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Everything posted by bvarnell

  1. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
  2. I conceal 99% but under an untucked shirt. OCing also does a lot of damage to my leather seats.
  3. Welcome from the area.
  4. But not by much!!
  5. Check out Adams Leather Works Holster Making
  6. Welcome.
  7. check at rangeissafe.com Looks like you will need a rifle sling & 10 slugs. Next option would be to call Price or Skip.
  8. Welcome from the neighborhood.
  9. Welcome from just down the road.
  10. I have both. The Caldwells are very good for noise attenuation but just fair for conversation. The Peltors are much better for conversation. They accutally amplify the conversation level. I use the Peltors most of the time and loan the Caldwells to people who didn't bring any with them. Oh, did I forget to mention that they also cost 4 or 5 times as much. If cost isn't an issue, I would get the Peltors. Midway has both on sale frequently.
  11. Welcome aboard.
  12. Welcome from the neighborhood.
  13. My recollection is that the Dillon's are made by Galco. Good holsters, just pay a little premium for the Dillon logo.
  14. Change springs on the Ultra and pro at 800 rds. Change on the 5" custom at 2000 rds. From what I have read, Kimber buys their springs from Wolffe. If you buy from Kimber, you're just paying a premium for Kimber packaging.
  15. I had a similar experience about 1980 in Greenville, SC. Car parked in hotel parking lot. Like a DA I left my Colt detective special in the glove box. Window was broken out overnight to steal my CB and my Colt. I called the police to file a report, and told the detective I would call him back with the serial#. About 3 months later, I get a call telling me they recovered the gun and I could pick it up the next time I was in town. So, there have been at least 2 recovered in the last 30 yrs.
  16. Welcome and enjoy.
  17. WELCOME!!
  18. Welcome aboard.
  19. I have an Ultra CDP II, that feeds Rem. Golden Saber & Hornady Critical Defense without a problem. It does need a "rounded" bullet for good feeding though. This pistol is at least as accurate as I am (probably more so) And the 3" alloy frame is a LOT more comfortable to carry than a 4 or 5" steel frame. I would think you will come $ ahead if you get as many upgrades as you want from the factory (whichever brand you choose) vs. piecemeal buying and installing yourself. Good luck with whatever you decide.
  20. Anybody know what kind of ammo they were making in 1825??? Must have just been black powder. I didn't think self contained cartridges came out until around 1850. After reading Wikipedia, it appears they were making percussion caps.
  21. But Cleveland is only a little over 2 hrs. from Douglasville.
  22. Welcome from another Ooltewahian. And in another 4 or 5 yrs. TDOT will be finished with construction.
  23. Welcome from the other side of Hamilton Co.
  24. Nice store. I think Sportsman's has a better gun dept., but it was too crowded around the gun counter to do much looking. I was surprised that they don't carry any reloading components. The one at Hamilton Place is going to be 6,000 ft. larger. Maybe they will have a little more space in their aisles. Overall, it looked like a nice store. I predict the demise of Dick's before Christmas.


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