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I am Groot!

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Everything posted by I am Groot!

  1.   She was 79.  Not every car had a cup holder back then and people kept their drinks in between their legs. Most of us have grabbed a cup by the top and not the actual cup.  By doing this I have underestimated how hot it was.
  2. I agree that these type of lawsuits are frivolous and this individual does not have a leg to stand on.  Most of this stems from a situation back in the 80's where a woman burned her self on McDonalds' coffee.  The McDonalds corporation and their lawyers can up with "what kind of a moron doesn't know coffee is hot" a defense to invalidate the plaintiff and turn the public to their side.  Just goggle picks of old lady's legs burned by McDonald coffee and you will see that her lawsuit was not frivolous.   This family originally asked for McDonalds to just pay for the medical bills and they refused multiple times.  These were also multiple examples of people being severely burned my McDonalds' coffee and they refused to do anything about it.  Frivolous lawsuits make me sick from individuals, but corporations are just  as bad.   This is a link to a documentary called Hot Coffee about it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmEYWCg0J7Q   This is a picture of her leg, it is graphic. http://www.google.com/search?q=old+lady+burned+by+mcdonald's+coffee&rlz=1T4VRHB_enUS614US617&tbm=isch&imgil=z20aJmWf9CxF-M%253A%253BPZJT6YhITzmoCM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.dailymail.co.uk%25252Fnews%25252Farticle-2470792%25252FStella-Liebecks-hot-coffee-McDonalds-lawsuit-The-truth.html&source=iu&pf=m&fir=z20aJmWf9CxF-M%253A%252CPZJT6YhITzmoCM%252C_&usg=__ZtCP4JZUPSgnUyyRZzU_GPsCdlg%3D
  3. I do read to my kids, but I also emotionally scar them by spanking them when they do something wrong. I think it evens out in the end.
  4. I have an STI double stack and with the right kind gun oil, the magwell will get the job done.
  5. Buds is auctioning off one that Hickok 45 reviewed as we speak. I would like to shoot one but know desire to own one.
  6. I am Groot!

    Kel-Tec RDB

    I like how the shells eject from the bottom. My favorite pump shot gun is a BPS for that exact reason.
  7. I picked up a 9mm Pro from another member with an apex trigger kit. I have not had any issues. I don't know if it will do you any good, but you are welcome to look at mine and see if there are any differences. I live in Franklin. I used to shoot a 34, but I got rid of it after I bought the m&p.
  8. I agree that it is not a new phenomena, but in my opinion it rampant. It seems much more culturally expectable. It has become the rule not the exception.
  9. When people have one bad teacher, some of them think all teachers are bad.  When they have a contractor or mechanic mess them around, some of them think all contactors or mechanics are bad.  This happens with many professions, but recently police officers have bee in the forefront.  I cannot, for the life of me, figure out why some one in this day and age would want to become a police office.  The lack of respect they receive in the media and from the pubic is deplorable.  Many of the situations that we have seen played out in the media started with people not obeying simple commands from officers.     That being said, we should not turn a blind eye to incompetence, negligence or illegal behavior from any profession.       
  10. I am Groot!


    When I showed this to my wife, she almost wet her pants. http://www.foxsports.com/college-football/outkick-the-coverage/local-mississippi-news-airs-most-awkward-interview-ever-042215
  11. Congrats on the wife and the gun! A good woman is worth her weight in gold, and if you have been with a bad one, you know the consequences.
  12. In NY you cannot have a pistol grip on a rifle. I am assuming it is designed to be sold there. It also has the low round count mag.
  13. That was worth every moment. The word play was as good as the sword play.
  14. Those are great and the story behind them is even better.  I like that the training knife is similar to shape and size of the actual knife. Congrats. 
  15. If you pick up another EMP in nine mm, let me know.
  16. I hope the ATF retreat will last the next two years, then mabye we can get someone more firearm friendly in the White Houes. I have no illusions about the next prez being the answer to our economic and social prayers, but one can hope.
  17. I saw it on the news tonight. They are in the process of deciding if they will file charges or not.
  18. Looking good.
  19. It looks like two triggers, but if you pull one it fire both barrels. I have no desire or the funds to own one. I had never seen anything like it and thought others might find it interesting and have some info for the rest of us.
  20. I saw this on Gun Broker and was blown away. Not my cup of tea, but I that it was interesting to say the least. If anyone has any experience with one, I would like to here about it. Thanks in advance.
  21. Nikon rimfire BDC. Great scope that won't break the bank.
  22. I am glad that you have reconciled with your father. I will be praying for you and your family.
  23. I agree. It looks great and if it is functional, I want one.
  24. I am Groot!

    9mm AR?

    Looks great. I like the look of the Colt mags better than the Glock.
  25. I am with you, I like two as well. It looks like it would fit better in my hand and I like the shape of the blade. I like the fact that it is a wider blade and loos like it would be easier to control. I also like the spot for your thumb on the spine. I am not a big fan of the finger hole.


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