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Everything posted by Jct1911

  1. As a 1911 fan, the 938 just doesn't work. Safety placement makes it almost impossible to operate with same efficiency as a 1911. I found it to be very hard to " instinctively" click the safety on/off as I can with a 1911. Also the reduced size of the safety and short profile prohibit use of it as a tactile thumb rest. I REALLY wanted wanted to like the 938 but it's not close enough to the real thing. If forced to choose, the g26 would be my choice. My answer was the Kahr CM9 until something better comes along(hasn't yet, 4yrs with the Kahr now).
  2. I believe those are TTI base pads made for and sold by noveske. http://tarantacticalinnovations.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=44_49_73&products_id=134 Either way, nice work.
  3. Yup, I use the flat one. No creep or take up. Just a proverbial glass rod with extremely short reset.
  4. Wal-mart 10/22, tech-sites, swivels, studs and a sling about $450. That's the route I went. My last M1 Garand was only $525 from the CMP....
  5. Doesn't springfield armory already make a baby 9/1911? I believe the EMP?
  6. That's awesome! Even more so that you ran a FAL
  7. I have bought many blems from midway, they have all been hornady. They have all been cosmetic as far as I can tell.
  8. Thanks for the heads up. Picked up 1k 30's and 1k 224's
  9. PayPal sent, thanks!
  10. I run the 1301, hasn't failed yet. It is light but balanced, required zero work to run out of the box. Installed match saver and went to the races. Remington can keep the VM, too little, too late. If I didn't get the beretta it'd have been the M2 without question.
  11. Recoil of the little Kahr is surprisingly low even with +p defensive stuff. Mine also has a very long throat and will run 147grn stuff just as smooth as anything else. Easy answer is can YOU shoot one handed with it? I say yes, with practice.
  12. If it's an angle thing, the M&P and XD's have more of a vertical grip(1911-ish) and a smaller grip circumference. I gave up on my g17 as it never fit my hand, I can shoot the XDm well but nothing like a 1911. Seems like a trip to the LGS for some hands on is in your future.
  13. An older El Paso Weaver k4 with fine crosshairs. Don't make'em like that anymore.
  14. Bump for interest, update....
  15. There have been lever action single shots for a long time. Ruger No1 is a lever action single shot, right? I'm jealous of the 99 . I've been looking for a .358 Winchester 99 for a few years, not willing to part with any of my parts to get one though.
  16. Very simply put, it's not a Colt. 4140 barrel, unknown make-up of internals. Those are the negatives. No experience personally because I'd never buy one. I'm far from a colt purist, I have one Colt and one S&W, I've built all the rest.
  17. NO! That is not a colt. It is made by a 3rd party and sold under permission of colt. By no means is it a "deal". Low quality barrel and substandard parts. Steer clear...
  18. Jct1911

    Kahr CW9

    I have the CM9. Constant companion for 3.5yrs. It has never failed once. I recommend a good bit of practice as the trigger takes a little time to master. I need to shoot a bare minimum of a couple mags a month to stay proficient with it, especially since I'm a single action hammer fired fan.
  19. I'd go as far to say that AA5 is "the" powder for .40. It's actually the only powder I use in my 2011. But the range of bullet weights exceeds many cartridges. I've run 135-200grs weights from mild to wild. I prefer slow and heavy though so I run 200's at published low data. I only mildly like it in .38, it just doesn't burn well until your in the +p territory or running in longer barrels, works great with 158's in 38 with lever gun in .357. In .357 it's just OK, no top velocity, minimal case fill and works best near max.
  20. Colt 6920. Going for about $850, tough to beat if buying a factory built gun. The pony on the side counts for a lot more down the road if you ever have/want to sell it. Doesn't hurt that it is a quality rifle either. You can easily change it to what you need/want as money allows. I have an older M&P sport with the 1/8" twist 5r barrel, it's a good gun but I'd pick my basic colt 6920 over it any day.
  21. Just about any standard pistol powder will be usable. For all around, Unique is hard to beat. Bullseye is my favorite powder, easy metering and versatility. In today's world, buy what you can and scour reputable manuals to find the data you need. .38 is where I started and is about as easy and rewarding as it gets. I'll recommend one thing that'll make your life easier, order a a separate crimp die regardless of the brand dies you buy and specifically the Redding Profile Crimp for .38/357. You can thank me later :)
  22. Jct1911

    S&W 296

    Yes, buy it. Hell of a "belly" gun.
  23. A punch. No gunsmith needed. Just lightly tap it out.
  24. Jct1911

    1911 low down

    Which operator? The champion with alloy frame or the MC operator? Either way, the TRP is the better gun. I've had an MC and sold it for a profit to fund a Dan Wesson Valor, zero regrets there. The front strap checkering on the TRP is well worth the cost difference over the MC. Only question really is do you need to mount a light or not?


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