law" works
K191145 replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Zimmerman had been arrested before, but not charged with resisting arrest and assualt on a police officer, maybe there should be an investigation on just who's related to Zimmerman. If you assualt a cop it's hard to get out of that unless you have some pull somewhere I would think. Anyway, this in no way sounds like a justifiable self defense claim, more and more it sounds like Zimmerman is a pathitic moron wannabe Rambo who is now a murderer. He needs to be charged and the P.D. and D.A. needs to be investigated for coverups and or incompetence. -
$90+ used, $200+ new? Wow, where can I sell mine? I can see some type of gun ban/ turn in type of confiscation attempted starting with firearmes like ARs and AK types and some will bend over from fear and surrender them with a chit load of marxist media hoopla but on a grand scale it will be unsuccessful.
I don't own any guns, I just have a bullet fetish.
Here's my idea, just make it voluntary for any Marine who wants to hear Pinheada's or any other of Obama's administration cronies speeches. I believe that if I had some spare time I would rather spend it doing countless other things than listening to some political pep rally. He wont be scared of them if they aren't there, of course it might be a little embarrassing to him to grand stand in front of only a few token brass.
FINALLY!!! Good news from Jimmy Naifeh
K191145 replied to Volzfan's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I don't care about him much now, since he's not speaker and there's not a democratic majority he's been a toothless insignificant little rep who's opinion doesn't matter anymore. He ranted and raved against the restaurant and park carry bills and lost, he's has no power, no more handpicked committies to do his evil bidding, I liked seeing him that way. -
If it's not going to be carried and kept in the house I would get a 4" barrell .357, maybe a GP 100 or a S&W loaded with .38+ps for the wife to handle. I don't know what you think about Taurus but they make a 7 shot .357 in their tracker series. Like I said if it's to stay in the house maybe something with a little heft, better recoil control.
Andrew Breitbart dies: Big Journalism founder was 43
K191145 replied to Chucktshoes's topic in General Chat
Well I saw the video on Hannity, everyone knows Hussien associated with radicals like this professor and Wright and was friends with domestic terrorists like Ayers. This all would be the equivalent of a republican politician being friends with McVeigh and praising David Duke but there's one big difference, with his media desciples and his sheep herd followers nothing will come of this as usual, him and his administration cronies are untouchable. The media and his Obamatrons will ignore, defend and excuse anything the messiah does. If he ordered an airstrike on an elementary school here in America he would get away with it probably claiming those 8-year olds were right winged tea party radical terrorists and had to be stopped. Sorry Andrew (RIP), but this wont effect the election as much as I wish it would. -
Tennessean LTE: "Gun bill interferes with property rights"
K191145 replied to daddyo's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
They don't have a "right" to search your car but they have a right to fire you and tell you to leave if you refuse. -
It's a well constructed fire hall between 2-20ton tankers that aren't going anywhere. It was only an F1, it came right beside my house and I wasn't worried that the house would collapse, winds didn't top over 100mph, the hail did most of the damage to buildings. The damage sucks but the experience was actually fun, I haven't had an adrenilin rush like that since I used to skydive. When I leave this planet some day I want my last words to be YEE HAW, not WAAAAA.