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Everything posted by n0rlf

  1. Make a day trip up through Lynchburg, do the Jack Daniels tour, then over to George Dickell. Then up to the Opry Gaylord for the light show. Also check out Lynchburg Winery there on the square in Lynchburg. They have some pretty decent wines and a wine tasting where you get to keep the glass as a momento for like $5 to 6 bucks. I have enough of the glasses for everyone on the Holidays. LOL
  2. My granfather voted replublican to the day he died! Afterwards he always voted democrat.
  3. HIllary, wait up a minute.
  4. This is so true! But what a way to spend time with my kids! I would rather do this then play games on computers or watch TV. And at their age they can spoil me now. 23, 25, and 27. I still like spoiling them though. Even more that she is the youngest and has given us too lovely grandchildren. More to spoil!
  5. That's it, cost me more money. I have a flaming pig on my bolt .308! I am going to get one for my AR10 as well I like it that much. You are right though it would be cool to get one on hers. Birthday is coming so that is a good idea. Thanks.
  6. She enjoys shooting. She is now 23 and has 2 kids of her own. We have one grandson and one grandaughter. She has a Pink Ruger 22 pistol as well. We decided against Pink for her carry gun though. She carries a OD Green Sig P238, Still had to have something other than standard black. LOL Oh well at least she likes to shoot and carries.
  7. Just need to find a commercial tube for it. Has a Mil_Spec on it for the moment. She loves it! Yes that it a Pig on the receiver. She loves pink and Pigs. The BACONATER
  8. I don't drink enough to make a dent in any liqour cabinet. But I do enjoy a cold beer once in a while. (My wife is into beer making so we get some good ones), I am a Jack Daniels fan and do enjoy a drink every few weeks or so. As for bacon, well, after my heart attack the wife outlawed bacon in the house. She does let me have it once in a great while. (She loves me). I would eat bacon by the side if I could. I love Sweet Tea, but as I am diabetic that is also off the list. So a diet Coke with a little Gentlemen Jack seems to be my go to. I used to enjoy a good old scotch but not so much anymore. Maybe once we get our house finished up in the mountains I can relax by a fire again and imbibe.
  9. OK starting to scare me. No partaking? At least tell me you enjoy Bacon?
  10. Thats the one but at this point is kind of moot. None of us will be persuaded to change our minds. Kind of typical of a bunch of alpha types. That is one of the things that makes it good on the forums. We can all agree to disagree and still hoist a beer. If it is still legal that is. LOL
  11. Well, the question of the pilot or the terrorist is a starting point. I understand your viewpoint as you are wanting no laws basically. Anarchy. Well that has never worked well. As for how it harms everyone? I have to have a permit and there are a lot of restrictions on when and where I can choose to carry a gun. Why? Because we have dipstuffs that think they should be allowed to do anything with a firearm. So the actions of a few are hurting all of us that have chosen to follow societies laws. I would recommend you move out of the US if you do not like laws. Try Iran or Iraq. Let us know how that works out for you.
  12. Difference being there was a crime. He was a felon in possesion of a firearm. Now toss in the marijuana. That is a crime. So do we wait until the rapist actually has penetration? If it was your wife and daughter I doubt you would wait but rather plug him quickly. Yeah I know, he was already guilty of assault before he committed the rape. Nice try but not always. Girl gets drunk guy rapes her after she has passed out. So if we wait until the crime is committed we will have a pretty ugly world to live in. I would rather we got criminals before they are able to commit the crime. The laws are not all that hard to follow. So I never got an answer to the questions about the earlier examples so I am guessing that is hitting close to home for some. There are many examples of freedoms being taken away. Lots of examples of people being wronged by LEO. Just like any other group there is always a percentage that are bad. Be it police, doctors, EMTs, nurses, drivers, financial advisors, politicians (OK very high percentage on them), bikers, boaters, runners, pet owners....everyone gets the idea by now I am sure. So we should handle them as what they are, exceptions. But to say no one should ever be approached by LE until they have actually committed a crime is on the border of ludicrus in my humble opnion. Are we supposed to let the guy with the towel on his head running towards a crowd with a rifle yelling Aloha Snackbar alone? Technically he has not committed a crime (In some areas) until he pulls the trigger. Again, if your family is in his path i bet you would want someone to cap him. But hey, if it is bothering your freedom then look the other way and let it happen. Tells us a lot about you and I guess most folks will take you off the list of people they would consumate a transaction with here. But to each their own, feel free to live that way just do not expect an outporing of sympathy when your decisions turn out rather badly.
  13. I guess I am having a hard time with the no victim no crime thought. So if he is standing there with a gun and drugs and he is a felon that is a crime. Who is the victim? All of us! Makes it harder on those of us that choos to live within the rules. Police do more than crime reports, they should be doing crime prevention. It may not be in line with your ideals but a man with drugs and weapons is something I would like the police to look at. Yeah I guess it could be argued that is giving up some freedom and where do you cross the line yada yada yada...In the end I would like to see the four year old grow up. You cannot legislate stupidity! Let Darwin work. But remember what all Darwin Award winners have in common....They took themselves out of the gene pool. Hopefully before harming someone else. If you really believe police should do nothing until their is a victim then you in my opinion need some deeper thinking. Crime prevention like safety is everyone's job. Same for gun handling at the range. Should anyone be able to handle a firearm with others down range? Of course not! So if someone does it and no one gets hurt is it still ok? Of course not. Would 99% of shooters scream at someone for handling a firearm with others down range? Of course. So no victim no crime does not fit every situation now does it? Someone else covered the DUI example so no need to cover that. How about the pilot flying your wife and kids home from visiting Grandma? If he is drunk or high should we just let him go on and fly? Until he flys the plane into the ground their is no victim right? Extreme examples of course but the thought process is the same. Follow the rules and all is good. If they are stupid rules work to change them. Ignore the reality because you are a "Freedom Lover" and pay the piper! Just remember the golden rule of life, "Play stupid games and win stupid prizes!"
  14. So the bigger question for you 56, Have you done anything to rid society of laws YOU think are unnecessary? So in your mind it is not justifiable to even ask someone why they are in possession of a firearm and a blunt? So if they had merely walked up and confirmed he had a valid permit and was just looking at a new purchase and walked away with noting further there would be no story. Instead dead the dumb stuff decided to not follow the basic ideas of safety and got himself dead. Now question is why the laws exist? Well as a society there have to be some rules. If you do not like the rules you do have a few choices, one is to move to a place where the rules fit your beliefs better. Second thing is to work at getting them changed. Personally I have an issue with someone that complains when a dumb stuff makes a bad decision and dies. Never ending parade of folks complaining that the dead guy was an honest kid, father, brother, son, uncle, aunt, sister, whatever just being a good person. Yeah right! Every once in a great while that does happen. Which is yet another reason we have rules. Follow them and 99% of the time you will be just fine. Break them and pay the consequences. If the cops had ignored the fact that this guy had drugs and a gun in his car then he wound up shooting a kid can you picture the headlines? Cops ignored man that later killed a 4 year old who was just playing. Hmmmm....Profiling works, it is a hard truth and a fact in our world,. I am for smaller government but let's get the bigger items first then worry about the smaller things. Is this guy dying a smaller thing? In my mind while sad it is indeed a small thing these days. Lets get the big things (Debt, Crime, terrorists, corrupt politicians, stupid laws) take your pick. So to each their own should be a law in my opinion. Less government intervention that way. As long as what you does not bother me and mine I could care less. As long as you afford me the same.
  15. Lived there for ten years. They change the laws like most change socks. Concealed only though. Check the laws online as they do have some restrictions on places where you can carry. They change them often so aI am not even going to try and remember them.
  16. Improvise, overcome, adapt! I heard that somewhere. Learn to think ahead and plan for the future rather than live in the moment. The old adage grow and move, or die comes to mind. Good points about evolving. Too many folks have the I am here and that is enough mentality. Until someone comes up with a better mousetrap and all of sudden you are no longer relevant. There are a few jobs that will be around for quite a while. Transportation, aviation, health care, construction, technology (If current and forward thinking), and government (Spit spit) come to mind. Do a little research into a career before attending school and it might just pay off. Or not and you can always rely on the old, "Will that be here or to go?" Phrase. Oops, maybe not as kiosks are taking that over now thanks to the great unwashed wanting $15 per hour to flip fish and broil burgers. Remember when that was a job for teenagers to make a little spending money? Well now it is the latest opportunity for folks that do not think forward enough or plan well enough to do better. Yeah there are a few trapped by circumstances but most of those are due to bad decisions. Remember what the Judge said, "Well, the world needs ditch diggers too!"
  17. Which is true but the underlying issue is why is it true? Because people today do not have the same outlooks, ethics, and ambition today as was the case in the past. It shows everywhere in our society as Entitlement disease is prevalent throughout the country. Not just in the welfare programs but all over. Look at any storm that comes through and people want the government to build them a new house? Why? Did you not have insurance? I know the insurance companies were horrible about their end but we see it all the time. A lack of personal responsibility is the norm it seems these days. Part of it is the economical changes that have occurred but that is a crutch for a lot of people. Get off your ass and better yourself. Most folks did it. You do not start at the top but rather earn it. Now in these times that is a little more difficult but can still be done. This country has a major shortage of truck drivers. That is a job that pays fairly well. It also has a lot of time away from your family though. But it can be done and that is just one example. There are lots of jobs just folks that think they should get paid $15 an hour to flip fish or burgers is driving the impression that companies are evil things. Not always wrong but for the most part it is a choice on an individual level. Either work hard and get ahead or don't and whine about it. Enough of my rant for the day. All kinds of issues that are part of the bigger picture with these topics that could make a discussion lst forever. Long story short is help yourself and do everything you can. If you need help you should be able to get it. Welfare should be a hand up not a continual hand out.
  18. What gets me fired up is the folks that think companies like the fast food places and walmart should be paying much higher. 3 issues with that thought for me. One, it is not a career type job. Those type of jobs are really not to support a family. However if it is all you can get then adjust your lifestyle to the situation. Two, No company owes you anything other than a fair days pay for a fair days work! Have you been to a Wal Mart lately. Hard to find a worker in the first place more or less one that cares or knows anything about their job. $7.25 is too much for some of those lazy people. It is also not near enough for the few that actually do work. Bottom line for me is don't like it, Study, work hard, move up and out. Three, I am overall tired of hearing about it from folks that did not pay attention in school or try to better themselves. If you want more then you have to go get it. Work hard and find something better. Problem these days is the same entilement story. A lot of folks think they are entitled to everything. As for Sushi, well been dirt poor in my life before, worked hard and got out of it. Like most folks we start life with nothing and have to work hard to get along. Worked 3 jobs at one point. Difference is and what bothers me is the folks that do not understand the choices and decisions you make are what is the difference. Don't run out and buy a 50" TV when the kids need shoes or food. If you have a limited income you need to do whatever it takes to make your situation better. I have a lot of respect for anyone that works hard to better themself. Not so much for someone that sits around and expects someone to give them things. Unfortunately we see more of the latter than the former. I have covered the bill for folks that looked like they could use a hand. I have also looked on in disgust when I see people making poor choices at Kroger. Kids look hungry, need clean clothes, and there are the parents buying items I personally did not see as a wise decision. However that is their decision and they have to live with it. Problem is when they look to me to assist, sure here are some clothes for the kids, some good food items and advice on where a good job can be had. Maybe even a ride to that job every day if I can figure it out. I have personally tried very hard to help some families make a better life. Some just are not going to get it. There is a lot to be said about this topic but like a lot of things in our wonderful country these days they are not going to do a bit of good to discuss. All it does is make noise. A vision without execution is naught but a dream!
  19. A lot of stations out here in Columbia, I topped off the vehicles and cans just in case. Still $1.89 at my local station. Kroger was .30 cents higher earlier. Now they have signs, "Diesel Only". Oh well at least I work from home.
  20. Having lived in Florida for many years (Thank god I escaped back home) I was amazed that when new lines were needed they still are using above ground poles. Why in the world would you not bury the lines in a hurricane prone area? Same for everywhere these days. Bury the darn things, safer and provides for less outages. Oh yeah, cost too much! Always the reason. As power companies are monopolies and there is no competitor to go to I guess we are all stuck with the status quo. Kind of like our political candidates.
  21. Someone asked me on a different forum, "Did you buy it?" Yes I did. [/URL]
  22. So, as many of you know my Dad passed away August 8th. I am still going through the stages and that is a slow process. However, I had an interesting experience recently. 35 years ago my Dad’s boss gave me a beat up old Remington 510 Target Master single shot 22. Dad and I broke it down and cleaned it, completely stripped the stock and refinished it. I remember being disappointed when we found a crack in the forearm area. Dad told me not to worry as we could repair it. We spent several weeks sanding and prepping the stock. Dad even got the crack repaired well so it only showed a little. After refinishing I had that old gun for 2 or 3 years. I sold it and bought a Ruger Single Six at one point. I have regretted that for 35 years. For about the last 20 years I have been looking for another 510 so I could have one similar to it. I have found a few over the years but most had pretty bad barrels. One had an obvious bulge the dealer tried to put off as handling marks from being in a safe. So a week ago my son and I went over to Dad’s to be with Mom and help clean up a few things. While in town I ran by the local gun store as to me that is therapy. As usual I casually looked at the offerings in the racks. I spotted a Remington 510 on a rack towards the back. I picked it up and looked it over. As my son was looking at it I again told him the story of the gun (I am sure my sons are tired of hearing it). I told him I had been looking for one and he kind of gave me the “yeah, I know look”. As we were looking it over I told him about the refinishing and the crack. He turned it over and pointed to the forearm. Now comes the scary part. There is a crack that looks like the very one we repaired 35 years ago. As I look over the gun I get more and more memories of Dad and I working on it. Now as this model has no serial number there is no way I can be 100% sure but I would swear it is the exact gun I sold many years ago. Probably just silly thinking but as I do not go in that particular gun store very often I think Dad steered me there. I know it sounds funny and I have never had that feeling before but as I said it is the scary part. I like to think Dad is looking down and smiling, knowing that my kids and grandkids are going to help me refinish that old single shot. I can’t think of a better way to get my Grandkids into shooting and the joy of working on guns. Hug the ones you love and say what needs to be said now. You will never forget all of the things you wished you could have said. Thanks for letting me ramble on folks! I just needed to get that off my mind.
  23. I always try to sell them Amway. Hello,. Wait before you get going I have something great happening right now. I have a wonderful product I am selling from Amway and I am sure you will.....hello....


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