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I am Groot!

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Everything posted by I am Groot!

  1. If you watch the video, they make a beer bacon milkshake!!!!!!
  2. What ever DaveS says about his hawk, I will take his word for it.
  3. I would like to think he is being sarcastic about the widespread idiotic pricing of items on Arms List. I think some of the people who post items seriously think the rest of us with not google to find the value of an item.
  4. Words don't do it justice. I had a hard time not singing the Star-Spangled Banner in my living room.
  5. I have been considering purchasing RRA 9mm, but I am going to have to put my thinking cap back on. That looks like a quality option.
  6. Happy to do it. I wish I could make it.
  7. Saw this on Facebook and thought some of you that were closer could take advantage.
  8. I agree, there needs to be tangible consequences designed to help these people. There are jobs that people do not want to do, that most of these people are capable of doing. Then if they do not want to work, they are choosing to not feed them selves and their families. I graduated collage the summer right before 9/11 and I could not find a job. I washed coke machines with a degree from Vanderbilt University for 4 months before I could find a job. It sucked at the time, but it is one of the things I am most proud of. I did not move I with my parents and I took nothing from any one else. When I here about people that can't find work, I remember washing coke machines and think there is always work to be done. You get hungry enough and have enough pride you will find a job. It may not be the job you want, but it is better than sitting on your ass taking form others. There are always people that cannot work due to physical and mental disabilities, but these people are the exception not the rule.
  9. They need to loose your right to vote all well. As a nonproductive member of this Nation, they only vote for who is willing to keep them in welfare and food stamps.
  10. Dang, I am shocked by that. They cut it off, buy I thought for sure he would make it.
  11. They are gonna cut off his arm. Bet you dollars to donuts.
  12. That was awesome!
  13. I sold my .308 Vanguard when we moved here. The chances of me taking a shot while hunting in middle TN over 100yrds was slim to none. I now use my Dad's old marlin 336 JM. I wish I would have done it sooner, it is like I take him with me when I go.
  14. I think savage has over taken then in quality and accuracy. Only my opinion. I do agree about the 870, but not with most of their other shot guns. I have seen on this site, several people recommend not buying a newer 870, but trying to find an older better build model. I am currently turning a newer super mag 870 into a tactical shot gun and I have no complaints with it.
  15. I am thinking about waiting to see what Ruger comes out with next in the 1911 department. I like the new models that they have and I am sure there are more to come.
  16. I own a SR1911 and it is one of my favorite guns to shoot. My understanding is that 45 is my definition sub sonic and I am looking to get a suppressor. I want a dedicated suppressed firearm and I like the 1911 format. I am by no means a purist, just want a quality firearm. money is not the deciding facto, but I am not going to spend more than 1500. If Remington fits that bill I am all for it.
  17. Thanks guys. I appreciate your feed back. I am looking for a dedicated suppressed 1911, and was willing to pay for it. I think I found it for a pretty good deal in the one above.
  18. It is been mostly reviews on line and I try and take that with a grain of salt. The complaints have been mainly about their newer shotguns, the 700 and it's variants. There have been a couple of people on this sight allude to problems. This is the only sight that I am a member of and I actually know people here so I wanted to get their opinion and not one of some random person on line. I also have heard people in gun shops, including the one I was in yesterday, grip about them. Not trying to rile anyone up, I just want to hear from someone who owns one of these before I spend the kind of money on a Remington, when I could get a Kimber or Colt for close to the same amount. Before yesterday I never considered them a viable option in the 1911 category and had not done any research on them.
  19. I have been looking to buy a threaded 1911 and today I ran across a threaded Remington. I was shocked at how it felt in my hands. It had one of the smoothest actions in the slide I have felt in a 1911. The trigger was crisp and it felt good in the hand. I had a hard time not walking out the store with it. So the question is, am I smoking crack? Did I pick up the only good one? I have not heard much good about Remington lately, but that gun was sweet. Maybe the people that used to make 700s when they were worth a dang are making their 1911s. I was prepared to shell out around 1200 to 1500 for a quality gun, but this is right at 900. If you own or have shot a Remington 1911 (especially the one I held) I would like to hear from you. Thanks in advance.
  20. There is not a cup of coffee or danish made that will get that taste out of your mouth.
  21. That is the most those boys ever paid attention in school.
  22. I had one of my unaborted children with me when I got my plates when we moved here. I wonder if that would have been enough documentation for "choose life" plates.
  23. That looks great. I have only made three and it is pure fun. Haven't made anything that I think is worthy of trying to sell, just a hobby. It is addicting and gets expensive fast. I am planning on getting the grizzly knife grinder/buffer next. Most economical thing I can find to do what I want. Keep up the good work!
  24. I am Groot!


    These were part of an email about Texas I got from a buddy of mine back home. I had a good laugh, thought I would pass them along. Fourth one down is my favorite.
  25. Well said and congratulations!


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