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Everything posted by bvarnell

  1. Sounds like the ammo might have gotten contaminated (water or oil maybe), possibly in shipping. Thats about the only thing that should have caused squibs like you are describing. By the way, good for you for checking the after squibs.
  2. Here is a good review of the judge and .410 effectiveness for self defense. http://www.theboxotruth.com/docs/bot41.htm
  3. Starting about 1970, all babies received a SS# at birth. When hospital filed birth certificate, a SS# was assigned.
  4. Yes, on and off for about 40+ yrs. Became Life member a couple of yrs. ago when NRA had a discounted price and I had the money. Another advantage of Life is it cuts WAY down on the amount of solications from NRA.
  5. bvarnell


    I predict that you will find it within 48 hrs. of getting a replacement.
  6. I have a Liberty Lincoln 35 gun fireproof. Weighs about 1000# empty, add a couple hundred pounds of guns and ammo, and I don't think 2 or 3 people can carry it out. Got it at Randy's Pawn Shop in Trenton, GA. No sales tax on out of state sales.
  7. bvarnell

    Pawn Shops

  8. There is another BBQ joint on Sig Mtn Blvd just before you get to Suck Creek. I can't remember the name, but it's on the right and pretty good.
  9. I've had a Galco Royal Guard horsehide for 10+ yrs. Very comfortable and shows little wear. I carry Kimber Ultra & Colt Officers .45.
  10. I concur, you definetly need to start reloading.
  11. +1 A 2" j-frame is not the easiest handgun to master.
  12. And was put on hold on January 20th.
  13. Got mine Sat. Thinking about going today, but 40 degrees maybe too cold formr.
  14. Yes, and the AJC is about as liberal as they come.
  15. Sportsman Warehouse in Chatt. looks like they are going out of business. Tuesday they had a few boxes of 454 Casull & 500 S&W. No .38, .357, 9mm, .40, .44, or .45. Very small selection handguns. It's been getting worse since early Nov. I guess a lot of people were buying for Christmas presents.
  16. Feed the pet buzzards.
  17. I've known of people shooting over chicken carcasses in pits behind broiler houses. I've put a thanksgiving/christmas turkey carcass in the field and got one 4-6 yrs. ago. Don't know cattle bones wouldn't be effebtive and legal.
  18. Welcome from across the river.
  19. I have a Winchester 1300 turkey gun that does the same thing with 3" turkey loads. It takes the forestock out of my hand and ejects the hull 5 or 6 ft. Never any problem with 2 3/4" shells. I've always wondered if it should do that. Looks lie mine is not the only one.
  20. This isn't anything new, I filled them out in '87 when I was working at a sporting goods store. At that time it was for any multiples (handguns, rifles or shotguns). How many do you think have been filed since 11/4?? I know of one 8 gun purchase that week (not me, unfortunatly
  21. My first beer is usually not "severed" until after I've had the 2nd or 3rd one.
  22. Apply to congress for a couple of billion???
  23. I have an Ultra CDP II & a SIS 5", never a problem either and I carry the Ultra when I'm not not carrying a 2" J frame S&W. If I can find a 4" Pro Raptor, SIS, or CDP at a good price, I'll let you know how I like it.
  24. That's because somebody bought their last 2 boxes of WWB 45 x 100 and 9mm last Mon.


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