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Everything posted by RAJBCPA

  1. I lived in NYC for 10 years and NYS for 30 years... I quit my job, sold my home and moved after SAFE became law.... ....one time upon returning from a hunt, a thief was walking off with my double shotgun he picked up from the secure bag claim area at Kennedy Airport.... Pistols in NY have always been very evil tools reserved for cops, judges and their friends... ..you cannot touch a pistol in a retail store by law unless you have a valid handgun permit... ...in Westchester NY you must have a trigger lock on all guns each time you leave your home...
  2. I was working there for a few months around 2010 and went to buy some brass, bullets and gun powder.... NO DEAL ! ...you need a permit to buy that dangerous stuff in Mass....
  3. ....when will this bill be considered by our legislators and will the gov. sign it?
  4. I quit my job, sold my house and moved out of NY when they did this...     ...this is the BS we will have to endure after Scalia - RIP!
  5. ...hopefully this bill will move forward in TN and become law soon....   West Virginia just past permit-less gun carry and it is the 8th state to do so...      https://www.nraila.org/articles/20160304/tennessee-permitless-carry-legislation-pending-committee-hearings        
  6. .....have all the primers I need for years except for a case of 1,000 of small rifle primers.   I don't want to pay a haz fee for this small order....   Gander Mountain no longer sells reloading supplies here....       Are there any retailers in the Knoxville area that sell primers?   My local guy went out of business - uhg! . 
  7. I checked the reciprocity agreements between states and my TN carry permit is recognized in this state.   ....I was not able to find much on the specific Georgia carry laws, however.   I assume Georgia is a concealed carry state so I need to conceal right?    Are there any precautions that I need to know?  I'l be traveling from TN to Georgia (Savana) by car.   Thx... 
  8. .....and this is why we should carry open....
  9. I lived there for 30 years.   ...if it is ever challenged, it will be upheld in the lower courts and will never see the Supremes...
  10. It is my most valued asset!   my turnaround was 6 business dayz.....   free at last! 
  11. blackpowder 38 loads shown being shot here:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZwaJcdQ2Ps
  12. i did not think it would be fun carrying a 357 mag K frame but it has been ok in an outside the waist holster with a shirt over it....   ...likewise, i got used to carrying a j-frame 38 in a holster in my pocket....  in a pinch, a pocket gun is ok....    no question, i shoot revolvers better than auto gunz especially in smaller packages.  as a reloader for decades, it is puzzling to me exactly why the ballistics favor the 9mm.....  it is a puny case compared to the 38 capacity.       
  13. Nether of these are the best choice for me but sometimes a small pocket gun is necessary, so I have pocket guns in each of these chamberings.   The projectiles are similar sized in diameter but the 38 bullet typically carries more grains but the 9mm ammo typically carries more energy at the muzzle.   ...anyway, which do you like better and why?  Do you only carry autos for SD and does this govern your choice?  
  14. i went to the post office today and left the gun in the car which was not parked in the lot.   i felt very unsafe.   we should lobby to change this madness...
  15. I don't visit gun-free zones and I certainly would not give them any money.
  16. what?  ...they were just playing loud rap music?
  17.  i assume the answer is that the permit funding is needed to support some other so-called worthy state purpose.        
  18. I've been carrying a couple of Glocks (M22 and M27) around for a year but I recently got a few (five, six and seven round) revolvers that I also like to carry.   When you carry revolvers, do you also carry additional ammo?  The moon clip holders look too bulky to carry in a pocket. 
  19. After the passage of the SAFE Act in NY, I quit my job, sold my house and retired to East TN.   I live in a village with 4000 homes and most here are retired from Ohio, Ill, Mich.   I open carry when I walk the dogs and no one makes a fuss.   When I visit a retail store, I generally conceal.   Do I think TN will turn out like Colorado?  ....not a chance.
  20. NY police have refused to release the numbers on AW registration.   Apparently, they are very low and this would be viewed as a failure.   comrade coumo is loosing ground in the polls too. 
  21. I use Fobus otw plastic paddle holsters for open carry.   wonderful....    hit them with a heat gun or hair drier to adjust...
  22. 357 mag revolver...
  23. ...my first gun was given to me at age 8.  I lived in NJ/NY/CT mostly for the last 57 years.  These states are a "show cause" to obtain a pistol carry permit.  What does the application look like?  This from Westchester NY is typical:   * Proof of residency in the same location for at least 2 years * Bank reference (notorized) * $45 non-refundable application fee that is dated (all notorized references are to be within 30 days of the date of the initial applicaton) * Four personal references from un-related neighbors who have known you for at least two years - notorized * a completed application with 30 pages of questions * Interview with police * background check * finger print check * for cause hearing with a judge * Total wait time till initial determination - at least 1 year.   If you move your residence, please start over from the beginning.  95% of all carry applications in Westchester NY are denied.  I was denied several times and never did get a permit.  In Westchester NY all guns must be locked in your home.  You must have a permit to buy a handgun.  If you go to a range, the range management must check your permit against the guns you plan to shoot.    So, at age 57 NY enacted SAFE legislation in 2013 after Sandy.  This legislation outlawed the purchase of pistols with mags exceeding 7 rounds, existing guns had to have mag plugs to prevent loading more than 7 rounds, outlawed purchase of so-called assault weapons, required a gun registry for existing AWs, and requires a background check for all ammo purchases.  Police are given the data on ammo purchases and are directed by law to match up what you are buying with any permits you have.     The enactment of SAFE did it for me.  I quit my job, sold my house and moved to TN.   I obtained my carry permit within 7 days of filing the paperwork with Motor Vehicles.   FREE AT LAST!
  24. ...got mine in six business days after submitting paperwork to TMV.......           in NY I waited 40 years, submitted 10 pounds of paperwork and was never able to get a permit....    live and learn.... 
  25. ...Unfortunately, lots of small pocket .380s here on the list.   These are NOT very good choices for carry.   I use these only when I have to pocket carry which is infrequent.   If I need to conceal, I carry the biggest gun that will work with the clothes I wearing.  


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