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I am Groot!

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Everything posted by I am Groot!

  1. I am from Odessa TX and have been hog hunting all my life. I have hunted them with several different rounds, 308 will get the job done, but I would not use 223. At will take down smaller hogs with the right shot, but you will have a hard time taking down a larger hog. My favorite gun to hunt hogs is a Winchester (American Made) 94AE 444 marlin. Fun to shot and will take down any size hog. You don't want to go chasing a big hog into the South Texas brush. I have a lot of great recipes for sausage if you want to make some when you get back. Smoked, not breakfast.
  2. The one positive thing that I will say is that your wife handled her self very well. She should not have to put up with that, but good on her.
  3. I have an older pt92 that I love to shoot and have never had a problem with.
  4. I thought that it was the inspector signature. Thanks Thanks for the heads up on serial number. Using any of the items that were my fathers always makes me feel close to him, as I am sure that it does with most of you. I look forward to giving it to one of my sons one day.
  5. Thanks for the help. I will definitely contact him.
  6. I recently took my fathers 940 to the range, this is the first time that I shot it since he passed away about a year ago. It shoot great, but when I went to clean it, I had some questions about the numbers on the gun. I am not interested in the value, trading or selling, just want to know about the numbers. I am sure there is someone who is willing to impart there knowledge about the numbers stamped into the gun. I am particularly interested in the 010 and what is the sticker 41? The picture that is hard to see say 2117 010. The only marking on the cylinder and it's swing arm, not sure what to call it, is 010. In the second picture there is only MOD 940 stamped. The other pics that I have seen on line when I did not own research there was a number above the MOD 940 Thanks in advance for your help.
  7. Thanks for the heads up on the files. I bought a big one at Home Depot that won't work. When I scrape my blade with a file I assume material is not removed if it is hardened. Thanks
  8. It was just a bar in my garage. I am sure it was d1. I had no idea what that meant when I started. I did heat treat it, but I don't know how successful I was. I heated it till it was demagnetized and then plunged it in oil. I put it in the oven for 4 hrs at 350. I read so many things on the net I was not sure what was best, so I just went for it. I buffed it then sharpened it. The reason that I think it was not tempered right, is that it sharpened easily. If you think, or know that it was tempered wrong please let me know. What would be a good steel to start with in my next knife? I am not going to use the rest of the bar. I was thinking a file and I have a couple of old saw blades. Thank you for the offer to come to Portland. I my take you up on that around Thanksgiving if you don't have to much going on.
  9. I finished this about a week ago. My instructor was YouTube and I had a great time making it. I am not looking for at a boys or good job, but I am looking for constructive criticism. If you are a knife maker that is close to Franklin, I would love to come buy and see your shop and possibly watch you work. If I need to pay to do this I will. The scales are wenge and the steel is a bar I had sitting in the garage. Thanks for looking.
  10. Thanks
  11. I would not buy a set. You only really need, 8 inch kitchen, bread knife, pairing knife and a carving knife. Everything else is for show. To be honest I have a lot more than that, I cater. The blocks they come in are great places for bacteria to grow in. I use a magnetic strip and am very carful when removing them.
  12. I am trying to post a pick in the Blade Forum, but don't know how to do it. I have posted pics in the classified section as attachments. Am I missing something? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks


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