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  • Location
    Pulaski, TN
  • Gender
  • Occupation
    Software Consultant


  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  • Carry Weapon #1
    Springfield XD-40

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  1. LOL. Not gonna do that, but nice to know it's an option.
  2. Thanks. I do have a Tennessee permit.
  3. I'm a fairly new resident of Tennessee and have a question about holster retention requirements for open carry. Basically, are there any? Is it required to have a Level 2 retention holster, for example, or will any holster work?
  4. The permit office just called me back and told me that my permit is being issued today. I should have it in 10-14 days.
  5. Little follow-up.   I called them on Feb 11, and they said they never got the copy of my Texas permit from the DMV. They told me to mail a copy of it, along with my TN driver's license, to their office. I did that the next day (Feb 12).   On March 9, I called them again asking about status. They said they were still waiting on my handgun safety course certificate. i told them i don't need to take it, as I moved from Texas and have a valid Texas permit, and that I mailed them a copy of that on Feb 12. They stated they never received it. I asked if I can email them a copy of it and they said they aren't able to do email (in 2015???), but I can fax it. So, I faxed them a copy of my Texas permit and my Tennessee driver's license.   I just got off the phone with them this morning to check the status, and the lady I talked to said my file shows that my permit was approved on Dec 1, 2014, but hasn't been issued. She is going to talk to a supervisor about it now. It's certainly outside of the 90 day statutory limit at this point.
  6.   Where do I find the number for the Nashville office?
  7.   Per the TN Dept of Safety & Homeland Security site at http://www.tn.gov/safety/handgun/apprequirements.shtml (emphasis mine):    
  8. I don't have to take a class. If you have a Texas, Oklahoma, or New Mexico concealed handgun license, your license transfers directly to Tennessee. No class required. Just pay the fee and get fingerprinted.
  9. You only get a confirmation number if you applied online. We did it at the DMV.
  10. Is there a way to check the status of my carry permit?   My wife and I moved here from Texas. We got our new drivers licenses and applied for the permit at the same time. We went to get our fingerprints done at the same time (on Dec 30, 2014).   My wife received her permit in the mail last week. I haven't received mine yet.   How can I check the status?
  11. I just moved to TN from Texas. In Texas, if you had a CHL (Concealed Handgun License) you did not have to have a NICS check done when you bought a gun. Simply show your CHL, fill out the paperwork, and you're on your way.   Is it the same in Tennessee? When I get my TN permit, will they have to do the NICS check when I buy a gun or does Tennessee also waive that if you have the permit?
  12.   Actually, the Second Amendment says the right of the People to keep AND BEAR arms shall not be infringed. So, yes, they can say this.
  13.   Thanks! I certainly hope we like it here. I think we will.
  14.   Thanks. I got it from the Beatles' song "Come Together".  I was introducing my 1-year old to classic rock last month (Beatles, Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, etc) and heard this line:   "He got juju eyeball, he drink Coca-Cola..."   I drink plenty of Coke, so thought that would be a great forum name.   The kiddo didn't care for Zeppelin.


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