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I am Groot!

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Everything posted by I am Groot!

  1. Full disclosure, I skimmed through this at a red light and did not get to the problems you were having. I have been seriously considering trying my had at building one of these. I like the look of the dedicated lower, but want it to use Colt mags. Don't own a Gock, not a fan. Do you think this problem would still happen with this kind of set up that I mentioned? I know nothing about these or building ARs, so please forgive my ignorance.
  2. That is awesome! I want a 9mm AR badly.
  3. I used to feel the same way, then I started getting old.
  4. Not at good looking as your knives, but I like it.
  5. This may not make most peoples list, but I have a Ruger addiction and like large bore calibers. I have been looking for a Ruger No. 1 in 45-70 for some time now, but have not been able to find one locally or at a price I was willing to pay. Yesterday I found one that met both criteria that was in great shape. I have never shot a No. 1, so I have nothing to compare it to, but it has one of the best triggers I have felt. I am suspicious that it has had some trigger work done, as there is no creep and is very light. It has Ruger rings, but I am not sure what I am going to mount on it. I have an older Leupold VX-3 1.5 by 5 that would work well, but it am seriously considering getting a peep sight of some kind. Any suggestions in this area would be helpful. I am going to have to sell some other firearms to pay for this per the agreement with the wife, but I couldn't be happier. That is fuzz on the checkering from the gun case I brought it home in.
  6. Congrats! I grew up in West Texas and I was raised dove and quail hunting. There was never a question of if you could shoot your limit, the question was could you do it in one box of shells. Lots of action, I miss it.
  7. I wouldn't turn down a Beretta over under.
  8.   Franchi is actually made by Benelli.  My understanding is that it is made in the same factory and has the same recoil ejection system as the M2.  I Shoot an M2 and bought my son a Franchi Affinity.  Other than the comforteck stock, and the price tag, there is not much difference.  
  9. Crossbow is a great idea. We make bows and arrows, slingshots and fake guns. My favorite is a PVC bazooka. Crossbow is now on the list.
  10. I have already made about 10 others for neiborhood kids. No lost eyes or screaming moms yet. Made them out of pine construction stakes, five min each. Best thing about them was a Saturday with not TV with my boys.
  11. After seeing all the great knives being made I thought I would get into the action. I already have three satisfied customers.
  12. I did not think of Empire of the Sun. Great movie and I love the music. WWII Japan would certainly be considered post apocalyptic. The Book of Eli was a good movie, but The ending refered to earlier, where it is revealed that he is blind, has bullets, and is impervious to all attacks is the same problem I had with the movie. I understand the implication of the divine hand helped him to do this, but it was unrealistic.
  13. I am not disagreeing with you. There is a message of hope and redemption, between father and son. If you are looking for uplifting, not the book for you. If you are looking for a thought provoking well written novel, it fits the bill. I am also a Cormac McCarthy fan. I had read most of his other books when I read this one. If I started with The Road, I might not feel the same way I do about it.
  14. As a fellow Texan, welcome.
  15. Reign of Fire is one of my favorites, completely unrealistic. My kids love Wall-E. I know it said movie, but my favorite book is The Road. The movie sucked. If you watched to movie and hated it, you may want to give the book a chance.
  16. Johnathan does great work at Amendment 2. He is fast and is more than fairly priced.
  17. You did a nice job on the back edge. Those look good.
  18. I think it would hold 8 in 357. I would buy one in a heart beat, especially if it came with the ability to shoot 9mm.
  19. You are right. I din't think about the 44 shooting two cartridges. I usually only shoot 44 mag, no good reason. They did recently come out with a round butt Talo edition, but I don't know of any other Redhawks that came with a factory roundbutt.
  20. It has a rounded off butt and fancier grips. The front sight is easier to replace that the 4.2 inch Redhawk that is available on the market right now. I also believe it is the only Redhawk that shoot two cartridges, 45lc and 45acp. It also uses moon clips for the 45acp.
  21. I ordered one off Gun Broker and it should be be here by the end of the week. I will be out of town this week end, but I will be happy to give a report when I get back. I know most people are smith fans, but I am a big Redhawk, GP and most Ruger single actions fan. http://www.gunblast.com/Ruger-RH45ACP.htm
  22. Nice job with the bedazzler.
  23. I can't believe that guy did not try to move out of the way.
  24. Around the house I pocket carry an EMP 9, but it is usually in shorts or jeans. I would not carry it in slacks or dress pants.
  25. The rail looks great.  I am officially jealous.  


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