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About Camaro_nut2001

  • Birthday 08/20/1968

Profile Information

  • Location
    Mascot Tn
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Hand Guns, Classic Cars and hanging out with my buddies.
  • Occupation


  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
  • Military
  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Ruger SR9C
  • Carry Weapon #2
    Glock 42

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Established Contributor (3/5)



  1. Nice work!!!
  2. Hello neighbor, my parents live on their farm right off E. Brushy Valley.
  3. Very nice!!!
  4. I would like to have them.
  5. Sweet!!! My EDC is a SR9C and I love it.
  6. Very good work!!! If you don't care, post a picture when you're finished with it. Man it looks good!!
  7. That's a cool looking jam system you got there!! It's been awesome around here to. My Mother told me they spent around $400.00 on fireworks this year. That's one of the things my Dad does for the boys every year. They're 10, 8 and 6 years old and the oldest got his first deer rifle this year, a Ruger .243, and he is ready to hit the woods with Pap's!!!
  8. Very Nice!!!
  9. Oh ok I see. I've saw those on a few You Tube video's. Is there not suppose to be a cover or something over the concrete? It looks to me like it would scratch a firearm up unless it was laid down very carefully. Thanks for posting the pictures.
  10. This is probably gonna sound strange but could you post a picture of what it's gonna look like completed? I can't picture in my mind what in the heck it is, lol, as I only go to one range and that's Bud's in Sevierville, an indoor range.
  11. Yes I am completely happy as I really love my Ruger SR9C but have and will continue to rely on my Bersa's, Glock's, S & W's etc etc. I love and rely on all my firearms for one reason or another.
  12. WOW!!!! Unbelievable collection!!!
  13. This is the way I am. I live alone as well and everybody that knows me, including my female friend, calls or texts me before they come to my house. I have 3 nephews ages 6, 8 and 10 and one of them comes with Pap's, my Father, every Tuesday morning. He calls me EVERY Tuesday morning when he's about 5 minutes away to let me know which boy he has with him. The oldest hunts with Pap's, has taken the hunter safety course, has his own gun and knows every gun is loaded and not to touch it unless he is given permission. The other two haven't started hunting yet but the 8yr old has his own BB gun that stays in the safe at my parents house. He get's to shoot it, supervised by Pap's, when he comes over to visit sometimes. I'm in a wheelchair now, have MS, and have a gun, that is "hot", on me at all times in an ankle holster. Also I may have one or two laying on the table that have just been cleaned or I am going to clean. If he has the youngest one with him I do put any gun's that are laying out back in the safe and also unholster my carry gun and put it in the drawer that's in a table beside my recliner until they leave. He likes to sit in my lap and drive my chair so I don't take any chances of his foot accidentally kicking the gun while he's in my lap. I was raised around gun's and started hunting with my Father when I was around 10yrs. old.


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