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Everything posted by bvarnell

  1. 200 rds. WWB .45 acp cleaned out WallyWorld again.
  2. bvarnell

    KIMBER Question

    Sounds like a good deal, especially if it is stainless & has night sights
  3. I may go a little earlier (3:30 est) and start at the pistol range.
  4. I might be able to go up there tormorrow, depending on the weather. What time were you thinking of? Last Sunday was the first time I have been on a weekend and I wasn't too fond of the crowding. I did enjoy meeting a bunch of TGOr's though.
  5. So, is anyone meeting for lunch
  6. At $12 a pill, you wouldn't want to use too many. :p:p
  7. Congratulations!! If I grt up to PC I'll let you shoot my Sig 556 again. New glass this time, Leupold Mk4 CQ/T. Makes a BIG difference. By the way, I look forward to shooting your AR.
  8. Most .22 revolvers should shoot them with no problem. Semi autos should shoot alright, but you will have to cycle manually. Same with rifles, you can load in tubular magazines, but not clips.
  9. You might want to try ammoguide.com, they have most everything listed or someone can help you find it.


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