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Everything posted by bvarnell

  1. The Safe House might be a bit far to drive. Liberty is a very good brand, which you can get at Randy's Pawn in Trenton. He also has reasonable delivery.
  2. Unless you're shooting bullseye, what is the point? They work great on a Gold Cup, but most of my shooting is at IDPA targets.
  3. You're in luck!! Next Sat. @ ClevelandHRPC, 10 a.m. IDPA, 3GUN, Information, Reviews and Training - Team rangeissafe.com Come out and watch or better yet, shoot with us. Usually 50 to 60 shooters broken up into 5 squads, shooting on 5 pistol bays.
  4. Welcome aboard.
  5. Welcome to TGO.
  6. I don't have one, but that is about the only revolver that makes me drool.
  7. You need to slip over to Sportsmans Warehouse. They have a good selection of 1911's (probably mostly Kimbers) in all 3 sizes. Reasonable prices, usually 12-15% below MSRP.
  8. Welcome from "just down the road"
  9. Welcome to TGO.
  10. Welcome to the forum.
  11. Welcome aboard
  12. Cleveland (chrpc.com or rangeissafe.com) on the 3rd Sat. every month. Last week was 52 shooters, usually between 50-60. Really good bunch of guys who are always helpful to new shooters. Sale Creek (Ronnie Dodd's) on 4th Sat. most months. Smaller crowds, but a still good time. You can get more info & directions on CHRPC site. Come out and join us.
  13. Welcome aboard. Good to get some more Hamilton Countians on the forum.
  14. Welcome from further east in the county.
  15. Mailed mine on 9/28. I had gone by the DL station, but didn't feel like waiting 1.5 hrs. just to hand them a check. Received my new one on 10/21. Mail was very satisfactory for me.
  16. Welcome from the neighborhood.
  17. Welcome aboard! Always good to see another Hamlton countyain on the forum.
  18. Welcome
  19. And Ronnie Dodd teaches for Bill Rogers.
  20. Welcome aboard from across the "mountain".
  21. Midway has the LnL on sale for $385.99 this month.
  22. Welcome aboard.
  23. I just looked up "paranoid". It had a picture of Mike.
  24. Gee whiz! I've got about 1500 .45 acp, 1000 9mm and 1000 .223's. I've probably shot 2-3000 rds. of UMC and WWB with no FTF's. You all have me worried now. I guess I need to shoot up what I have on hand.


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