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Everything posted by jeffmem

  1. I have not heard a thing on mine. Just a pmag and a trigger kit.
  2. anybody get a shipping notice or product from this place?
  3. This may be waaaay off topic for some but I know we have some IT folks out there that will find this funny. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrfpnbGXL70
  4. heh heh
  5. geez ... the lower costs less than most parts kits and plastic stocks now days Surplus Arms & Ammo LOW15 Stripped AR Lower Receiver
  6. jeffmem

    Apple iOS 4

    Tapatalk saves you from having to do a lot of the pinch to zoom and sliding of content.
  7. Seems a little slower than the previous version for me but not what I consider really slow. The yahoo yslow plugin rates it a "D" ... mostly due to having a lot of external javascript, image and background files. Plus a lot of the javascripts are not being gziped by the server.
  8. jeffmem

    Apple iOS 4

    Pandora is playing in the background as I type this on my 3GS. The camera performance on my 3GS is muccccccch faster on ios4.
  9. I saw this at my local costco yesterday. Winchester branded pistol safe that measures 20x20x30. Has 2 shelves and weighs about 200lbs. It was $299 I think. Anyone seen this one? Does it look like a quality piece?
  10. I have 2 4s that should be here next week via fedex. Also have 1 16gb reserved at the store ... wonder if i could sell my place in line?
  11. an interesting perspective Is the BP Gusher Unstoppable? | Mother Jones
  12. I went there once with my wife. Way too expensive for a mediocre product. Costco hot dog and soda for $1.50 FTW.
  13. Hk vp70z ... High capacity but crappy
  14. A pirate walks into a bar, and the barkeep says "Excuse me, cap'n, but did you know that you've got your ship's wheel stuck in your pantaloons?" "Aye," says the pirate, "that thing be drivin' me nuts! Aaargh!"
  15. 6ft + 3ft = plenty until ...
  16. Is there an easy way to identify copper heads/ water moccasions? The shape of the head?
  17. Someone is gonna jump on that kimber soon.
  18. Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with cash america and dont know anything about the condition of these pistols. Just passing this along in case a forum member is looking. Saw these Saturday evening at Cash America Pawn on covington pike. The prices are firm according to the lady I spoke with. Kimber Pro Carry Stainless II w/one mag and box - $599 Glock 23 with night sites - $399 Glock 39 with case (not sure if one or two mags) - $399
  19. I did not measure but I would guess 24" or so and maybe 1" diameter.
  20. I don't want to kill non poisonous snakes. I just need to be able to identify which are which.
  21. Cool. I will keep the 870 in the closet if he shows up in person.
  22. jeffmem


    Thanks for the link. Gaslight Anthem was really good. The stream started out really good but has since degraded.
  23. Found this snake skin by my front door. Glad that I found it before the wife did. Any thoughts on what snakes have a green and yellow belly?


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