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Everything posted by bvarnell

  1.   Sounds like Prentice Cooper
  2.   It came in yesterday afternoon. They had quite a bit of .40, .45 and .223. Line was about 25 deep when I went in at 3:30,but moved pretty fast, down to 2 or 3 by 4:30. UMC .45 250 pack $115 Rem. .223 50 pack $25   The bulk pack (1000) Fed .308 for $800is still there, but they have sold 6 or 8 since last week. I've got to think that is being bought by resalers to split into smaller packages for gunshows.
  3.   Yep, at least 5 years, maybe 10. Still funny nevertheless.
  4. It should have had its first pump out about 50+ yrs ago. Toilet paper will dissolve fine in a septic tank, but do not flush facial tissue.
  5. Welcome to the forum. You're not at station 5 are you?
  6. It's been aeound for close to 30 yrs. The only objection I ever heard was "it don't look right". I'm happy to shoot it when I can find it.
  7. Here is a SAAMI video showing how safe modern cartridges really are.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=3SlOXowwC4c#
  8. I was in SW today at 7 pm. They had received about 400 guns today, about 40 AR types. Ther were 4 AR's still left, 2 of them DPMS RFA3-TAC2. One of them came home with me and a guy standing next to me bought the other. Someone else was buying one of the others and I'm certain the last one was gone before they closed.   They had ammo at the service desk. I got a 100 pack of American Eagle .45 acp. I'm pretty sure they had .40's and maybe 9's.   I did see 2 guys each buying 3 boxes of 50 BMG. Don't know what the price was, but I bet was $60 plus.   I think Sportsmans Warehouse handles the inventory situation about as well as anyone could.
  9.   Don't know where you looked, but it must not have been on IDPA.com As far as I know, they always have been members and not outlaw matches.   http://www.idpa.com/clublist.asp?pick=TN
  10. Welcome to the forum. Not bad shooting for 50 yds. iron sights. Sounds like PC was a little safer than in times past.
  11. Maybe they just stopped yo go into Bar Louie. :cool:
  12.   When you sign the 4473, aren't you swearing that you answered correctly?? Never heard of anyone being prosecuted tho.
  13. I don't get any junk e-mail from them, just sales flyers for the NRA store 3 or 4 times a year. You can go ahead and drop out of the NRA and depend on the ACLU to defend your 2a rights. :cool:
  14.   Actually, it's $799.99 per 1000. I've naver shot that much .308 in my life. If I find 2 or 3 people to split a case, imight be interested.
  15. Once you get them out, seal their entrance with some Great Stuff (expanding foam). It will still be around a hundred years from now and so far nothing has tried to dig it out or eat it.
  16. Welcome to the forum.
  17. Welcome from the east side of the county.
  18.   Don't buy into the Kimber bashing too much. I've had 5 without a problem. They may be a little tight for 2 -300 rounds, but I think that's a good thing. Just keep it WELL oiled. They make and sell about 88,000 a year. Some are bound to have problems which they can rectify.   I also have a XDs from last June. I've only shot about 150 rounds with no issues. I would have shot more, but reloading those little 5 round mags is a PITA.
  19.   Looks like it sold for $77.00.   I think I'll just shoot some .45's
  20. I suspect that most of those type shooters are the ones who buy a gun, go to a range, shoot a box of ammo, take it home and don't shoot again for a year or more, if ever.    Come to think of it, that probably applies to most gun owners. They shoot every year or 2 and think they are proficient with their gun.  Scary.
  21. Doesn't look like there is much danger.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=3SlOXowwC4c   I thought this was an interesting video. i wonder what they did with the unexploded rounds?
  22.   I think that is the new point and shoot method. Much faster than messing with sights
  23.   I bought a Kimber Super Carry HD from them in Nov. The pawn shop is about a mile away at I think 38th street.   The pistol beat me to the shop. Filled out the 4473, paid them $25 and came home. Very quick, easy and painless.   Funny thing is the owner lives on Signal Mtn.
  24. Welcome to the forum.


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