I recently took my fathers 940 to the range, this is the first time that I shot it since he passed away about a year ago. It shoot great, but when I went to clean it, I had some questions about the numbers on the gun. I am not interested in the value, trading or selling, just want to know about the numbers.
I am sure there is someone who is willing to impart there knowledge about the numbers stamped into the gun. I am particularly interested in the 010 and what is the sticker 41?
The picture that is hard to see say 2117 010. The only marking on the cylinder and it's swing arm, not sure what to call it, is 010.
In the second picture there is only MOD 940 stamped. The other pics that I have seen on line when I did not own research there was a number above the MOD 940
Thanks in advance for your help.