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About wkd93

  • Birthday 06/05/1971

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    Kingston Springs
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
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  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Glock 19
  • Carry Weapon #2
    Springfield XDs

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  1. No sir, no online match payment required or offered at this time. We understand that plans can change on a moment's notice, and would never take the stance of not refunding your money if you couldn't attend the match (like some other clubs do). And frankly, the process of making payment and refunding through the Practiscore app is not ideal for us. We accept cash or check at the time services are rendered. Case in point, we have over 45 people registered at this time. If it even looks like a 25% or greater chance of rain on Saturday, 1/3 of those registered will not show up. Don't need the hassle of processing all those refunds. We are on the "pay as you play" plan! Hope to see you out there.
  2. Some of you have been keeping your trigger fingers warm during the quarantine. For the rest of you, it's time to wipe the cosmoline off those blasters that you put into long term storage due to the coronapocalypse. Strategic Edge Gun Range USPSA is hosting it's monthly match on the third Saturday in May. Come out on the 16th and have some fun with the run & gun! Total of 6 stages including a classifier. Register for the match on Practiscore: https://practiscore.com/uspsa-strategic-edge-segr-may-16-2020/register
  3. Music City Tactical Shooters will be hosting a Outlaw Steel match this weekend on Saturday 4/23 and a Multi-gun match on Sunday 4/24 at our outdoor facilities in Dickson (across the road from 990 Coon Creek Road, Dickson, TN). For Outlaw Steel - Pistol, shotgun, or pistol caliber carbine divisions to choose from. For Multi-gun - Pistol Only, Pistol Caliber Carbine Only, Pistol/Rifle, Pistol/Shotgun and Shotgun/Rifle divisions to choose from.   Setup begins at 7am, shooters meeting at 8:45, rounds downrange at 9:00am. We will have 5 challenging stages. Outlaw Steel Match = 75 steel targets - Steel must fall to score, plan your round count accordingly (plan for a few misses). Multi-gun Match = 75 steel targets (to be shot with pistol, pistol caliber carbine or shotgun ONLY) and 35 paper targets (shot with either pistol, pistol caliber carbine or rifle). Two hits anywhere per paper and steel must fall to score, plan your round count accordingly.   We offer a safe and fun atmosphere and welcome new shooters. Come out and bring your friends. Hope to see you there!  
  4. Music City Tactical Shooters will be hosting a Outlaw Steel match this weekend on Saturday 4/23 and a Multi-gun match on Sunday 4/24 at our outdoor facilities in Dickson (across the road from 990 Coon Creek Road, Dickson, TN). For Outlaw Steel - Pistol, shotgun, or pistol caliber carbine divisions to choose from. For Multi-gun - Pistol Only, Pistol Caliber Carbine Only, Pistol/Rifle, Pistol/Shotgun and Shotgun/Rifle divisions to choose from.   Setup begins at 7am, shooters meeting at 8:45, rounds downrange at 9:00am. We will have 5 challenging stages. Outlaw Steel Match = 75 steel targets - Steel must fall to score, plan your round count accordingly (plan for a few misses). Multi-gun Match = 75 steel targets (to be shot with pistol, pistol caliber carbine or shotgun ONLY) and 35 paper targets (shot with either pistol, pistol caliber carbine or rifle). Two hits anywhere per paper and steel must fall to score, plan your round count accordingly.   We offer a safe and fun atmosphere and welcome new shooters. Come out and bring your friends. Hope to see you there!  
  5. Here's a link to the stages for Music City Tactical Shooter's Outlaw Steel Match this Saturday the 26th at our Dickson facility (across the street from 990 Coon Creek Road).   https://lookaside.fbsbx.com/file/MCTS%20Outlaw%20Steel%20032616.pdf?token=AWyc6NcviNxvJSA7f8ugt0VMv0qLKyxNDQ8-gELeGWfLzTOfhOZ4MtMFa1VKq6FjtnZYVRTth04zxJ3GfR9AWltY3waZfNC91lhn6-P2k9NYYBqCXCxXVIxlIgPaTzJR-KKTzc2hFXnQxiXH5rHXg6Nt   6 stages with a minimum of 121 rounds. Bring more for potential misses and the possible man vs man/team vs team side match.   Setup begins at 7am, shooters meeting at 8:45, rounds downrange at 9:00am. We will have 5 challenging stages of 100 plus steel targets. We offer a safe and fun atmosphere and welcome new shooters. Come out and bring your friends. Our monthly steel matches are a great opportunity to hone your skills and improve your shooting accuracy. Pistol, pistol caliber carbine and shotgun divisions to choose from. See you there!
  6. Music City Tactical Shooters will be hosting a Outlaw Steel match this weekend on Saturday 2/27 and a Multi-gun match on Sunday 2/28 at our outdoor facilities in Dickson (across the road from 990 Coon Creek Road, Dickson, TN). For Outlaw Steel - Pistol, shotgun, or pistol caliber carbine divisions to choose from. For Multi-gun - Pistol Only, Pistol Caliber Carbine Only, Pistol/Rifle, Pistol/Shotgun and Shotgun/Rifle divisions to choose from. Setup begins at 7am, shooters meeting at 8:45, rounds downrange at 9:00am. We will have 5 challenging stages. Outlaw Steel Match = 86 steel targets - Steel must fall to score, plan your round count accordingly. Multi-gun Match = 74 steel targets (to be shot with pistol, pistol caliber carbine or shotgun ONLY) and 39 paper targets (shot with either pistol, pistol caliber carbine or rifle). Two hits per paper and steel must fall to score, plan your round count accordingly. We offer a safe and fun atmosphere and welcome new shooters. Come out and bring your friends. Hope to see you there!  
  7. Music City Tactical Shooters will be hosting our monthly Outlaw Steel match this weekend on Saturday 11/21/2015 at our outdoor facilities in Dickson (across the road from 990 Coon Creek Road, Dickson, TN). Setup begins at 7am, shooters meeting at 8:45, rounds downrange at 9:00am. We will have 5 challenging stages, 97 rounds MINIMUM. We offer a safe and fun atmosphere and welcome new shooters. Come out and bring your friends. Our monthly steel matches are a great opportunity to hone your skills and improve your shooting accuracy. Pistol, pistol caliber carbine and shotgun divisions to choose from. See you there!  
  8. Here are the stages:   https://attachment.fbsbx.com/file_download.php?id=1644906595750674&eid=ASs5Ysa92-jIBmzA7pcAteiLepEhwqdP0O-bb8q9M7ivhKLyhZk3suxap1vhCSYFWkc&inline=1&ext=1445031408&hash=ASuZFvo12lnAQNDb
  9. John wins the "closest to the round count estimation" contest! Good guess, my brother. So I've got 5 to 6 stages, with a potential MINIMUM of 122 rounds, and I like John usually bring double just to be sure.
  10. Music City Tactical Shooters (www.mctsclub.com) will be hosting a 3 gun match this Sunday, September 27th at noon. Maximum distance with rifle will probably be around 100 yds shooting small auto-reset poppers. All shooting divisions welcome (AKA bring whatever guns you want to run as long as they are in safe working order). .223/5.56 up to .308 caliber rifle, 9mm up to 45ACP pistol and 12 gauge shotgun birdshot loads #6 and smaller size. NOTE: STEEL SHOT, STEEL CORE and/or BI-METAL BULLETS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE USED ON STEEL TARGETS. This will earn you a disqualification, and potentially money out of pocket to replace damaged steel targets. Round Count: 100 rifle, 40 pistol, 40 shotgun birdshot (bring more in case of a few mikes) Set up will begin at 8am, shooters meeting at 11:30pm, shots down range at 12pm. Hope to see everyone out at the range. Directions are found at the Website listed above.  
  11. Speaking on behalf of Music City Tactical Shooters (Outdoor-Dickson / Indoor-Nashville Armory), at this time 3 gun is not a staple in our regular monthly shooting rotation, but we will post on our Website (www.mctsclub.com) when another match will be held.   As for matches in the area, MTSC in Manchester, TN shoots 3 gun on the 1st Sunday of every month (no match this month though), start time noon. Elk River Training Center in Pelham, TN, shoots 3 gun on the 1st Saturday of the month (http://www.elkrivertrainingcenter.com/training/schedule.php). TSF in Jackson, TN shoots 3 gun on the 4th Saturday of every month, I think they have a 9am start time. And Rockcastle up in Park City, KY has some of the best 3 gun matches in the country, just check their Website for details of when the next match will be.   3 Gun is growing in popularity in Tennessee, so more matches will surely be popping up over time. Also check out http://www.tennessee3gunseries.com/, which will be starting up again in 2016.   Regards, King Drummond MCTS Match Director
  12. Round Count: 61 rifle, 66 pistol, 47 shotgun (bring more in case of a few mikes)   Stages can be found of FB's TN competitive shooters page.
  13. Music City Tactical Shooters (www.mctsclub.com) will be hosting a beginner level 3 gun match this Sunday, August 30th at 1pm. There will be an emphasis on using all 3 guns on all stages, with minimal shotgun reloading. The idea being that it's more important to be familiar and safe with all 3 weapons when running a course of fire. Shotgun reloading can be practiced at home (WITH DUMMY ROUNDS ONLY!!!) to build speed and proficiency. Maximum distance with rifle will probably be around 100 yds shooting small auto-reset poppers, so iron sights and 1x magnification red dots shouldn't be a problem. All shooting divisions welcome (AKA bring whatever guns you want to run as long as they are in safe working order). .223/5.56 up to .30 caliber rifle, 9mm up to 45ACP pistol and 12 gauge shotgun birdshot loads #6 - #8 size. NOTE: STEEL SHOT, STEEL CORE and/or BI-METAL BULLETS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE USED ON STEEL TARGETS. This will earn you a disqualification, and potentially money out of pocket to replace damaged steel targets. Round Count: 75 rifle, 75 pistol and 75 birdshot will insure you get through the match.    Set up will begin at 8am, shooters meeting at 12:30pm, shots down range at 1pm. Hope to see everyone out at the range. Directions are found at the Website listed above.
  14. Appendix carry is not allowed. The most common holsters are OWB, straight draw type, at the 3 o'clock position (9 for lefties). However, if you want to go IWB you can carry behind the hip (4-5 o'clock).
  15. There are no restrictions on weapon mounted lights, so you will be fine with the set up you've described. Sorry about the stages not being posted on the MCTS sight. They are posted and can be downloaded at https://www.facebook.com/groups/541588442601991/, scroll down until you see 3GunStages 112214.pdf


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