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Everything posted by K191145
Some people always go with their emotional argument without thinking about something logically. There is no danger from those who spent their time and money going to a class, waited at the drivers licence center and spent more money to go through a background check, probably more thorough than the background check a Park Ranger goes through, and waited months to get their permit to carry legally. All the predictions of shootouts and roadrage incidents between permit holders never happened and frankly, it's offensive to law abiding permit holders to be stereotyped as dangerous irresponsible people when in fact, we are probably more responsible and in control of our emotions and actions than the average person. Now if I were a drug addicted thug, I wouldn't care at all that there was a law against carrying a handgun in a state park, I would rather have it that way because I know some family enjoying a weekend camp out in some isolated camping area would be easy victims to terrorize and mug with my illegal handgun. And I would know that there is very little chance of some Park Ranger leaving the Ranger station before they finish their coffee and donuts to show up and rescue them. OOPS, did I stereotype Park Rangers? Hope that wasn't offensive.
Does anybody still make those 22/410 over and unders?
Here you go.
Holy freakin cow. Are these the same hypocrites critisizing China for human rights abuses? The DC flag should be a hammer & sickle. This needs to be in the national media but they're too busy reporting about a terrorist being roughed up a little, not DC cops crapping on the Constitution.
That's what they get for shooting reloads in a Glock.
I bought mine several years ago, it was a Polish made M-44, it had the smoothest metal I've seen in a Mosin. I refinished the stock and cleaned the metal and hit it with some cold bluing. I had sticky bolt syndrom but I read in another forum about scrubbing the cosmoline(spelling?) out of the chamber so I took a .45 brush and a drill, and some Hopps solvent and scrubbed the chamber, I haven't shot it since I did that. Hope it solves the problem. I made the sling from an old leather shoulder holster.
Well according to Jonathan Spencer, consultant forensic scientist and firearms expert, that may be as dangerous as a machinegun.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=526655&in_page_id=1770 Check out some of the crazy comments. My Daisy pump will out perform that. at 399fps.
Well it's a practical gun to the dealer if he's selling them and making profit off them.
Well I have my novelty guns but didn't pay too much for them. Expensive is only a personal opinion directly related to the income of the person. I had a Raging Bull .454 Cassull once but I actually took it deer hunting a couple of times. Of course a bright stainless gun is like taking a mirror hunting with you. I finally traded it for my SP101, holster, and some various caliber ammo. I also have a .410 Snake Charmer, not much of a hunting shotgun, an H&R 10 guage with a 36" barrel that I don't like shooting much, it's okay from the hip, a couple of cheapo .22 pistols and so on. So, I wont insult anyone who wants this gun. I would say that this is a very practical gun to gun dealers if they are selling.
How about a competition target pistol? Or how about just a novelty? I would like to have one but if I had the $$ to spend on that, I would choose a more practical firearm.
Here's you a link where you can check that. https://www.tennesseeanytime.org/foil/foil_index.jsp
Well look at it this way, if Rabbi did it, it would be harder to make fun of him than if they went and found some big oaf to interview. At least Rabbi would present himself as intelligent.
I saw a Stoeger Coach 20ga at The Sportsman Store in Dickson, I know it's far from Tullahoma but Stoegers are about the least expensive SxS's I've seen. I have a 12ga Uplander and haven't broke it yet.
It's simply a habit of mine to always lock the slide back and visually inspect the chamber, ease the slide back and point it to the floor and pull the trigger before I take it down, of course with no magizine. Even if a round fell off the table and fell into the chamber without me seeing that, all that would happen is that I would make a hole in the floor and ruin a pair of Froot of the Looms. It's hard to imagine some one shooting themselves but I guess it happens.
Being a trained LEO, he would make a good platoon leader in the citizens militia.
Well I've heard the pros and cons, there is some exposed casing under the rim at the feed ramp on my G21 barrel, and I have shot and keep it loaded with Horaday 230gr +P HPs. I don't recall any warnings about +Ps in the manual. I tried to take some photo's but my cheap digital camera doesn't take good close ups.
He would have the power to pardon, but Barbour's attitude is radically different than liberal Nagins attitude, and Katrina proved it's location. Urban dwellers, especially in a liberal city are more tolerant to surrendering their guns. It's a discusting thought to rural conservatives. I wish the GOP Presidential nominee had Barbours attitude about gun rights.
N.O. is an ultra-liberal welfare city, just look at the Mayor they elected and I'm sure the police chief was as ultra-liberal as Nagin so it was easy for them to give that order, just as it would be in San Francisco or Boston etc. There was a vast difference in Mississippi, read the speech Governor Haley Barbour gave. Remarks by Governor Haley Barbour (R-MS) at NRA's "Celebration of American Values" Conference in Washinton, DC -- 9/21/07 http://www.nraila.org/News/Read/Speeches.aspx?ID=52 From the speech:
I would like a good .308 semi-auto, either an M1A(socom) or one in an AR platform. Another 1911 and ammo, ammo, ammo. I had also thought about adding quite a few cheapo's, like I don't have enough already to my collection. Guns bought from private sale minus paperwork. SKS's, some bolt actions, cheap pumps or single shots, cheap second hand revolvers like Rossies and Taurus's of whatever caliber and plenty of ammo for each. Guns that will shoot. Reason being, if the economy tanked, you would have a valuble commidity. Maybe that niave liberal neighbor might realize he/she should have gotten a firearm while they could since crime would have doubled or tripled. You can really trade for some good stuff they have. And if your neighbor is a hot looking lady you might just want to help her out.
I wish we could give BPs(brownie points) on this forum because your post deserves them. The N.O. gun confiscation wasn't a federal or even a state order, but an order from the mayor and police chief. Had a state law been in effect they would have violated it even though they violated the constitution anyway.
I know a few rural country cops and I don't think they would do it. I think it's location.
I'm going to pick up some different ammo this week and see how it does. Thanks for the recommendations.
Well to be honest, I don't think I'm qualified yet to vote on that. I carry a G21SF and so far I really like it. I've only put a few hundred rounds through it, it's never malfunctioned and is decently accurate. Probably more accurate than I'm capable of shooting it but I'm seriously out of practice. I got it because I like .45ACP, it's reputation for reliability and toughness, and 13 round capacity. That being said I also sometimes carry my SP101 5 shot .357 when I dress light and still feel protected well enough.