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About 1fast4by

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  • Interests
    Guns, Cars, Politics, Family
  • Occupation
    Auto Technician/Shop Management/Do-er of All Things


  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  1. From my experience NEBO flashlights arent very robust. ive had a total of two. Neither one survived a fall out of my pocket. I have MANY many Streamlights, and for EDC highly recommend the Micro/Macrostream USB. I also own and carry the Wedge and Wedge XT, I also have several O-Lights, including the newer Arkfield Ultra, great for anyone in skilled trades, as you can use the flashlight and the laser pointer at the same time. Having in the pocket UV...also good. On the easy-er lower end but still of good quality, check out AceBeam on Amazon USB rechargeable, and many of them easily pocket-able and bright.
  2. Thanks for the kind words. But I'm definitely not someone who was actually affected by this, my struggle is nothing in comparison to the families that have victims... They have an impossible hill to climb now. My struggle is the fact that I've basically spent my entire adult life training and carrying firearms. And yet there was nothing I could have done to prevent or help the situation. In fact, I could have made it worse for myself... Helplessness is pretty powerful... Im fortunate. My kids are young... young enough that they still don't know what happened... Thank God.
  3. I moved my family to McKinney Texas last summer, I was in the parking lot with my two youngest kids when this happened. Most intense moment of my life. I heard what sounded like 10 rounds go off, I could tell it was across the parking lot. I grabbed my kids and yelled for them to get in the car, I unholstered my carry... And then the thought of someone responding and seeing me with a weapon drawn... shooting at me or striking me believing I was involved flashed in my brain... I then heard another 10-15 rounds and for in the car and floored it.. I was at the opposite end. And really I am still processing. I couldn't have responded faster than that officer, I couldn't have helped. But I still struggle with it.
  4. ^that
  5. Yes, from dozens and dozens of suppliers and vendors
  6. Welcome to the site!
  7. That is what is loaded in every current defensive 9mm I own. Ive run many many many many rounds of it through all of my various 9mm pistols with no hickups... When all else fails... To the YOUTUBE machine!
  8. Welcome to the site/state
  9. When you cant ban guns... https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/breaking-biden-administration-moves-to-cut-off-lake-city-223-5-56-ammo-from-the-commercial-market/ FJB goes without saying
  10. Ive been in TX for the last month on business, Saturday it was 111* Ive never had a rust problem til now!!!
  11. Rusty but trusty
  12. A knife, a gun, flashlight, a wallet, some keys.


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