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Everything posted by K191145
Seriously....whole AC units being stolen!?!
K191145 replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I installed and serviced HVAC units for 15 years and never actually secured a unit to the pad and have never seen anyone else do it but those were the days when thefts were rare, if I did that work today I believe I would anchor the unit to the pad or house in some way, at least make it take some time to steal it. If I had a couple of strong guys with me I could have a package unit disconnected and in the back of a truck in LESS than 5 minutes, probably 2, it's that easy. -
Because of the negative impact it would have on the Fuhrer.
Texas vows to arrest U.N. observers.
K191145 replied to K191145's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
With Tennessee's voter I.D. law they may have a few observers in Nashville on election day, I wish I knew where they would be, it would be fun to get a few people together and organize a citizens, U.N. observer observers group, of course staying within the law to make sure they follow our laws with plenty of video recording. -
Texas vows to arrest U.N. observers.
K191145 replied to K191145's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
They can be there, they just have to follow the 100 ft. rule and not attempt to influence anyone on who to vote for. They have no authority whatsoever to interfere with any of the process. As with anyone else, if they violate elections laws they can be removed from the polling place or arrested. -
Texas vows to arrest U.N. observers.
K191145 replied to K191145's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I think the Eurosocialist and Asiacoms need to worry about their own elections. I have 3 leagal photo I.D.s, my 84 year old mother has a photo D.L. she got several years ago, it took 1 hour to get at the DMV. There's no excuse for anyone not to have one. Now I would have an extra booth set up at the DMV, or other places set up by the DMV or Hwy patrol to make special legal voter I.D.s to make it easier for elderly or disabled people to get one at no cost but I agree 100% with the voter I.D. law. The only reason liberals don't like the law because they loose votes from dead people, felons, and illegal aliens. The "brain dead" still have their constitutional right to vote for Obama. -
That would make my day. http://thehill.com/blogs/global-affairs/un-treaties/264121-texas-sparks-international-row-with-election-observers
I wonder how he's getting along these days with his friend and fellow actor Morgan Freeman who is currently narrating an Obama commercial.
+1 This should say alot also. http://times247.com/articles/obama-receives-endorsements-from-three-dictators
Firearms confiscation. How would it go down?
K191145 replied to timcar86's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I think in that senerio, the military will be in danger of division and conflict within itself, the "TOP" military leaders certainly don't want that to happen. Soldiers have no problem carrying out orders when confronting Taliban and Mid-Eastern combatants, I would say many of them would have a problem confronting Americans. -
HCP Holder charged with first degree murder
K191145 replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
That might be like a "buy one get one free" kinda deal for her. -
HCP Holder charged with first degree murder
K191145 replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
All kinds of people murder people, preachers, teachers, doctors, lawyers etc. So 1 permit holder out of 370+ thousand permit holders in Tennessee may have committed murder, as a "group" of people, permit holders are still more law abiding citizens than most other "groups". -
He will try definatly and we will have to remind all our Reps. and Senators of 1994.
I saw it earlier today, pretty effective at getting your attention. I'm not a big fan of the GOP but i'm not any fan of the socialist democratic party. That's why i'm about to head down to the Pegram City Hall and vote early for R.R. While I wish I had a better candidate to vote for the main mission is to get the current Communist in Chief out of the White House.
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Because mace will only piss them off futher if the dog is vicious enough. An animal in attack mode is pretty much immune to pain, even humans. I've seen videos where crazed people have fought like hell after being sprayed by industrial police pepperspray, i've seen a video where some dude ripped out the barbs of a tazer while it took over 4 cops to subdue him. I don't trust mace or pepperspray to defend myself, their often ineffective.
I was servicing this ladys heat pump, when I was walking around her house to the back her next door neighbors dog ran towards me in a full run with a vicious growl, it was about a 60+lb. mongrel mutt, he was definatly in attack mode. I've gone to alot of houses before and have learned fairly well how to read a dogs attitude. Anyway it was her neighbors dog with about a 30ft. chain, chained to a dog house, of course I had permission to be on her property and never left it. The 70+ year old homeowner told me later that she was terrified of that dog and had complained about it before. I believe I would have been justified in protecting myself if that dog hadn't been chained, anyway i'm not going to allow myself to be mauled by a dog if I can help it. At that time I carried a Kimber Custom Classic 1911, just right before the chain caught and flipped him backwards I had drawn my 1911, had the safety off and the front sight right on him at about 15 feet from me and just started to put a little pressure on the trigger, that was as close to shooting the dog as you can get. Side note: I don't believe in chaining a dog to a doghouse or tree it's entire life, it's cruel and usually makes them mean as hell, I like dogs, the second to the last thing I wanted to happen was to kill that dog but the last thing I wanted to happen was to be eaten by that dog. I actually felt sorry for the poor thing.
Well I wasn't afraid when I went to Yellowstone a couple of years back unarmed, the airport kinda frowns upon carrying on a plane but where I can carry I will. I try to avoid high crime areas but my last job that wasn't possible all the time. Since i've had my HCP i've only drawn my handgun once and that was on a dog which I didn't have to shoot but I came close, he was charging me in an attack mode but his chain stopped him, I didn't see the chain until it yanked him off his feet. Actually i'm glad it happened because it was a real life test with fear and adrenilin and I passed it without killing the dog. Anyway, it doesn't always have to be danger from humans all the time. When I got my permit I decided if i'm going to carry then i'll carry everywhere i'm allowed, that neighborhood with the dog wasn't a dangerous hood for crime but IF I wasn't carrying and IF the dog wasn't on a chain I would have been mauled, that dog seemed to come out of nowhere and even if I had been paying attention to my surroundings I still would have missed that.
Don't want to wind up like John Travolta in Pulp Fiction. At least he got to finish his business before Bruce ventilated him.
Like a church or an Amnish school or a sign company? There are places that you are more likely to need a gun to defend yourself against a gun but there's no place that completly safe, and there's no martial arts that will beat a bullet. As others have said, I would rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it. I've made 800+ skydives, the first 449 I never needed that bulky reserve until 450, if I didn't have it I would be dead. If I have to go into some place where I'm not supposed to carry I will lock it up in the truck but I mostly avoid those places anyway.
Your holster is prettier than mine. Glock 21SF and a heavy belt, sometimes suspenders. I always wear a long untucked shirt over it, that's an advantage of being and dressing like a redneck.
They are far better built than the RG's or Rohm's, they just have a hard double action pull as JAB said. One of the first handguns I bought was an H&R Ultra .32H&R Mag with a 2" barrell, my mom,83 years old keeps that gun on her closet shelf now. I actually snipped a couple of coils off the spring on each side, something I wouldn't dare experiment with on a high dollar gun but it really helped the DA pull quite a bit, enough for an 83 year old woman to cycle and I've fired 50 rounds through it since I did the shade tree gunsmithing to it and it works fine. They are inexpensive but I wouldn't classify them as cheapos as far as their quality is concerned.
Yep, not in a crowded public place like that, that's irresponsible, now on my own land that's another story because i'm secluded enough where no one else but me and the perp will know what happened. If some POS is breaking into my tool shed I wont just start shooting but I will confront them with gun in hand, I think Tennessee's Castle Doctrin allows that, then it's up to the POS perp how he wants the confrontation to end.
Either that or on some remote Pacific island at sunset wrestling 5 naked Polynesian women.
Riding a nuclear bomb dropped from a B52 with a cowboy hat yelling Yeeee Haaaaaa over Terhan.
I didn't think about the collection aspect of Mosin's back in 2003, I saw a well built rifle for $65 that needed a little cleanup then. If I only had a time machine I would have about 10 or 15 of them. I have my brothers Remington 1917 Mosin but when he bought that back in 76 it was already sporterized with a shorter barrell, new front sight and the stock all chopped up. That's a shame, I would love to have an original Remington. My nefew has a Westinghouse Mosin, a 91/30 sniper original with crappy scope, a Dragoon, several Finnish Mosins, a Chineese Mosin and quite a few 91/30's.