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Everything posted by bvarnell

  1. I believe the Sharps they were using had the double set triggers, so yes it could be down in the one pound range. Set triggers are a lot of fun.
  2. The new (3 1/2 yr. old) Supercenter here had only ammo and some (occasional) muzzle loaders until about 1 month ago. They put in a 12 ft. gun case with a pretty good selection of long guns. I haven't really looked at what they have, but imagine they are mostly in the $200 to $350 range.
  3. More than likely, he'll get to go talk to some people at Moccasin Bend. May get to stay overnight.
  4. Georgia Democrat 'nuff said
  5. You just can't fix stupid. They probably see so few firearms in Mass. that they just have to guess when they see a long cylindrical object.
  6. I believe he closed the shop about a week ago. Too physically taxing with his health issues. I was told he was going to do some work out of his home. PM me if youneed his number.
  7. If the people you asked were under 35, I'd guess 0%. If it was a broader range, I'll say 20%.
  8. No, I believe you're thinking bacon or salt cured ham.
  9. Just a little follow up. The perps entire family (4 or 5 members) have been arrested. Going to be several state and federal charges. Probably several accessory charges. Just seeing them on TV, makes me think they are just one criminal enterprise. Mom has a homicide conviction.
  10. Welcome from just down the road.
  11. I don't think you will be getting one from Natchezss, unless you have an out of state address. They only sell to retailer stores in Tn, Al, and Ga.
  12. If you want good quality that will hold up, buy Harris and don't look back. The Wally World bipods are cheap Chinese knock offs that may or may not be dependable. Someone on this or another forum got some from WM and found out that the legs weren't the same length. If you get down to Chatt., check out Sportsmans Whse. They have Harris and I think another brand.
  13. Welcome aboard.
  14. And what's wrong with having a 19 or 20 year old sitting in your lap while you watch TV???
  15. Nothing to worry about. They're going to post signs. Soon as they are up in Coolidge, they will go up in all the other hot spots in the city. Crime problem solved. What is it now, something like 14 or 15 shootings in 12 days? This might be a very interesting summer.
  16. I "think" it is the police range on moccasin bend.
  17. I believe you're wrong on that. ALL federal buildings are automatically no carry zones. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
  18. bvarnell

    IDPA Caliber

    I forgot to mention, IDPA was started by Bill Wilson (WILSON pistols). I doubt he would put in any rules that would disadvantage 1911 shooters.
  19. bvarnell

    IDPA Caliber

    QUOTE=Jonnin;702541]The cost of 9mm and 45 or any other caliber is evened out a lot with reloading. 45 costs a little more, but not that much, and most "combat" 45s will shoot a lead slug (cheaper) while glocks use jacketed only ammo (unless you swap out the barrel -- your XD can handle lead ammo). So you can, if you reload them, probably do about as well with either gun. Note that most .45 have a lowish capacity; the top 9mm hold over 20 rounds while the majority of the 45s are 15 or less. I dunno about idpa rules on capacity but they seem to have build the thing around glocks and probably have no limit to the number of rounds, but they limit the gun size, so the larger 45 round will never get as many shots in the same dimension gun as a 9mm.... that will hurt your ability to compete a little bit unless they limit everyone to 10 round mags or something (??). If you are not in it to win at all costs, that should not matter. 1911's (CDP) are limited to 8 rd mags (8+1), all others limited to 10 rds.(10+1) There is no advantage to a glock. Your XD is very similar, really. If you handed me both of them, I could not tell the difference without looking at them, unless your XD has that grip safety. For some reason I thought the sport did not allow SAO guns like 1911, but I could be mistaken, I really do not know. There is not really that much you can do to a glock to improve it anyway and still have it legal for the sport; you would have to remove the trigger "safety" and 3/4 the trigger travel to fix it, and that wouldnt be allowed (nor safe for carry, it would become a target pistol only). Glocks shoot in SSP, XD's & XDm's are ESP. IDPA considers the XD's to be single action. You are allowed to do trigger mods to any pistol, just don't remove any safety features. You might want to read this (International Defensive Pistol Association) to get the exact verbage. Better yet, Come to Cleveland this Sat. and shoot w/us. ( IDPA, 3GUN, Information, Reviews and Training - Team rangeissafe.com) Last month, we had 62 shooters, 40 something in Jan. w/5 or 6 inches of snow on the ground. (I don't think any brass was picked up that day) I usually shoot a 1911, but have shot a XDm. Not sure which this week. CHRPC is very new shooter friendly. I think there were 8 or 10 last month. I would guess Manchester is the same. Just don't fall under the evil spell of John and start shooting revo's.
  20. Check out Randy's Pawn in Trenton, Ga. He usually has 100+ Liberty's in stock.
  21. Try to visualize the average DA you see trying to fill their tanks with pressurized natural gas. Of course, that might be a good way to cleanse the gene pool.
  22. Always thought it was a Lugar copy. I guess it is, one generation removed.
  23. Don't know if it's the best, but Hornady 55 gr V-Max sure will flip coyotes.
  24. bvarnell

    Kimber Solo

    Here's a range report from Dave Anderson of American Handgunner. Looks pretty good.


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