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I am Groot!

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Everything posted by I am Groot!

  1. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/85176-my-first-1911-ruger-night-watchman-commander/ Here is thread on one from about a week ago. You could ask the owner.
  2. Welcome! I haven't been here long myself, but I have met some great people and learned a lot.
  3. And I thought burning out an AR was cool.
  4. All great ideas. To add to the reloading video, reloading basics and reloading equipment. Both of these for beginners. Those types of videos, along with other how to videos, coming from people on here that I respect would be a big help. I watch a lot of how to videos and you don't know how credible the person is.
  5. I am with you. The Gardian in 9mm was near the top of my list for next purchase, but I like the ruger 1911s, especially for the price.
  6. I like to shoot, but we all know it is really about turning heads at the range and I think this one will make it happen.
  7. I don't have it is my hands yet, but Jonathan sent me these pics and I could not be happier. Those are the original wood grips that he cerakoted. I cannot wait to get it in my hands.
  8. http://www.sportsmansoutdoorsuperstore.com/search.cfm/CurrentPage/2/kword/1911 749.00
  9. Just to clarify, I am not down on the 380, I just don't want to add another caliber. I shoot 22, 9mm, 38/357 and 45lc and acp as my pistol calibers. I shoot more 9mm that anything else and there are a lot of people that think it is no better that 380. I think every person has a right to what ever caliber that want and is most effective for their situation. I actually am intrigued by the curve and would own one is it were in 9mm.
  10. If they came out with one in 9mm, I would have a hard time turning it down.
  11. He is cheating! Wish I was.
  12. I have not done a hole lot a goose hunting, but I have always used 3in shells and did not have any issues. It was in the Texas panhandle. If it was a designated goose gun I would understand wanting the 3 1-2. I don't think you will go wrong either way.
  13. I have never shot the SBE, but I own an affinity. It eats everything I put in it and I love it. It has the same type of recoil ejection system and I think it is considerably more economical than the SBE. I am sure there are some fit and finish things that separate the SBE from the affinity, but I am more than happy with it and would buy another one. Would also like to point out that I have graced you with my 100th post.
  14. I like it. This is a good way to combine two things you are passionate about.
  15. 750 is more than fair. Great work!
  16. You are in my thoughts and prayers and will get my FCA group praying for you.
  17. I have Franchi Affinity that I picked up for just over 700 that I love. I have never shot or seen the Baretta 390, but I would be shocked if it wasn't a good gun.
  18. Is 600 the most you want to spend?
  19. I also though about making a fake profile so people would think I was married! Welcome and glad to have you aboard.
  20. I could loose my marbles looking at these firearms! If you scroll past his collection the mind boggling continues. Cooke Army Revolver from Little Bighorn and a prototype Luger.
  21. I second that. Happy new year!
  22. I am gonna swing by and check it out. Not been to a gun show sense moving here from Texas. There was one every other weekend were I was at.
  23. Glad I am not an Ole Miss fan today!
  24. Both. My first away game As a freshman was at Baton Rouge. Our bus was hit with a beer can and we were bing flipped off by old ladies next to their grand kid on the way in. It was awesome. The way that stadium is shaped makes it extremely loud. I goes up more than it goes out. The fans are also right behind you with just a chain length fence. It is something I will never forget, other than getting our a** kicked it was a lot fun.


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