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Everything posted by bvarnell

  1. Welcome to Hamilton County.
  2. What really turned up the heat on these 4 clowns (2 have already pled guilty) was them selling a gun or 2 to the escaped felon from Colorado who shot and killed Sgt. Tim Chapin of CPD. At least one of them was warned to get an FFL more than once. They are also reported to be buying from pawn shops and reselling. I'd bet that those purchases were "off the books". Someone sells a gun to a pawn shop, he calls these guys who come buy it before it gets recorded.
  3. Welcome from just a little to the east.
  4.   No!! At least not without a special wideload permit and signage.
  5.   That's the same thing everyone was saying 4 years ago. Doesn't appear they have been too adversely affected. I never did like them.
  6. Sill have it the 3rd Sat. of every month. The web page has been changed. The new address is: http://clevelandtnidpa.me.pn/index.html   3 gun is this Sat. 2nd Sat. of the month.
  7. Welcome from "just down the road".
  8. Welcome to another Hamilton Countian
  9. Welcome from the neighborhood. :wave:
  10.   You're showing your age :) . I remember seeing him on TV back about 1960. I think he was billed as the worlds fastest fast draw pistolero.
  11. I just talked to a friend who sells for a large firearms and ammo distributor. He told me that today sales were 5 times normal and would have probably been more if the phone lines weren't tied up all day.
  12. That was about the same time that Glock introduced the 19. All the anti-gun idiots and media sheeple were saying because the Glock was plastic, it would be impossible to detect on x-ray or magnetometers (? sp.). The world might come to an end because terrorist would be carrying them undetected with Black Talon cop killer bullets. Looks like the evil plastic Glock survived. Not so for the Black Talon.
  13. Just so happens that Power Factor posted a video this week. They are talking about shotguns, but same principles apply to bullets. http://www.powerfactorshow.com/
  14. If you are interested in pocket carry, Alabama Holster makes a nice looking one for $25. I saw Hickok 45 using one and think I may order one. http://www.alabamaholster.com/
  15. Hate to see something like that. To my untrained eye, it at least looks like a clean break. Good luck and keep us informed.
  16. What's the name that village in Kenya that's missing an idiot?
  17. Check out http://georgia-arms.com/ no sales tax and free shipping over $500. Split an order with a friend.
  18. Ever hear of Executive Orders? Look at how many Obama has issued vs. all previous Presidents.
  19. Once again I'm late to the dance. I had a black coyote mounted by Crane's. Excellent work. He does a fair amount of work for people in the Chattanooga area. Only about 75 miles from me. He also does a lot of work from safari people. When I went to his shop, he had a full body male lion, a warthog and a huge croc waiting to be picked up. I'm just glad I didn't have to pay for those three.
  20. Ain't the court system wonderful.
  21. I thought that closed years ago. It was out in Cobb County.
  22. GREAT choice, but take lots of money. Depending on what you like, Stone Mtn. Park is a great place to take children.
  23. Grand jury chose not to indict. http://www.timesfreepress.com/news/2012/sep/26/walmart-shooter-wont-face-charges-chattanooga/?breakingnews
  24. I'm kind of late to the dance. I've used Crane's Taxidermy in Ackworth, GA. Check out his website www.cranestaxidermy.com
  25. Just so you know, Social Security is not included as earned income.


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