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I am Groot!

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Everything posted by I am Groot!

  1. I am Groot!


    The older Marlins pop up every now and again. I think they are worth the wait. You can easily add a goats ring to one of these. Just want to throw out the Ruger No 1 in 45-70. it is no longer in production, but is by far my favorite.
  2. First off, I must apologize for taking up valuable thread space from GT, Sybo, Willis and Spots. I have been trying to find info from the following two knives. The first is a Kershaw Rough Neck 2. This is different than the rough neck 1. I know it was made in a limited run in 2010 only, but the only one that I could find for sale on the web was for 129.99. This seems very high to me. Any information on value would be appreciated. The second is an older Boker. It has the tree on the reverse side. I found several knives online with the same scales and handle, but with a different shaped blade. I know nothing about this and any info would be helpful. I have no illusions of grandeur for either one, just wanting some info. Thanks.
  3. I think it is back up.
  4. Merry Christmas!
  5. Congrats, little girls do something to their dad's that cannot be explained.
  6. The leatherman will satisfy rule number 9. I agree with rule number 9 and the rest.
  7. Alton Brown uses one to make hamburger and that man knows how to cook. I liked him better before he turned into a metrosexual. I guess I should stay out of Bed Bath and Beyond before I go calling anyone a metrosexual.
  8. I picked up a Warning Pro at Bed Bath and Beyond with 20% off. It has ground many deer and turned even more hogs in to sausage. I am sure I got it for under $100.
  9. I am fine with the rain,  I am sick of it getting dark at 4:30.  That is making me loose my mind!
  10. I recently shipped an SKS using USPS.  If you go this rout, be prepared to wait.  I was there for over an hr.  I new the rules, but they didn't, including the supervisor.  It was a disaster, but finally was shipped.  The first question that they asked me was, "do you have a licence to do that?".  It went down hill from there.       
  11. The cheaper reloads ammo doesnt have any type of quality control. You will get rounds that did not have enough power to cycle your ammo and you will get shell casings that don't want to be ejected. This is why I stopped shooting rock bottom ammo.
  12. I do not own one, but have shot one. I was shocked by the way the slide fit the frame and how it felt when it cycled. I was not expecting something that felt that good. In case your trade falls through, buds has a used one for under 700 with a threaded barrel.
  13. http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=524463590 Should have checked Gun Broker. This one started at $895 and is now at $1200 with two days left. It does not have the box and paperwork. I am going to make the trade.
  14. Those were my thoughts.
  15. It has the original wood target grips and it is a 4 in model. Thanks
  16. I own a Winchester 94ae 444 marlin with wood stock, ported 18 1/2 barrel and made in the US. This is supposed to be a valuable rifle but the value is all over the place on Gun Broker. Someone offered to trade me a Nickel Smith and Wesson 29-2 that is in excellent shape. It does not have the box or paperwork. If I were to make this trade it would purely be with the intent to sell the Smith. Any thought on what a nickel 29-2 in great shape with no box would be valued at. I am a benefactor, so I am not trying to back door sell anything. Any help would be appreciated.
  17. Zenni does do progressives and the clips on I got from them were less than $4. I don't know how much less progressive are, but I am sure they will not be 600.
  18. I agree, but some one I know had it done and they needed glasses with two years. I need to do more research before I pull the trigger.
  19. As I have read in many other posts in this section, glasses are a key part of or survival preparedness in any situation. I try to keep a spare set in the truck, my BOB and one at work. As anyone with glasses knows this can get expensive, and if you are talking about the long haul in hazardous situations you need multiple pair. I recently purchased a pair of glasses from Zenni Optical. The price was $76.78 with the best lenses, best coating, nice frames, two sets of clip on sunshades and all the bells and whistles. This would have cost me over 300 at Wally World. I was skeptical, but when they arrived, I could see great out of them and they have held up to my 2 year old wearing them. $76.78 is still a good chunk of change if you want 4 pair as back ups, so I logged on and bought a pair for as cheep as I could. This was the result. I had a pair of glasses shipped to my house for $16.85 that I can see great out of. If would have bought multiple pairs at one time shipping would have been the same. I you need to add to glasses to you survival preparedness supply, or just buy new glasses, I highly recommend Zenni optical. Full disclosure, their factories are located in other countries, but if I am in a situation where glasses will no longer be made, I need to be able to see.
  20. I understood about 20 words from that, and three of them were Ashley Madison and porn. I hate to think what that says about me.
  21. Bob forgot his wedding anniversary and his wife was really pissed. She told him "Tomorrow morning, I expect to find a gift in the driveway that goes from 0 to 200 in less 6 seconds AND IT BETTER BE THERE !!" The next morning he got up early and left for work. When his wife woke up, she looked out the window and sure enough there was a box gift-wrapped in the middle of the driveway. Confused, the wife put on her robe and ran out to the driveway, brought the box back in the house. She opened it and found a brand new bathroom scale. Bob has been missing since Friday.
  22. I am too cynical and take little credence in the expressed reasons for a switch in ammunition or firearms by our government. There are far too many factors that are political and people with agendas that we will never know about. Everyone knows someone on the inside that claims to knows the "real reason" these changes are made. All I know is I have sold every Glock I have owed and still have my M&P pro in 9. All of them have worked flawlessly, but I do not like the way glocks feel in my hand. I am not a Glock hater, but I love shooting my M&P.
  23. I would love to shoot that 458. It might sound strange, but I would like one in 22. Something like the Browing/Winchester single shot.


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