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Everything posted by bvarnell

  1. Why would anyone with an I.Q. above room temperature pay any attention to or watch anything on MSNBC????
  2. Oh yea. They definitely have different rules. You will NOT be allowed to take a handgun into Canada under any circumstance.
  3. Sportsman's Warehouse in Chatt. has one with the round barrel.
  4. Went to the range today. Fired 5 rounds of Critical Defense in my Ultra CDP. Function was pertfect, recoil much lighter than 230 gr. Now I have enough left to load 2 mags + 1 in the chamber.
  5. Sportsman's Warehouse in Chattanooga got some in this week. I picked up 1 box today for $21.99. Looks like it should cycle in my Kimber Ultra CDP II due to rounded nose of bullet. I'll try to shoot a few this (not many though:rolleyes:) to see if it cycles well.
  6. Welcome aboard.
  7. I haven't received it either.
  8. Here's your chance to rate the first year of the messiah. Grade Obama's First Year in Office - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
  9. "The rich are rich because they keep doing the things that made them rich. The poor are poor because they keep doing the things that made them poor." Neal Boortz
  10. Glen mentioned the Gun Broker ad on TGO. He said if a TGO member bought it, he would pick up and deliver. Wanting to help his friend out, I placed a couple of bids to raise the price for his friend. Surprise! Surprise! I won the auction. Made contact with the seller, sent the money, and waited on Glen to go visit for the weekend and bring back a BEAUTIFUL Rem. 700, .308 tricked out to Navy SEAL specs w/1.5 lb. trigger and a Pelican 1750 case (weighs more than the rifle). Met Glen Tues. evening for the swap and dinner. Planned to go to the range today, but the weatherman didn't cooperate. Going to try again Friday.
  11. Looks like we had 57 shooters. I guess the beautiful weather brought out an extra 10-12. I was happy with the way I shot, just not so happy with my time. I guess that means I need to work on speed and reloading. Next week at Dodd's will be another opportunity.
  12. I was going to mention the Doubletree. It just opened a month or 2 ago. It used to be a Clarion. They completely gutted it and remodeled it. Truth be told, there are probably a dozen or more class A hotels in the downtown area that you would like. Look for who has the best deal.
  13. Welcome aboard!! Where you ever at the Philadelphia naval yard???
  14. Don't think there was such a thing as +P in the 60's, so short answer is no. I have "heard" that standard ammo was downloaded to lower pressure levels 20+ years ago and then +P was introduced to bring it back to more or less original levels. Maybe, maybe not. It did provide an additional line of ammo for them to hype at premium prices. If you have an all steel model 36(tight and in good shape), I don't see how a few +P's would do any harm. If you're concerned about it, it might be good to check with a gunsmith.
  15. I had forgotten about ASK.COM. Been so used to google the last 8-10 years. Thanks for the reminder.
  16. Haven't owned one, but I would think they are an accurate hunting rifle. The ones I looked at were well made, but HEAVY. I never could warm up to the idea of a semi-auto hunting rifle, but to each his own. If you want one and the price is right, I would say get it.
  17. American Rifleman Shooting Times Guns & Ammo American Handgunner
  18. Since you live there, wouldn't you be better qualified to tell us what is posted and what isn't???
  19. bvarnell

    Wilson Combat CQB

    Beautiful! When do you want to go to the range and burn thru some more ammo.
  20. Pretty much the way I remember PC from years past. I think you may have forgotten about the meth dealers/users though.
  21. Is this going to be an Event or a Gathering??
  22. A couple I see at IDPA have one. They say it works great. Here is ths site if you want to pick one up. I've thought about getting one, but having trouble spending $45 plus S&H. UniqueTek Products


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